[MPICH] MPICH on a single machine

Yann Golanski yann at kierun.org
Fri Dec 9 03:17:41 CST 2005

Quoth Marc Glenn Jamon on Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 19:13:23 -0800
> I can compile MPI codes using mpicc. But if I run the
> compiled programs, there is no output and the
> execution seemed to stop or have encountered infinity.
> I'll have to press Ctrl+C to return to the console.
> Also it only happens when np is more than 1. I can run
> programs if np is 1.

Have you run the program with "mpirun -np XXX ./a.out"? ... If not,
your code will run as a single processor.  Make sure you start mpd as
Write a small code that just says:

int rank = MPI_get_rank();
MPI_Init(argc, argv);
if (master == rank)
  fprintf(stdout, "PING\n");
  fprintf(stdout, "ping from %d.", rank);

and see if that runs fine.

yann at kierun.org                  -=*=-                      www.kierun.org
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