[MOAB-dev] commit/MOAB: iulian07: as promised, remove first parallel intersection algorithm

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Fri Jan 3 10:16:07 CST 2014

1 new commit in MOAB:

Changeset:   65fc7f0fa1ca
Branch:      master
User:        iulian07
Date:        2014-01-03 17:11:49
Summary:     as promised, remove first parallel intersection algorithm

it was cluttering the space, and it was unused
it was following ideas from locate points in
coupler, but it did not work

removing unused code is always good, although dissapointing for the

Affected #:  2 files

diff --git a/tools/mbcslam/Intx2Mesh.cpp b/tools/mbcslam/Intx2Mesh.cpp
index 416315e..c1da3fd 100644
--- a/tools/mbcslam/Intx2Mesh.cpp
+++ b/tools/mbcslam/Intx2Mesh.cpp
@@ -430,647 +430,7 @@ void Intx2Mesh::clean()
-ErrorCode Intx2Mesh::initialize_local_kdtree(EntityHandle euler_set)
-  if (myTree)
-    return MB_SUCCESS;
-  // get the DP tag, and values for each node in the euler set
-    // get forst all entities in the set
-  parcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(mb, 0);
-  if (NULL==parcomm)
-    return MB_FAILURE;
-  Range local_ents;
-  ErrorCode rval = mb->get_entities_by_dimension(euler_set, 2, local_ents);
-  ERRORR(rval, "can't get ents by dimension");
-    //get entities on the local part
-  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
-      // build the tree for local processor
-  int numIts = 3;
-  int max_per_leaf = 6;
-  for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i++) {
-    std::ostringstream ostr;
-    ostr << "CANDIDATE_PLANE_SET=SUBDIVISION;MAX_PER_LEAF=" << max_per_leaf;
-    FileOptions opts(ostr.str().c_str());
-    myTree = new AdaptiveKDTree(mb);
-    result = myTree->build_tree(local_ents, &localRoot, &opts);
-    if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
-      std::cout << "Problems building tree";
-      if (numIts != i) {
-        delete myTree;
-        max_per_leaf *= 2;
-        std::cout << "; increasing elements/leaf to "
-                  << max_per_leaf << std::endl;;
-      }
-      else {
-        std::cout << "; exiting" << std::endl;
-        return result;
-      }
-    }
-    else
-      break; // get out of tree building
-  }
-    // get the bounding box for local tree
-  if (parcomm)
-    allBoxes.resize(6*parcomm->proc_config().proc_size());
-  else allBoxes.resize(6);
-  my_rank = (parcomm ? parcomm->proc_config().proc_rank() : 0);
-  BoundBox box;
-  result = myTree->get_bounding_box(box);
-  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
-  box.bMin.get(&allBoxes[6*my_rank]);
-  box.bMax.get(&allBoxes[6*my_rank+3]);
-    // now communicate to get all boxes
-    // use "in place" option
-  if (parcomm) {
-    int mpi_err = MPI_Allgather(MPI_IN_PLACE, 0, MPI_DATATYPE_NULL,
-                                &allBoxes[0], 6, MPI_DOUBLE,
-                                parcomm->proc_config().proc_comm());
-    if (MPI_SUCCESS != mpi_err) return MB_FAILURE;
-  }
-  #ifndef NDEBUG
-    double min[3] = {0,0,0}, max[3] = {0,0,0};
-    unsigned int dep;
-    myTree->get_info(localRoot, min, max, dep);
-    std::cout << "Proc " << my_rank << ": box min/max, tree depth = ("
-              << min[0] << "," << min[1] << "," << min[2] << "), ("
-              << max[0] << "," << max[1] << "," << max[2] << "), "
-              << dep << std::endl;
-  #endif
-  return MB_SUCCESS;
-// this will work in parallel only
-ErrorCode Intx2Mesh::locate_departure_points(EntityHandle euler_set)
-  // get the par comm ...
-  // create local search tree if not created yet
-  ErrorCode  rval = initialize_local_kdtree(euler_set);
-  if (MB_SUCCESS!=rval)
-    return rval;
-  // get the DP tag, and values for each node in the euler set
-  // get first all entities in the set
-  localEnts.clear(); // just to make sure :)
-  rval = mb->get_entities_by_dimension(euler_set, 2, localEnts);
-  ERRORR(rval, "can't get ents by dimension");
-  // get all the owned nodes on this euler set
-  Range local_verts;
-  rval = mb->get_connectivity(localEnts, local_verts);
-  Range all_local_verts=local_verts;
-  if (parcomm)
-  {
-    // get only those that are owned by this proc
-    rval = parcomm->filter_pstatus(local_verts, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT);
-    ERRORR(rval, "can't filter verts");
-    rval = parcomm->filter_pstatus(localEnts, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, PSTATUS_NOT);
-    ERRORR(rval, "can't filter elements");
-    // just in case we do not have global ids for vertices and elements :)
-    rval = parcomm->check_global_ids(euler_set, 2);
-    ERRORR(rval, "can't get global ids for elements and vertices");
-  }
-  rval = locate_departure_points(local_verts);
-  ERRORR(rval, "can't locate departure points");
-  // experience the exchange tags;
-  // the LOC tag should be set on the owned nodes only, but try to
-  if(parcomm)
-  {
-    Tag loctag;
-    rval = mb->tag_get_handle("LOC", 2, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, loctag, MB_TAG_DENSE);
-    ERRORR(rval, "can't get LOC tag");
-    std::vector<Tag> tags;
-    tags.push_back(loctag);
-    rval = parcomm->exchange_tags(tags, tags, all_local_verts);
-    ERRORR(rval, "can't exchange tags");
-    /*for (Range::iterator it=all_local_verts.begin(); it!=all_local_verts.end(); it++)
-    {
-      int loc[2];
-      EntityHandle vert=*it;
-      rval = mb->tag_get_data(loctag, &vert, 1, loc);
-      if (rval==MB_SUCCESS)
-      {
-        std::cout<< " after: vertex: "<< vert << " loc: "<< loc[0] << " " << loc[1]<< " \n";
-      }
-    }*/
-  }
-  return MB_SUCCESS;
-// store
-ErrorCode Intx2Mesh::locate_departure_points(Range & local_verts)
-  // get the DP tag , and get the departure points
-  Tag tagh = 0;
-  std::string tag_name("DP");
-  ErrorCode rval = mb->tag_get_handle(tag_name.c_str(), 3, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, tagh, MB_TAG_DENSE);
-  ERRORR(rval, "can't get DP tag");
-  int num_owned_verts = (int)local_verts.size();
-  std::vector<double> dep_points(3*num_owned_verts);
-  rval = mb->tag_get_data(tagh, local_verts, (void*)&dep_points[0]);
-  ERRORR(rval, "can't get DP tag values");
-  // create LOC tag
-  std::string loc_tag("LOC");
-  Tag tag_loc = 0;
-  int def_val[2]={-1,-1};
-  rval = mb->tag_get_handle(loc_tag.c_str(), 2, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tag_loc, MB_TAG_DENSE|MB_TAG_CREAT, (void*)def_val);
-  ERRORR(rval, "can't create LOC tag");
-  // replicate some of coupler algorithm locate_points
-  // differences: work in 2d, so we will be interested in interior or boundary of a quad/triangle
-  // we will not store yet the parametric position; sphere geometry involves gnomonic projection
-    // target_pts: TL(to_proc, tgt_index, x, y, z): tuples sent to source mesh procs representing pts to be located
-    // source_pts: TL(from_proc, tgt_index, src_index): results of source mesh proc point location, ready to send
-    //             back to tgt procs; src_index of -1 indicates point not located (arguably not useful...)
-  TupleList target_pts;
-  target_pts.initialize(2, 0, 0, 3, num_owned_verts);
-  target_pts.enableWriteAccess();
-  TupleList source_pts;
-  // store the remote handle (element) where the point is located in
-  // we do not need another array like mappedPts or locs
-  source_pts.initialize(3, 0, 0, 0, target_pts.get_max());
-  source_pts.enableWriteAccess();
-  source_pts.set_n(0);
-  ErrorCode result;
-    // for each point, find box(es) containing the point,
-    // appending results to tuple_list;
-    // keep local points separately, in local_pts, which has pairs
-    // of <local_index, mapped_index>, where mapped_index is the index
-    // of <local_index, mapped_index>, where mapped_index is the index
-    // into the locs list of elements where the points were located
-  //my_rank = (parcomm ? parcomm->proc_config().proc_rank() : 0);
-  for (int i = 0; i < 3*num_owned_verts; i+=3)
-  {
-    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < (parcomm ? parcomm->proc_config().proc_size() : 0); j++)
-    {
-        // test if point is in proc's box
-      if ( (allBoxes[6*j] <= dep_points[i] + box_error) && ( dep_points[i] <= allBoxes[6*j+3]+ box_error) &&
-           (allBoxes[6*j+1] <= dep_points[i+1]+ box_error) && (dep_points[i+1] <= allBoxes[6*j+4]+ box_error) &&
-           (allBoxes[6*j+2] <= dep_points[i+2]+ box_error) && (dep_points[i+2] <= allBoxes[6*j+5]+ box_error))
-      {
-          // if in this proc's box, will send to proc to test further
-          // check size, grow if we're at max
-        if (target_pts.get_n() == target_pts.get_max())
-          target_pts.resize(std::max(10.0, 1.5*target_pts.get_max()));
-        target_pts.vi_wr[2*target_pts.get_n()] = j; // send to processor j, because its box has the point
-        target_pts.vi_wr[2*target_pts.get_n()+1] = i/3; // index in the local_verts range
-        target_pts.vr_wr[3*target_pts.get_n()] = dep_points[i];  // departure position, of the node local_verts[i]
-        target_pts.vr_wr[3*target_pts.get_n()+1] = dep_points[i+1];
-        target_pts.vr_wr[3*target_pts.get_n()+2] = dep_points[i+2];
-        target_pts.inc_n();
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        continue;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  int num_to_me = 0;
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < target_pts.get_n(); i++)
-    if (target_pts.vi_rd[2*i] == (int)my_rank) num_to_me++;
-  printf("rank: %d local points: %d, nb sent target pts: %d  num to me: %d \n",
-         my_rank, num_owned_verts, target_pts.get_n(), num_to_me);
-    // perform scatter/gather, to gather points to source mesh procs
-  if (parcomm) {
-    (parcomm->proc_config().crystal_router())->gs_transfer(1, target_pts, 0);
-    int num_from_me = 0;
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < target_pts.get_n(); i++)
-      if (target_pts.vi_rd[2*i] == (int)my_rank) num_from_me++;
-    printf("rank: %d after first gs nb received_pts: %d; num_from_me = %d\n",
-           my_rank, target_pts.get_n(), num_from_me);
-      // after scatter/gather:
-      // target_pts.set_n( # points local proc has to map );
-      // target_pts.vi_wr[3*i] = proc sending point i
-      // target_pts.vi_wr[3*i+1] = index of point i on sending proc
-      // target_pts.vr_wr[3*i..3*i+2] = xyz of point i
-      //
-      // Mapping builds the tuple list:
-      // source_pts.set_n (target_pts.get_n() )
-      // source_pts.vi_wr[3*i] = target_pts.vi_wr[2*i] = sending proc
-      // source_pts.vi_wr[3*i+1] = index of point i on sending proc
-      // source_pts.vi_wr[3*i+2] = index of element in localEnts (-1 if not found)
-      //
-      // test target points against my elements
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < target_pts.get_n(); i++)
-    {
-      // now, for each point, see if we have a local element that has it
-      result = test_local_box(target_pts.vr_wr+3*i, // position of point to be located on local proc
-                              target_pts.vi_rd[2*i], // proc sending point i; we will send back the info about the entity it was located in
-                              target_pts.vi_rd[2*i+1], // index of point i on sending proc
-                              &source_pts);
-      if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
-    }
-      // no longer need target_pts
-    target_pts.reset();
-    printf("rank: %d nb sent source pts: %d\n",
-           my_rank, source_pts.get_n() );
-      // send target points back to target procs
-    (parcomm->proc_config().crystal_router())->gs_transfer(1, source_pts, 0);
-    printf("rank: %d nb received source pts: %d\n",
-           my_rank, source_pts.get_n());
-  }
-  // so now, after second router call, source_pts contain:
-  // proc were it was located, index of the point in the local_list (remote index is now again local)
-  // and the index of the element in the locs array it was located in
-  // if this last index is -1, it means the point was not located on the proc it was sent to
-  // we should order by the local index first, and see if we have one point that was not located
-  int max_size = 3*source_pts.get_n();
-  TupleList::buffer sort_buffer;
-  sort_buffer.buffer_init(max_size);
-  //source_pts.print("print1");
-  source_pts.sort(1, &sort_buffer);// this is the local index; for each point we need at least one element and one proc
-  //source_pts.print("print2");
-  // now, on each of the local points, find the first location, and set it
-  // now, we have one each target point, the proc and corresponding element local handle
-  // source_pts.get_n( #  );/ we will also get 0 in el handle, which is not good
-  // after sorting by index in the local_verts, we loop the source_pts
-  int N=(int)source_pts.get_n();
-  Range found_points;
-  for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
-  {
-    // we will look at the first point
-    int index_in_el_range=source_pts.vi_rd[3*i+2];
-    if (-1==index_in_el_range)
-      continue;
-    int location[2]={source_pts.vi_rd[3*i], index_in_el_range};// processor, index in local range
-    EntityHandle local_vert=local_verts[source_pts.vi_rd[3*i+1]];
-    rval = mb->tag_set_data(tag_loc, &local_vert, 1, (void*)location);
-    ERRORR(rval, "can't set the location tag");
-    found_points.insert(local_vert);
-  }
-  printf("found points on this proc: %d\n", (int)found_points.size());
-    // done
-  return MB_SUCCESS;
-ErrorCode Intx2Mesh::test_local_box(double *xyz,
-                                      int from_proc, int remote_index,
-                                  TupleList *tl)
-  std::vector<EntityHandle> entities;
-  ErrorCode result = inside_entities(xyz, entities);
-  if (MB_SUCCESS != result) return result;
-    // if we didn't find any ents and we're looking locally, nothing more to do
-  if (entities.empty())
-  {
-    if (tl->get_n() == tl->get_max())
-      tl->resize(std::max(10.0, 1.5*tl->get_max()));
-    tl->vi_wr[3 * tl->get_n()] = from_proc;
-    tl->vi_wr[3 * tl->get_n() + 1] = remote_index;
-    tl->vi_wr[3 * tl->get_n() + 2] = -1 ;
-    tl->inc_n();
-    return MB_SUCCESS;
-  }
-  std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator eit = entities.begin();
-  for (; eit != entities.end(); eit++) {
-    if (tl->get_n() == tl->get_max())
-      tl->resize(std::max(10.0, 1.5*tl->get_max()));
-      // store in tuple source_pts ; send back to source processor:
-    //  remote_index, which is the index of the original point in the local list
-    // and the index in the locs vector, which is actually locations (elements)
-    tl->vi_wr[3*tl->get_n()] = from_proc;// send it back to the processor that send this point
-    tl->vi_wr[3*tl->get_n()+1] = remote_index;
-    EntityHandle eh=*eit;
-    Range::iterator it = localEnts.find(eh);
-    if (it == localEnts.end())
-    {
-      ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "can't find the element in local entities");
-    }
-    tl->vi_wr[3* tl->get_n() + 2] = (int) (it-localEnts.begin());// so this will be the element in that has the point
-    tl->inc_n();
-  }
-  //point_located = true;
-  return MB_SUCCESS;
-ErrorCode Intx2Mesh::inside_entities(double xyz[3],
-                                 std::vector<EntityHandle> &entities)
-  double epsilon = this->box_error;//1.e-10; try to get some close boxes, because of the
-  // the curvature that can appear on a sphere
-  std::vector<EntityHandle> leaves;
-  ErrorCode result;
-  if (epsilon) {
-    std::vector<double> dists;
-    result = myTree->distance_search(xyz, epsilon, leaves, 0.0, &dists);
-    if (leaves.empty())
-      // not found returns success here, with empty list, just like case with no epsilon
-      return MB_SUCCESS;
-  }
-  else {
-    EntityHandle leaf;
-    result = myTree->point_search(xyz, leaf);
-    if(MB_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND==result) //point is outside of myTree's bounding box
-      return MB_SUCCESS;
-    else if (MB_SUCCESS != result) {
-      std::cout << "Problems getting leaf \n";
-      return result;
-    }
-    leaves.push_back(leaf);
-  }
-  Range range_leaf;
-  for (unsigned int i=0; i< leaves.size(); i++)
-  {
-    // add to the range_leaf all candidates
-    result = mb->get_entities_by_dimension(leaves[i], 2, range_leaf, false);
-    if(result != MB_SUCCESS) std::cout << "Problem getting leaf in a range" << std::endl;
-  }
-  // loop over the range_leaf
-  for(Range::iterator iter = range_leaf.begin(); iter != range_leaf.end(); iter++)
-  {
-    //test to find out in which entity the point is
-    //get the EntityType and create the appropriate Element::Map subtype
-    // if spectral, do not need coordinates, just the GL points
-    EntityHandle eh=*iter;
-    if (is_inside_element(xyz, eh))
-    {
-      entities.push_back(eh);
-    }
-  }
-  //didn't find any elements containing the point
-  return MB_SUCCESS;
-ErrorCode Intx2Mesh::create_departure_mesh(EntityHandle & covering_lagr_set)
-  // the elements are already in localEnts; get all vertices, and DP and LOC tag
-  // get the DP tag , and get the departure points
-  std::map<int, EntityHandle> globalID_to_handle;
-/*  std::map<int, EntityHandle> globalID_to_eh;*/
-  std::map<int, Range> rs;
-  std::set<int> ps; // processors working with my_rank
-  Tag dpTag = 0;
-  std::string tag_name("DP");
-  ErrorCode rval = mb->tag_get_handle(tag_name.c_str(), 3, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, dpTag, MB_TAG_DENSE);
-  ERRORR(rval, "can't get DP tag");
-  // get all local verts
-  Range local_verts;
-  rval = mb->get_connectivity(localEnts, local_verts);
-  int num_local_verts = (int) local_verts.size();
-  ERRORR(rval, "can't get local vertices");
-  int num_owned_verts = (int)local_verts.size();
-  std::vector<double> dep_points(3*num_owned_verts);
-  rval = mb->tag_get_data(dpTag, local_verts, (void*)&dep_points[0]);
-  ERRORR(rval, "can't get DP tag values");
-  // get LOC tag, that was created before
-  std::string loc_tag("LOC");
-  Tag locTag = 0;
-  rval = mb->tag_get_handle(loc_tag.c_str(), 2, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, locTag, MB_TAG_DENSE);
-  ERRORR(rval, "can't get LOC tag");
-  Tag gid;
-  rval = mb->tag_get_handle(GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, gid, MB_TAG_DENSE);
-  ERRORR(rval,"can't get global ID tag" );
-  // create vertices for DP points in this rank
-  // count how many to send; if LOC(0) != rank, we have to send to other LOC(0)
-  unsigned int v_to_send =0, q_to_send =0;
-  my_rank = 0;
-  std::vector<int> locs(num_local_verts*2);// fill it with loc info for vertex
-  if (this->parcomm)
-  {
-    //my_rank = parcomm->proc_config().proc_rank();
-    rval = mb->tag_get_data(locTag, local_verts, &locs[0]);
-    ERRORR(rval, "can't get value for LOC tag");
-    // look at every owned quad
-    for (Range::iterator itq=localEnts.begin(); itq!=localEnts.end(); itq++ )
-    {
-      const EntityHandle * conn4;
-      EntityHandle q=*itq;
-      int num_nodes;
-      std::set<int> ptmp;
-      rval = mb->get_connectivity(q, conn4, num_nodes);
-      ERRORR(rval, "can't get connectivity for quad");
-      for (int i=0; i<num_nodes; i++)
-      {
-        int v=conn4[i];
-        int index = (int)(local_verts.find(v)-local_verts.begin());
-        int proc = locs[2*index]; // where it was located
-        ptmp.insert(proc);
-      }
-      for (std::set<int>::iterator sit=ptmp.begin(); sit!=ptmp.end(); sit++)
-      {
-        int proc = *sit;
-        rs[proc].insert(q);
-        std::copy(conn4, conn4+num_nodes, range_inserter(rs[proc]) );
-      }
-      ps.insert(ptmp.begin(), ptmp.end());
-    }
-  }
-  std::vector<int> gids(num_local_verts);
-  rval = mb->tag_get_data(gid, local_verts, &gids[0]);
-  ERRORR(rval, "can't get gid tag");
-  // count now how many vertices and quads are to be sent to other processors
-  for (std::set<int>::iterator st=ps.begin(); st!=ps.end(); st++)
-  {
-    int to_proc=*st;
-    if ((int)my_rank==to_proc)
-      continue;
-    Range & procRange = rs[to_proc];
-    v_to_send += procRange.num_of_type( MBVERTEX);
-    q_to_send += procRange.num_of_type(MBQUAD);
-  }
-  TupleList TLv;
-  TupleList TLq;
-  TLv.initialize(2, 0, 0, 3, v_to_send); // to proc, GLOBAL ID, DP points
-  TLv.enableWriteAccess();
-  TLq.initialize(6, 0, 0, 0, q_to_send); // to proc, elem GLOBAL ID, connectivity[4] (global ID v)
-  TLq.enableWriteAccess();
-  // is the global ID of the element needed? maybe not...
-  // at least one of the nodes is in the interior of the proc area, so the whole element needs
-  // to be copied on that processor ...
-  if (parcomm)
-  {
-    Range local=rs[my_rank];
-    Range local_dp_verts = local.subset_by_type(MBVERTEX);
-    for (Range::iterator it=local_dp_verts.begin(); it!=local_dp_verts.end(); it++)
-    {
-      int lv = *it;
-      unsigned int i = local_verts.find(lv)-local_verts.begin();
-      double posDP[3]={dep_points[3*i], dep_points[3*i+1], dep_points[3*i+2] };
-      // create a vertex at DP point
-      EntityHandle new_vert;
-      rval = mb->create_vertex(posDP, new_vert);
-      ERRORR(rval, "can't create new vertex");
-      globalID_to_handle[gids[i]]=new_vert;
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    // need to send everything to local proc; why worry about nothing?
-  }
-  if (parcomm)
-  {
-    for (std::set<int>::iterator st=ps.begin(); st!=ps.end(); st++)
-    {
-      int to_proc=*st;
-      if (to_proc==(int)my_rank)
-        continue;
-      Range & procRange = rs[to_proc];
-      Range V = procRange.subset_by_type(MBVERTEX);
-      for (Range::iterator it=V.begin(); it!=V.end(); it++)
-      {
-        EntityHandle v=*it;
-        unsigned int index = local_verts.find(v)-local_verts.begin();
-        int n=TLv.get_n();
-        TLv.vi_wr[2*n] = to_proc; // send to processor
-        TLv.vi_wr[2*n+1] = gids[index]; // global id needs index in the local_verts range
-        TLv.vr_wr[3*n] = dep_points[3*index];  // departure position, of the node local_verts[i]
-        TLv.vr_wr[3*n+1] = dep_points[3*index+1];
-        TLv.vr_wr[3*n+2] = dep_points[3*index+2];
-        TLv.inc_n();
-      }
-      // also, prep the quad for sending ...
-      Range Q = procRange.subset_by_type(MBQUAD);
-      for (Range::iterator it=Q.begin(); it!=Q.end(); it++)
-      {
-        EntityHandle q=*it;
-        int global_id;
-        rval = mb->tag_get_data(gid, &q, 1, &global_id);
-        ERRORR(rval, "can't get gid for quad");
-        int n=TLq.get_n();
-        TLq.vi_wr[6*n] = to_proc; //
-        TLq.vi_wr[6*n+1] = global_id; // global id of element, used to identify it ...
-        const EntityHandle * conn4;
-        int num_nodes;
-        rval = mb->get_connectivity(q, conn4, num_nodes);
-        ERRORR(rval, "can't get connectivity for quad");
-        for (int i=0; i<num_nodes; i++)
-        {
-          EntityHandle v = conn4[i];
-          unsigned int index = local_verts.find(v)-local_verts.begin();
-          TLq.vi_wr[6*n+2+i] = gids[index];
-        }
-        TLq.inc_n();
-      }
-    }
-    // now we are done populating the tuples; route them to the appropriate processors
-    (parcomm->proc_config().crystal_router())->gs_transfer(1, TLv, 0);
-    (parcomm->proc_config().crystal_router())->gs_transfer(1, TLq, 0);
-    // now, look at every TLv, and see if we have to create a vertex there or not
-    int n=TLv.get_n();// the size of the points received
-    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
-    {
-      int globalId = TLv.vi_rd[2*i+1];
-      if (globalID_to_handle.find(globalId)==globalID_to_handle.end())
-      {
-        EntityHandle new_vert;
-        double coords[3]= {TLv.vr_wr[3*i], TLv.vr_wr[3*i+1],  TLv.vr_wr[3*i+2]};
-        rval = mb->create_vertex(coords, new_vert);
-        ERRORR(rval, "can't create new vertex ");
-        globalID_to_handle[globalId]= new_vert;
-      }
-    }
-    // now, all dep points should be at their place (procs)
-    // look in the local list of q for this proc, and create all those quads
-    Range local=rs[my_rank];
-    Range local_q = local.subset_by_type(MBQUAD);
-    // the local should have all the vertices by now
-    for (Range::iterator it=local_q.begin(); it!=local_q.end(); it++)
-    {
-      EntityHandle q=*it;
-      int nnodes;
-      const EntityHandle * conn4;
-      rval = mb->get_connectivity(q, conn4, nnodes);
-      ERRORR(rval, "can't get connectivity of local q ");
-      EntityHandle new_conn[4];
-      for (int i=0; i<nnodes; i++)
-      {
-        EntityHandle v1=conn4[i];
-        unsigned int index = local_verts.find(v1)-local_verts.begin();
-        assert(globalID_to_handle.find(gids[index])!=globalID_to_handle.end());
-        new_conn[i] = globalID_to_handle[gids[index]];
-      }
-      EntityHandle new_quad;
-      rval = mb->create_element(MBQUAD, new_conn, 4, new_quad);
-      ERRORR(rval, "can't create new quad ");
-      rval = mb->add_entities(covering_lagr_set, &new_quad, 1);
-      ERRORR(rval, "can't add new quad to dep set");
-      int gid_el;
-      // get the global ID of the initial quad
-      rval=mb->tag_get_data(gid, &q, 1, &gid_el);
-      ERRORR(rval, "can't get element global ID ");
-      globalID_to_eh[gid_el]=new_quad;
-    }
-    // now look at all quads received through; we do not want to duplicate them
-    n=TLq.get_n();// number of quads received by this processor
-    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
-    {
-      int globalIdEl = TLq.vi_rd[6*i+1];
-      // do we already have a quad with this global ID, represented?
-      if (globalID_to_eh.find(globalIdEl)==globalID_to_eh.end())
-      {
-        // construct the conn quad
-        EntityHandle new_conn[4];
-        for (int j=0; j<4; j++)
-        {
-          int vgid = TLq.vi_rd[6*i+2+j];// vertex global ID
-          assert(globalID_to_handle.find(vgid)!=globalID_to_handle.end());
-          new_conn[j]=globalID_to_handle[vgid];
-        }
-        EntityHandle new_quad;
-        rval = mb->create_element(MBQUAD, new_conn, 4, new_quad);
-        ERRORR(rval, "can't create new quad ");
-        globalID_to_eh[globalIdEl]=new_quad;
-        rval = mb->add_entities(covering_lagr_set, &new_quad, 1);
-        ERRORR(rval, "can't add new quad to dep set");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // send global ID of the euler vertex and DP position
-  return MB_SUCCESS;
 ErrorCode Intx2Mesh::build_processor_euler_boxes(EntityHandle euler_set, Range & local_verts)

diff --git a/tools/mbcslam/Intx2Mesh.hpp b/tools/mbcslam/Intx2Mesh.hpp
index 6dcdc13..2daa052 100644
--- a/tools/mbcslam/Intx2Mesh.hpp
+++ b/tools/mbcslam/Intx2Mesh.hpp
@@ -75,21 +75,11 @@ public:
   // clean some memory allocated
   void clean();
-  ErrorCode initialize_local_kdtree(EntityHandle euler_set);
-  // this will work in parallel
-  ErrorCode locate_departure_points(EntityHandle euler_set); // get the points and elements from the local set
-  ErrorCode locate_departure_points(Range & local_verts);
-  ErrorCode test_local_box(double *xyz, int from_proc, int remote_index, TupleList *tl);
-  ErrorCode inside_entities(double xyz[3], std::vector<EntityHandle> &entities);
   // this will depend on the problem and element type; return true if on the border edge too
   virtual bool is_inside_element(double xyz[3], EntityHandle eh) = 0;
   void set_box_error(double berror)
    {box_error = berror;}
-  ErrorCode create_departure_mesh(EntityHandle & covering_lagr_set);
   ErrorCode create_departure_mesh_2nd_alg(EntityHandle & euler_set, EntityHandle & covering_lagr_set);
   // in this method, used in parallel, each departure elements are already created, and at their positions

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