[MOAB-dev] mixed mesh question

Iulian Grindeanu iulian at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Nov 19 09:30:43 CST 2013

Thank you Carlos and Junior, for your help. 
I will need to build cgns library; you mentioned that you tested 3.2 beta, too; I will probably stick with 3.1.4, (release 2?). 
Also, what version of hdf5 library do you use? Should it work for any version greater than 1.8? 
I assume you build statically? Can I also get your config.log files for cgns and moab? 

I assume that you are not using any of the parallel io capability, because that seems to be available only in beta version. 
So everything is read/written in serial, isn't it? 
I am not sure if we will port the cgns reader / writer to 4.6.2 also. Is your patch against 4.6.2 tar file or against "Version4.6" branch? There should not be much difference. 

Tim, what do you suggest? In a way, it should be easier to update 4.6.2. But I don't want to merge to the master after that, there are too many changes. This patch should work out of the box for 4.6.2, after I build cgns . 

Best Regards, 

----- Original Message -----


Sorry for the delay in getting back to you... I have tested the new version and it worked OK for my mesh sample. I will test it latter for other cases. 

Also, I am sending you the CGNS reader and writer along with input cgns mesh examples. We have worked on top of version 462, so things may look a little out of place from the repository. 

The attached patch modifies some autotools files and new files (apply with patch -p0 -i moab462_cgns.patch). Moreover, the tar.gz contains sample meshes (simple airfoil mesh in 2D and a mixed-mesh discretization of a 3D wingbody geometry). 

We have tested the CGNS capability with the latest library vesion 3.1.4 and 3.2-beta. Furthermore, we sticked with the base CGNS use-case, that is, single base/zone. We will also implement latter capability to write out user variables. 

Please, feel free to improve the files and if you have any questions, let us know. carbrevi at gmail.com and junior.hmg at gmail.com 



On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 3:57 AM, Iulian Grindeanu < iulian at mcs.anl.gov > wrote: 


Hi Carlos, 
That ticket is now closed, Tim fixed the bug. 
Please let us know if it works for you. 

Thanks for your patience, 



thanks for checking this out. I will be following the trac ticket. The mesh I used is attached, partitioned for 8 procs (all tri). I noticed that are much simpler sample meshes you created to investigate this issue. Anyway, you can use the airfoil mesh if you find it useful. 

I use a separate code to compute elements adjacency and then pass those to metis. To write the partitions into h5m I followed the code form mbzoltan tool. The partitioning code is correct (element-based) since I have used this code previously with other applications... 

I am from Brazil indeed, utc -3h. I'm a PhD candidate from Technological Institute of Aeronautics in Sao Jose dos Campos. 

Now I am building/adapting parts of my research code (high-order unstructured CFD) to use MOAB. I will stick with 462 for this, working with non-mixed meshes for this transition period. In the near feature I will also look into the structured meshes capability of the library, as well as the high-order elements implementation. 

The CGNS reader/writer is in the works too and I will submit those as well. My co-worker Junior, cc'ed here, is dealing with the writer part and we are almos done. 

Carlos Breviglieri 

On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Iulian Grindeanu < iulian at mcs.anl.gov > wrote: 


Hi Carlos, 
I am seeing a problem with ghosting, thank you for pointing it out. Danqing and I messed up with that code :( to fix some other issues we were seeing. 

It may take a while to fix it properly. 
Thanks again, 


Can you send me the 2d_naca0012.h5m with your partition? 
If you do ghosting after reading, did you get the same results? 
The elements/processors should not change ownership after ghosting, but maybe they do. 
It is indeed a work in progress, you may have found another issue :( 
Not being able to write is probably the biggest problem. 

On what time zone do you work? :) Also, where are you from? The name looks Brazilian, Portuguese, or Italian ? Or Spanish? 



Hi Iulian, 

I have just ran some tests with the latest clone of the master repo (saturday morning). Here are my findings with MOAB 470pre: 

Now I am able to read partitined mixed meshes without errors. However, if I plot the owned entitied for a given proc, even for non-mixed meshes, they are different from the ones obtained by the partitioner, see below 

Mesh distribution for 2d_naca0012.h5m (all tri mesh) from partitioner, over 8 procs: 
proc[0] has 866 elements 
proc[1] has 863 elements 
proc[2] has 866 elements 
proc[3] has 869 elements 
proc[4] has 872 elements 
proc[5] has 869 elements 
proc[6] has 862 elements 
proc[7] has 877 elements 

owned_entities[5], size = 864 
owned_entities[6], size = 853 
owned_entities[7], size = 871 
owned_entities[1], size = 859 
owned_entities[3], size = 860 
owned_entities[4], size = 867 
owned_entities[0], size = 866 
owned_entities[2], size = 861 

besides procs 0, all other report wrong number of entities. Code to compute such distribution is below (based on example/HelloParMOAB.cpp). The mixed mesh (2d_naca0012_mixed.h5m) now is read (does not crash) but the distribution is off as well. With MOAB 462 the distribution is OK for homogeneous meshes. 

Moreover, with MOAB 470pre, no output is written to disk with PARALLEL=WRITE_PART, regardless of the mesh type. Using PARALLEL=NONE works, but only one part of the domain is written, as expected. 

I understand that this is a work in progress. If you need more information, let me know. 


Carlos Breviglieri 


moab::Interface* mb = new Core; 

// Create root sets for each mesh. Then pass these 
// to the load_file functions to be populated. 
EntityHandle rootset, partnset; 
mb->create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, rootset); 
mb->create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, partnset); 

// Create the parallel communicator object with the partition handle associated with MOAB 
ParallelComm *pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(mb, partnset, &myComm); 

// Load the file from disk with given options 
mb->load_file(meshFile.c_str(), &rootset, read_options.c_str()); 

// Get all entities of dimension = dim 
Range elemRange, owned_entities; 
int dim = 2; 
mb->get_entities_by_dimension(rootset, dim, elemRange, false); 

pcomm->filter_pstatus(elemRange, // pass entities that we want to filter 
PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, // status we are looking for 
PSTATUS_NOT, // operation applied ; so it will return owned entities (!not_owned = owned) 
-1, // this means all processors 

std::vector<int> procID(owned_entities.size(), myRank); 

std::cout << "owned_entities[" << myRank << "], size = " << owned_entities.size() << std::endl; 

Tag procID_tag; 
mb->tag_get_handle("PROC_ID", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, procID_tag, MB_TAG_CREAT | MB_TAG_DENSE, &procID[0]); 

mb->tag_set_data(procID_tag, owned_entities, &procID[0]); 

// WRITE_PART writes all partitions to a single output file (only h5m format supports parallel IO at the moment). 
// One can use the mbconvert tool to convert the output to other formats. 
mb->write_file(outputFile.c_str(), "H5M", "PARALLEL=WRITE_PART"); 

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 10:37 AM, Tim Tautges < tautges at mcs.anl.gov > wrote: 

Yeah, too complicated to backport, and latest works for Carlos anyway. 

- tim 

On 10/09/2013 09:41 PM, Iulian Grindeanu wrote: 


------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ 

Both worked for me, with the current code (4.7.0pre) 

I don't get your error :( 
What version are you using? I will try 4.6.2, but it should be fine there too :( 

OK, I got an error with more quads, on 4.6.2 maybe I mixed them up when I saved :( 
mpiexec -np 2 /home/iulian/source/MOAB46/ tools/mbconvert -O PARALLEL=READ_PART -O PARTITION=PARALLEL_PARTITION -O 
/home/iulian/tmp/2d_naca0012_ mixed2.h5m 2.h5m 
Leaked HDF5 object handle in function at ../../../moab46source/src/io/ ReadHDF5.cpp:1523 
Open at entrance: 1 
Open at exit: 2 
Leaked HDF5 object handle in function at ../../../moab46source/src/io/ ReadHDF5.cpp:827 
Open at entrance: 1 
Open at exit: 2 
Failed to load "/home/iulian/tmp/2d_naca0012_ mixed2.h5m". 
Error code: MB_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE (1) 
Error message: Failed in step PARALLEL READ PART 
Cannot close file with open handles: 0 file, 1 data, 0 group, 0 type, 0 attr 

I will look into it. 

Hi Carlos, 
It looks like it is a bug in 4.6.2. 
I don't know if it will be fixed, there are some important changes in ghosting in current version. 
So for Version4.6 branch, the model with 17 quads works fine if you don't do ghosting: 

iulian at T520-iuli:~/source/ MOAB46$ mpiexec -np 2 /home/iulian/source/MOAB46/ tools/mbconvert -O PARALLEL=READ_PART -O 
/home/iulian/tmp/2d_naca0012_ mixed_invert.h5m 2.h5m 
Read "/home/iulian/tmp/2d_naca0012_ mixed_invert.h5m" 
Wrote "2.h5m" 

I would recommend upgrading to current version. 
That code is pretty complicated, and I am not sure if we will backport changes to Version4.6 branch. 

Tim, what do you suggest? Should I try to backport some changes in ParallelComm? I know you are working on that code. 


============================== ============================== ==== 
"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is 
steadfast, because he trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3 

Tim Tautges Argonne National Laboratory 
( tautges at mcs.anl.gov ) (telecommuting from UW-Madison) 
phone (gvoice): (608) 354-1459 1500 Engineering Dr. 
fax: (608) 263-4499 Madison, WI 53706 








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