[MOAB-dev] commit/MOAB: danwu: Updated NC writer and its unit test. Serial and parallel write should work now for MPAS.
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Tue Apr 29 17:06:02 CDT 2014
1 new commit in MOAB:
Changeset: 735eb40d80f7
Branch: master
User: danwu
Date: 2014-04-30 00:05:41
Summary: Updated NC writer and its unit test. Serial and parallel write should work now for MPAS.
Affected #: 3 files
diff --git a/src/io/NCWriteMPAS.cpp b/src/io/NCWriteMPAS.cpp
index 72dc35f..8058726 100644
--- a/src/io/NCWriteMPAS.cpp
+++ b/src/io/NCWriteMPAS.cpp
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "NCWriteMPAS.hpp"
#include "moab/WriteUtilIface.hpp"
+#include "MBTagConventions.hpp"
#define ERRORR(rval, str) \
if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) { _writeNC->mWriteIface->report_error("%s", str); return rval; }
@@ -22,12 +23,401 @@ NCWriteMPAS::~NCWriteMPAS()
ErrorCode NCWriteMPAS::collect_mesh_info()
+ Interface*& mbImpl = _writeNC->mbImpl;
+ std::vector<std::string>& dimNames = _writeNC->dimNames;
+ std::vector<int>& dimLens = _writeNC->dimLens;
+ Tag& mGlobalIdTag = _writeNC->mGlobalIdTag;
+ ErrorCode rval;
+ // Look for time dimension
+ std::vector<std::string>::iterator vecIt;
+ if ((vecIt = std::find(dimNames.begin(), dimNames.end(), "Time")) != dimNames.end())
+ tDim = vecIt - dimNames.begin();
+ else if ((vecIt = std::find(dimNames.begin(), dimNames.end(), "time")) != dimNames.end())
+ tDim = vecIt - dimNames.begin();
+ else {
+ ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "Couldn't find 'Time' or 'time' dimension.");
+ }
+ nTimeSteps = dimLens[tDim];
+ // Get number of levels
+ if ((vecIt = std::find(dimNames.begin(), dimNames.end(), "nVertLevels")) != dimNames.end())
+ levDim = vecIt - dimNames.begin();
+ else {
+ ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "Couldn't find 'nVertLevels' dimension.");
+ }
+ nLevels = dimLens[levDim];
+ Range local_verts;
+ rval = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(_fileSet, 0, local_verts);
+ ERRORR(rval, "Trouble getting local vertices in current file set.");
+ assert(!local_verts.empty());
+ // Depends on whether NO_EDGES read option is set or not
+ Range local_edges;
+ rval = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(_fileSet, 1, local_edges);
+ ERRORR(rval, "Trouble getting local edges in current file set.");
+ noEdges = local_edges.empty();
+ Range local_cells;
+ rval = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension(_fileSet, 2, local_cells);
+ ERRORR(rval, "Trouble getting local cells in current file set.");
+ assert(!local_cells.empty());
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+ bool& isParallel = _writeNC->isParallel;
+ if (isParallel) {
+ ParallelComm*& myPcomm = _writeNC->myPcomm;
+ int rank = myPcomm->proc_config().proc_rank();
+ int procs = myPcomm->proc_config().proc_size();
+ if (procs > 1) {
+ rval = myPcomm->filter_pstatus(local_verts, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT, -1, &localVertsOwned);
+ ERRORR(rval, "Trouble getting owned vertices in set.");
+ // Assume that PARALLEL_RESOLVE_SHARED_ENTS option is set
+ // We should avoid writing in parallel with overlapped data
+ if (procs - 1 == rank)
+ assert("PARALLEL_RESOLVE_SHARED_ENTS option is set" && localVertsOwned.size() < local_verts.size());
+ if (!noEdges) {
+ rval = myPcomm->filter_pstatus(local_edges, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT, -1, &localEdgesOwned);
+ ERRORR(rval, "Trouble getting owned edges in set.");
+ }
+ rval = myPcomm->filter_pstatus(local_cells, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT, -1, &localCellsOwned);
+ ERRORR(rval, "Trouble getting owned cells in set.");
+ }
+ else {
+ localVertsOwned = local_verts;
+ localEdgesOwned = local_edges;
+ localCellsOwned = local_cells;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Not running in parallel, but still with MPI
+ localVertsOwned = local_verts;
+ localEdgesOwned = local_edges;
+ localCellsOwned = local_cells;
+ }
+ localVertsOwned = local_verts;
+ localEdgesOwned = local_edges;
+ localCellsOwned = local_cells;
+ std::vector<int> gids(localVertsOwned.size());
+ rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data(mGlobalIdTag, localVertsOwned, &gids[0]);
+ ERRORR(rval, "Trouble getting global IDs on local vertices.");
+ // Restore localGidVerts
+ std::copy(gids.rbegin(), gids.rend(), range_inserter(localGidVertsOwned));
+ nLocalVerticesOwned = localGidVertsOwned.size();
+ gids.resize(localEdgesOwned.size());
+ rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data(mGlobalIdTag, localEdgesOwned, &gids[0]);
+ ERRORR(rval, "Trouble getting global IDs on local edges.");
+ // Restore localGidEdges
+ std::copy(gids.rbegin(), gids.rend(), range_inserter(localGidEdgesOwned));
+ nLocalEdgesOwned = localGidEdgesOwned.size();
+ gids.resize(localCellsOwned.size());
+ rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data(mGlobalIdTag, localCellsOwned, &gids[0]);
+ ERRORR(rval, "Trouble getting global IDs on local cells.");
+ // Restore localGidCells
+ std::copy(gids.rbegin(), gids.rend(), range_inserter(localGidCellsOwned));
+ nLocalCellsOwned = localGidCellsOwned.size();
+ return MB_SUCCESS;
-ErrorCode NCWriteMPAS::write_values(std::vector<std::string>& /* var_names */)
+ErrorCode NCWriteMPAS::collect_variable_data(std::vector<std::string>& var_names)
+ NCWriteHelper::collect_variable_data(var_names);
+ std::vector<std::string>& dimNames = _writeNC->dimNames;
+ std::vector<int>& dimLens = _writeNC->dimLens;
+ // Dimension numbers for other optional levels
+ std::vector<unsigned int> opt_lev_dims;
+ unsigned int lev_idx;
+ std::vector<std::string>::iterator vecIt;
+ // Get number of vertex levels P1
+ if ((vecIt = std::find(dimNames.begin(), dimNames.end(), "nVertLevelsP1")) != dimNames.end()) {
+ lev_idx = vecIt - dimNames.begin();
+ opt_lev_dims.push_back(lev_idx);
+ }
+ // Get number of vertex levels P2
+ if ((vecIt = std::find(dimNames.begin(), dimNames.end(), "nVertLevelsP2")) != dimNames.end()) {
+ lev_idx = vecIt - dimNames.begin();
+ opt_lev_dims.push_back(lev_idx);
+ }
+ // Get number of soil levels
+ if ((vecIt = std::find(dimNames.begin(), dimNames.end(), "nSoilLevels")) != dimNames.end()) {
+ lev_idx = vecIt - dimNames.begin();
+ opt_lev_dims.push_back(lev_idx);
+ }
+ std::map<std::string, WriteNC::VarData>& varInfo = _writeNC->varInfo;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < var_names.size(); i++) {
+ std::string varname = var_names[i];
+ std::map<std::string, WriteNC::VarData>::iterator vit = varInfo.find(varname);
+ if (vit == varInfo.end())
+ ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "Can't find one variable.");
+ WriteNC::VarData& currentVarData = vit->second;
+ std::vector<int>& varDims = currentVarData.varDims;
+ // If nVertLevels dimension is not found, try other optional levels such as nVertLevelsP1
+ if (std::find(varDims.begin(), varDims.end(), levDim) == varDims.end()) {
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < opt_lev_dims.size(); j++) {
+ if (std::find(varDims.begin(), varDims.end(), opt_lev_dims[j]) != varDims.end()) {
+ currentVarData.numLev = dimLens[opt_lev_dims[j]];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (currentVarData.has_tsteps) {
+ // Support non-set variables with 3 dimensions like (Time, nCells, nVertLevels), or
+ // 2 dimensions like (Time, nCells)
+ assert(3 == currentVarData.varDims.size() || 2 == currentVarData.varDims.size());
+ // Time should be the first dimension
+ assert(tDim == currentVarData.varDims[0]);
+ // Set up writeStarts and writeCounts
+ currentVarData.writeStarts.resize(3);
+ currentVarData.writeCounts.resize(3);
+ // First: Time
+ currentVarData.writeStarts[0] = 0; // This value is timestep dependent, will be set later
+ currentVarData.writeCounts[0] = 1;
+ // Next: nVertices / nCells / nEdges
+ switch (currentVarData.entLoc) {
+ case WriteNC::ENTLOCVERT:
+ // Vertices
+ // Start from the first localGidVerts
+ // Actually, this will be reset later for writing
+ currentVarData.writeStarts[1] = localGidVertsOwned[0] - 1;
+ currentVarData.writeCounts[1] = nLocalVerticesOwned;
+ break;
+ case WriteNC::ENTLOCFACE:
+ // Faces
+ // Start from the first localGidCells
+ // Actually, this will be reset later for writing
+ currentVarData.writeStarts[1] = localGidCellsOwned[0] - 1;
+ currentVarData.writeCounts[1] = nLocalCellsOwned;
+ break;
+ case WriteNC::ENTLOCEDGE:
+ // Edges
+ // Start from the first localGidEdges
+ // Actually, this will be reset later for writing
+ currentVarData.writeStarts[1] = localGidEdgesOwned[0] - 1;
+ currentVarData.writeCounts[1] = nLocalEdgesOwned;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "Unexpected entity location type for MPAS non-set variable.");
+ }
+ // Finally: nVertLevels or other optional levels, it is possible that there
+ // is no level dimension for this non-set variable
+ currentVarData.writeStarts[2] = 0;
+ currentVarData.writeCounts[2] = currentVarData.numLev;
+ }
+ // Get variable size
+ currentVarData.sz = 1;
+ for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx != currentVarData.writeCounts.size(); idx++)
+ currentVarData.sz *= currentVarData.writeCounts[idx];
+ }
+ return MB_SUCCESS;
+ErrorCode NCWriteMPAS::write_values(std::vector<std::string>& var_names)
+ Interface*& mbImpl = _writeNC->mbImpl;
+ std::set<std::string>& usedCoordinates = _writeNC->usedCoordinates;
+ std::set<std::string>& dummyVarNames = _writeNC->dummyVarNames;
+ std::map<std::string, WriteNC::VarData>& varInfo = _writeNC->varInfo;
+ int success;
+ Range* pLocalEntsOwned = NULL;
+ Range* pLocalGidEntsOwned = NULL;
+ // Now look at requested var_names; if they have time, we will have a list, and write one at a time
+ // For each variable tag in the indexed lists, write a time step data
+ // Assume the first dimension is time (need to check); if not, just write regularly
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < var_names.size(); i++) {
+ std::map<std::string, WriteNC::VarData>::iterator vit = varInfo.find(var_names[i]);
+ if (vit == varInfo.end())
+ ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "Can't find variable requested.");
+ WriteNC::VarData& variableData = vit->second;
+ int numTimeSteps = (int)variableData.varTags.size();
+ if (variableData.has_tsteps) {
+ // Time should be the first dimension
+ assert(tDim == variableData.varDims[0]);
+ // Assume this variable is on vertices for the time being
+ switch (variableData.entLoc) {
+ case WriteNC::ENTLOCVERT:
+ // Vertices
+ pLocalEntsOwned = &localVertsOwned;
+ pLocalGidEntsOwned = &localGidVertsOwned;
+ break;
+ case WriteNC::ENTLOCEDGE:
+ // Edges
+ pLocalEntsOwned = &localEdgesOwned;
+ pLocalGidEntsOwned = &localGidEdgesOwned;
+ break;
+ case WriteNC::ENTLOCFACE:
+ // Cells
+ pLocalEntsOwned = &localCellsOwned;
+ pLocalGidEntsOwned = &localGidCellsOwned;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "Unexpected entity location type for MPAS non-set variable.");
+ }
+ // A typical variable has 3 dimensions as (Time, nCells, nVertLevels)
+ // FIXME: Should use tstep_nums (from writing options) later
+ for (int j = 0; j < numTimeSteps; j++) {
+ // We will write one time step, and count will be one; start will be different
+ // Use tag_get_data instead of tag_iterate to get values, as localEntsOwned
+ // might not be contiguous.
+ variableData.writeStarts[0] = j; // This is time, again
+ std::vector<double> tag_data(pLocalEntsOwned->size() * variableData.numLev);
+ ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->tag_get_data(variableData.varTags[j], *pLocalEntsOwned, &tag_data[0]);
+ ERRORR(rval, "Trouble getting tag data on owned vertices.");
+ size_t nb_writes = pLocalGidEntsOwned->psize();
+ std::vector<int> requests(nb_writes), statuss(nb_writes);
+ size_t idxReq = 0;
+ // Now write from memory directly
+ switch (variableData.varDataType) {
+ case NC_DOUBLE: {
+ size_t indexInDoubleArray = 0;
+ size_t ic = 0;
+ for (Range::pair_iterator pair_iter = pLocalGidEntsOwned->pair_begin();
+ pair_iter != pLocalGidEntsOwned->pair_end(); ++pair_iter, ic++) {
+ EntityHandle starth = pair_iter->first;
+ EntityHandle endh = pair_iter->second;
+ variableData.writeStarts[1] = (NCDF_SIZE)(starth - 1);
+ variableData.writeCounts[1] = (NCDF_SIZE)(endh - starth + 1);
+ // Do a partial write, in each subrange
+ // Wait outside this loop
+ success = NCFUNCREQP(_vara_double)(_fileId, variableData.varId,
+ &(variableData.writeStarts[0]), &(variableData.writeCounts[0]),
+ &(tag_data[indexInDoubleArray]), &requests[idxReq++]);
+ success = NCFUNCAP(_vara_double)(_fileId, variableData.varId,
+ &(variableData.writeStarts[0]), &(variableData.writeCounts[0]),
+ &(tag_data[indexInDoubleArray]));
+ ERRORS(success, "Failed to read double data in loop");
+ // We need to increment the index in double array for the
+ // next subrange
+ indexInDoubleArray += (endh - starth + 1) * variableData.numLev;
+ }
+ assert(ic == pLocalGidEntsOwned->psize());
+ success = ncmpi_wait_all(_fileId, requests.size(), &requests[0], &statuss[0]);
+ ERRORS(success, "Failed on wait_all.");
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "Not implemented yet.");
+ }
+ }
+ } // if (variableData.has_tsteps)
+ else {
+ switch (variableData.varDataType) {
+ case NC_DOUBLE:
+ success = NCFUNCAP(_vara_double)(_fileId, variableData.varId, &variableData.writeStarts[0],
+ &variableData.writeCounts[0], (double*)(variableData.memoryHogs[0]));
+ ERRORS(success, "Failed to write double data.");
+ break;
+ default:
+ ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "Not implemented yet.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Write coordinates used by requested var_names
+ // Use independent I/O mode put, since this write is only for the root processor
+ // CAUTION: if the NetCDF ID is from a previous call to ncmpi_create rather than ncmpi_open,
+ // all processors need to call ncmpi_begin_indep_data(). If only the root processor does so,
+ // ncmpi_begin_indep_data() call will be blocked forever :(
+ // Enter independent I/O mode
+ success = NCFUNC(begin_indep_data)(_fileId);
+ ERRORS(success, "Failed to begin independent I/O mode.");
+ int rank = 0;
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+ bool& isParallel = _writeNC->isParallel;
+ if (isParallel) {
+ ParallelComm*& myPcomm = _writeNC->myPcomm;
+ rank = myPcomm->proc_config().proc_rank();
+ }
+ if (0 == rank) {
+ for (std::set<std::string>::iterator setIt = usedCoordinates.begin();
+ setIt != usedCoordinates.end(); ++setIt) {
+ const std::string& coordName = *setIt;
+ // Skip dummy coordinate variables (e.g. ncol)
+ if (dummyVarNames.find(coordName) != dummyVarNames.end())
+ continue;
+ std::map<std::string, WriteNC::VarData>::iterator vit = varInfo.find(coordName);
+ if (vit == varInfo.end())
+ ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "Can't find one coordinate variable.");
+ WriteNC::VarData& varCoordData = vit->second;
+ switch (varCoordData.varDataType) {
+ case NC_DOUBLE:
+ // Independent I/O mode put
+ success = NCFUNCP(_vara_double)(_fileId, varCoordData.varId, &varCoordData.writeStarts[0],
+ &varCoordData.writeCounts[0], (double*)(varCoordData.memoryHogs[0]));
+ ERRORS(success, "Failed to write double data.");
+ break;
+ case NC_INT:
+ // Independent I/O mode put
+ success = NCFUNCP(_vara_int)(_fileId, varCoordData.varId, &varCoordData.writeStarts[0],
+ &varCoordData.writeCounts[0], (int*)(varCoordData.memoryHogs[0]));
+ ERRORS(success, "Failed to write int data.");
+ break;
+ default:
+ ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "Not implemented yet.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // End independent I/O mode
+ success = NCFUNC(end_indep_data)(_fileId);
+ ERRORS(success, "Failed to end independent I/O mode.");
+ return MB_SUCCESS;
} /* namespace moab */
diff --git a/src/io/NCWriteMPAS.hpp b/src/io/NCWriteMPAS.hpp
index 702984f..89842f3 100644
--- a/src/io/NCWriteMPAS.hpp
+++ b/src/io/NCWriteMPAS.hpp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class NCWriteMPAS: public UcdNCWriteHelper
NCWriteMPAS(WriteNC* writeNC, int fileId, const FileOptions& opts, EntityHandle fileSet)
-: UcdNCWriteHelper(writeNC, fileId, opts, fileSet) {}
+: UcdNCWriteHelper(writeNC, fileId, opts, fileSet), noEdges(false) {}
virtual ~NCWriteMPAS();
@@ -26,7 +26,13 @@ private:
virtual ErrorCode collect_mesh_info();
//! Collect data for specified variables
+ virtual ErrorCode collect_variable_data(std::vector<std::string>& var_names);
+ //! Implementation of NCWriteHelper::write_values()
virtual ErrorCode write_values(std::vector<std::string>& var_names);
+ bool noEdges;
} // namespace moab
diff --git a/test/io/write_nc.cpp b/test/io/write_nc.cpp
index f48e4c6..740ec5f 100644
--- a/test/io/write_nc.cpp
+++ b/test/io/write_nc.cpp
@@ -71,10 +71,11 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
result += RUN_TEST(test_eul_check_T);
result += RUN_TEST(test_eul_read_write_append);
result += RUN_TEST(test_fv_read_write_T);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_fv_check_T);
result += RUN_TEST(test_homme_read_write_T);
result += RUN_TEST(test_homme_check_T);
- // result += RUN_TEST(test_mpas_read_write_vars);
- // result += RUN_TEST(test_mpas_check_vars);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_mpas_read_write_vars);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_mpas_check_vars);
#ifdef USE_MPI
fail = MPI_Finalize();
@@ -235,6 +236,7 @@ void test_eul_check_T()
// We read and write variables T and U; U after we write T, so we append
// we will also write gw, just to test the file after writing
void test_eul_read_write_append()
@@ -453,7 +455,7 @@ void test_homme_read_write_T()
// Write variables T, lat and lon
- std::string write_opts = ";;VARIABLE=T,lat,lon;DEBUG_IO=0;";
+ std::string write_opts = ";;VARIABLE=T,lat,lon;DEBUG_IO=0";
#ifdef USE_MPI
// Use parallel options
write_opts += std::string(";PARALLEL=WRITE_PART");
@@ -613,7 +615,7 @@ void test_mpas_read_write_vars()
// Write variables u, ke and vorticity (no mesh information)
- std::string write_opts = ";;VARIABLE=u,ke,vorticity;DEBUG_IO=0;";
+ std::string write_opts = ";;VARIABLE=u,ke,vorticity;DEBUG_IO=0";
#ifdef USE_MPI
// Use parallel options
write_opts += std::string(";PARALLEL=WRITE_PART");
@@ -649,9 +651,9 @@ void test_mpas_check_vars()
std::string filename;
if (procs > 1)
- filename = "test_mpas_vars.nc";
- else
filename = "test_par_mpas_vars.nc";
+ else
+ filename = "test_mpas_vars.nc";
success = NCFUNC(open)(MPI_COMM_SELF, filename.c_str(), NC_NOWRITE, MPI_INFO_NULL, &ncid);
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