Kevin McLaughlin mclaughlink at fusion.gat.com
Thu Sep 23 13:13:03 CDT 2021


I'm trying to use MOAB for some neutronics work, but I am running into a problem relating to PyMOAB. I built MOAB, and everything seems to be functioning, but I am unable to setup PyMOAB. PyMOAB isn't importable in python, and there is only a setup.py.in file, not a setup.py file. When I try to run setup.py.in, I get the error "No such file or directory: '@abs_builddir@/pymoab'". I'm sure this is some mistake on my part, but I can't figure this out. Could you advise on how I can get PyMOAB set up?

Thank you!

Kevin McLaughlin
office: 858-455-3641
mclaughlink at fusion.gat.com

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