[MOAB-dev] Neumann boundary condition

Iulian Grindeanu iulian at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Dec 11 15:25:00 CST 2013

a neumann set in moab is usually a set of boundary faces (quads in a hexahedral mesh, or triangles in a tetrahedral mesh) 
what kind of solver do you have? 
if you know the tag value, you can obtain the set that has that tag value, with something like 
R ange neumann_sets; 
Tag neu_tag; 
int value_neumann_tag= 100; // your value , set it accordingly 

mb->tag_get_handle(NEUMANN_SET_TAG_NAME, neu_tag, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER); 
mb->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(0, MBENTITYSET, &neu_tag, &value_neumann_tag, 1, neumann_sets); 

neumann_sets[0] should be your set. 

then you can get entities from it with 
Range entities; 
mb->get_entities_by_handle(neumann_sets[0], entities); 

Entities should be your quads or triangles. it is up to the specific solver syntax to set pressure on them (or other BCs) 

Maybe I didn't understand your question 

----- Original Message -----

| Hello MOAB-dev,

| Can you please explain how can i set a certain Neumann boundary
| condition
| for selected set of faces via NEUMANN_SET tag?

| For example the normal derivative of pressure

| Thanks
| Anton
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