[MOAB-dev] commit/MOAB: danwu: Reduce memory usage of MPAS reader greatly, especially when the MPAS file is huge (e.g. 65M cells). This is done by removing some expensive containers, or using MOAB allocated memory storage temporarily. Further reduction will be considered.

commits-noreply at bitbucket.org commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Thu Oct 17 11:44:29 CDT 2013

1 new commit in MOAB:

Changeset:   40577e90648b
Branch:      master
User:        danwu
Date:        2013-10-17 18:44:16
Summary:     Reduce memory usage of MPAS reader greatly, especially when the MPAS file is huge (e.g. 65M cells). This is done by removing some expensive containers, or using MOAB allocated memory storage temporarily. Further reduction will be considered.

Affected #:  2 files

diff --git a/src/io/NCHelperMPAS.cpp b/src/io/NCHelperMPAS.cpp
index 45ce16e..09fe541 100644
--- a/src/io/NCHelperMPAS.cpp
+++ b/src/io/NCHelperMPAS.cpp
@@ -101,33 +101,7 @@ ErrorCode NCHelperMPAS::init_mesh_vals()
   levDim = idx;
   nLevels = dimLens[idx];
-  // Store xVertex values in xVertVals
   std::map<std::string, ReadNC::VarData>::iterator vmit;
-  if ((vmit = varInfo.find("xVertex")) != varInfo.end() && (*vmit).second.varDims.size() == 1) {
-    rval = read_coordinate("xVertex", 0, nVertices - 1, xVertVals);
-    ERRORR(rval, "Trouble reading 'xVertex' variable.");
-  }
-  else {
-    ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "Couldn't find 'xVertex' variable.");
-  }
-  // Store yVertex values in yVertVals
-  if ((vmit = varInfo.find("yVertex")) != varInfo.end() && (*vmit).second.varDims.size() == 1) {
-    rval = read_coordinate("yVertex", 0, nVertices - 1, yVertVals);
-    ERRORR(rval, "Trouble reading 'yVertex' variable.");
-  }
-  else {
-    ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "Couldn't find 'yVertex' variable.");
-  }
-  // Store zVertex values in zVertVals
-  if ((vmit = varInfo.find("zVertex")) != varInfo.end() && (*vmit).second.varDims.size() == 1) {
-    rval = read_coordinate("zVertex", 0, nVertices - 1, zVertVals);
-    ERRORR(rval, "Trouble reading 'zVertex' variable.");
-  }
-  else {
-    ERRORR(MB_FAILURE, "Couldn't find 'zVertex' variable.");
-  }
   // Store time coordinate values in tVals
   if (nTimeSteps > 0) {
@@ -142,16 +116,6 @@ ErrorCode NCHelperMPAS::init_mesh_vals()
-  // Read vertices on each edge
-  int verticesOnEdgeVarId;
-  int success = NCFUNC(inq_varid)(_fileId, "verticesOnEdge", &verticesOnEdgeVarId);
-  ERRORS(success, "Failed to get variable id of verticesOnEdge.");
-  NCDF_SIZE tmp_starts[2] = {0, 0};
-  NCDF_SIZE tmp_counts[2] = {static_cast<NCDF_SIZE>(nEdges), 2};
-  verticesOnEdge.resize(nEdges * 2);
-  success = NCFUNCAG(_vara_int)(_fileId, verticesOnEdgeVarId, tmp_starts, tmp_counts, &verticesOnEdge[0]);
-  ERRORS(success, "Failed to read variable values of verticesOnEdge.");
   // Determine the entity location type of a variable
   for (vmit = varInfo.begin(); vmit != varInfo.end(); ++vmit) {
     ReadNC::VarData& vd = (*vmit).second;
@@ -289,78 +253,170 @@ ErrorCode NCHelperMPAS::create_mesh(Range& faces)
   if (rank == gatherSetRank)
     create_gathers = true;
-  // Compute the number of local cells on this proc
-  nLocalCells = int(std::floor(1.0 * nCells / procs));
-  // start_cell_idx is the starting global cell index in the MPAS file for this proc
-  int start_cell_idx = rank * nLocalCells;
-  // iextra = # cells extra after equal split over procs
-  int iextra = nCells % procs;
-  if (rank < iextra)
-    nLocalCells++;
-  start_cell_idx += std::min(rank, iextra);
-  start_cell_idx++; // 0 based -> 1 based
-  localGidCells.insert(start_cell_idx, start_cell_idx + nLocalCells - 1);
-  // Read number of edges on each local cell
+  bool apply_zoltan = false;
+  if (apply_zoltan) {
+    // Zoltan partition, TBD
+  }
+  else {
+    // Trivial partition
+    // Compute the number of local cells on this proc
+    nLocalCells = int(std::floor(1.0 * nCells / procs));
+    // start_cell_idx is the starting global cell index in the MPAS file for this proc
+    int start_cell_idx = rank * nLocalCells;
+    // iextra = # cells extra after equal split over procs
+    int iextra = nCells % procs;
+    if (rank < iextra)
+      nLocalCells++;
+    start_cell_idx += std::min(rank, iextra);
+    start_cell_idx++; // 0 based -> 1 based
+    localGidCells.insert(start_cell_idx, start_cell_idx + nLocalCells - 1);
+  }
+  // Read number of edges on each local cell, to calculate actual maxEdgesPerCell
   int nEdgesOnCellVarId;
   int success = NCFUNC(inq_varid)(_fileId, "nEdgesOnCell", &nEdgesOnCellVarId);
   ERRORS(success, "Failed to get variable id of nEdgesOnCell.");
-  NCDF_SIZE tmp_starts_1[1] = {static_cast<NCDF_SIZE>(start_cell_idx - 1)};
-  NCDF_SIZE tmp_counts_1[1] = {static_cast<NCDF_SIZE>(nLocalCells)};
   std::vector<int> num_edges_on_local_cells(nLocalCells);
-  success = NCFUNCAG(_vara_int)(_fileId, nEdgesOnCellVarId, tmp_starts_1, tmp_counts_1, &num_edges_on_local_cells[0]);
-  ERRORS(success, "Failed to read variable values of nEdgesOnCell.");
+  size_t nb_reads = localGidCells.psize();
+  std::vector<int> requests(nb_reads);
+  std::vector<int> statuss(nb_reads);
+  size_t idxReq = 0;
+  size_t indexInArray = 0;
+  for (Range::pair_iterator pair_iter = localGidCells.pair_begin();
+       pair_iter != localGidCells.pair_end();
+       pair_iter++) {
+    EntityHandle starth = pair_iter->first;
+    EntityHandle endh = pair_iter->second;
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_start = (NCDF_SIZE) (starth - 1);
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_count = (NCDF_SIZE) (endh - starth + 1);
+    // Do a partial read in each subrange
+    success = NCFUNCREQG(_vara_int)(_fileId, nEdgesOnCellVarId, &tmp_start, &tmp_count,
+                                      &(num_edges_on_local_cells[indexInArray]), &requests[idxReq++]);
+    success = NCFUNCAG(_vara_int)(_fileId, nEdgesOnCellVarId, &tmp_start, &tmp_count,
+                                      &(num_edges_on_local_cells[indexInArray]));
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read nEdgesOnCell data in a loop");
+    // Increment the index for next subrange
+    indexInArray += (endh - starth + 1);
+  }
+  // Wait outside the loop
+  success = NCFUNC(wait_all)(_fileId, requests.size(), &requests[0], &statuss[0]);
+  ERRORS(success, "Failed on wait_all.");
   // Get local maxEdgesPerCell on this proc
-  maxEdgesPerCell = *(std::max_element(num_edges_on_local_cells.begin(), num_edges_on_local_cells.end()));
+  int local_max_edges_per_cell = *(std::max_element(num_edges_on_local_cells.begin(), num_edges_on_local_cells.end()));
+  maxEdgesPerCell = local_max_edges_per_cell;
-  // In parallel, do a MPI_Allreduce to get a common global maxEdgesPerCell used across all procs
+  // If parallel, do a MPI_Allreduce to get a common global maxEdgesPerCell used across all procs
 #ifdef USE_MPI
   if (procs > 1) {
     int global_max_edges_per_cell;
     ParallelComm*& myPcomm = _readNC->myPcomm;
-    MPI_Allreduce(&maxEdgesPerCell, &global_max_edges_per_cell, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_MAX, myPcomm->proc_config().proc_comm());
-    assert(maxEdgesPerCell <= global_max_edges_per_cell);
+    MPI_Allreduce(&local_max_edges_per_cell, &global_max_edges_per_cell, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_MAX, myPcomm->proc_config().proc_comm());
+    assert(local_max_edges_per_cell <= global_max_edges_per_cell);
     maxEdgesPerCell = global_max_edges_per_cell;
-  // Read vertices on each local cell (connectivity)
+  // Read edges on each local cell, to get localGidEdges later
+  int edgesOnCellVarId;
+  success = NCFUNC(inq_varid)(_fileId, "edgesOnCell", &edgesOnCellVarId);
+  ERRORS(success, "Failed to get variable id of edgesOnCell.");
+  std::vector<int> edges_on_local_cells(nLocalCells * maxEdgesPerCell);
+  idxReq = 0;
+  indexInArray = 0;
+  for (Range::pair_iterator pair_iter = localGidCells.pair_begin();
+       pair_iter != localGidCells.pair_end();
+       pair_iter++) {
+    EntityHandle starth = pair_iter->first;
+    EntityHandle endh = pair_iter->second;
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_starts[2] = {static_cast<NCDF_SIZE>(starth - 1), 0};
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_counts[2] = {static_cast<NCDF_SIZE>(endh - starth + 1), maxEdgesPerCell};
+    // Do a partial read in each subrange
+    success = NCFUNCREQG(_vara_int)(_fileId, edgesOnCellVarId, tmp_starts, tmp_counts,
+                                      &(edges_on_local_cells[indexInArray]), &requests[idxReq++]);
+    success = NCFUNCAG(_vara_int)(_fileId, edgesOnCellVarId, tmp_starts, tmp_counts,
+                                      &(edges_on_local_cells[indexInArray]));
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read edgesOnCell data in a loop");
+    // Increment the index for next subrange
+    indexInArray += (endh - starth + 1) * maxEdgesPerCell;
+  }
+  // Wait outside the loop
+  success = NCFUNC(wait_all)(_fileId, requests.size(), &requests[0], &statuss[0]);
+  ERRORS(success, "Failed on wait_all.");
+  // Collect local edges
+  std::sort(edges_on_local_cells.begin(), edges_on_local_cells.end());
+  std::copy(edges_on_local_cells.rbegin(), edges_on_local_cells.rend(), range_inserter(localGidEdges));
+  nLocalEdges = localGidEdges.size();
+  // Read vertices on each local cell, to get localGidVerts and cell connectivity later
   int verticesOnCellVarId;
   success = NCFUNC(inq_varid)(_fileId, "verticesOnCell", &verticesOnCellVarId);
   ERRORS(success, "Failed to get variable id of verticesOnCell.");
-  NCDF_SIZE tmp_starts_2[2] = {static_cast<NCDF_SIZE>(start_cell_idx - 1), 0};
-  NCDF_SIZE tmp_counts_2[2] = {static_cast<NCDF_SIZE>(nLocalCells), maxEdgesPerCell};
   std::vector<int> vertices_on_local_cells(nLocalCells * maxEdgesPerCell);
-  success = NCFUNCAG(_vara_int)(_fileId, verticesOnCellVarId, tmp_starts_2, tmp_counts_2, &vertices_on_local_cells[0]);
-  ERRORS(success, "Failed to read variable values of verticesOnCell.");
+  idxReq = 0;
+  indexInArray = 0;
+  for (Range::pair_iterator pair_iter = localGidCells.pair_begin();
+       pair_iter != localGidCells.pair_end();
+       pair_iter++) {
+    EntityHandle starth = pair_iter->first;
+    EntityHandle endh = pair_iter->second;
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_starts[2] = {static_cast<NCDF_SIZE>(starth - 1), 0};
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_counts[2] = {static_cast<NCDF_SIZE>(endh - starth + 1), maxEdgesPerCell};
+    // Do a partial read in each subrange
+    success = NCFUNCREQG(_vara_int)(_fileId, verticesOnCellVarId, tmp_starts, tmp_counts,
+                                      &(vertices_on_local_cells[indexInArray]), &requests[idxReq++]);
+    success = NCFUNCAG(_vara_int)(_fileId, verticesOnCellVarId, tmp_starts, tmp_counts,
+                                      &(vertices_on_local_cells[indexInArray]));
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read verticesOnCell data in a loop");
-  // Read edges on each local cell
-  int edgesOnCellVarId;
-  success = NCFUNC(inq_varid)(_fileId, "edgesOnCell", &edgesOnCellVarId);
-  ERRORS(success, "Failed to get variable id of edgesOnCell.");
-  NCDF_SIZE tmp_starts_3[2] = {static_cast<NCDF_SIZE>(start_cell_idx - 1), 0};
-  NCDF_SIZE tmp_counts_3[2] = {static_cast<NCDF_SIZE>(nLocalCells), maxEdgesPerCell};
-  std::vector<int> edges_on_local_cells(nLocalCells * maxEdgesPerCell);
-  success = NCFUNCAG(_vara_int)(_fileId, edgesOnCellVarId, tmp_starts_3, tmp_counts_3, &edges_on_local_cells[0]);
-  ERRORS(success, "Failed to read variable values of edgesOnCell.");
-  // Collect localGid for vertices and edges
-  std::set<int> local_verts_set;
-  std::set<int> local_edges_set;
-  for (int i = 0; i < nLocalCells; i++) {
-    int num_edges = num_edges_on_local_cells[i];
-    for (int j = 0; j < num_edges; j++) {
-      local_verts_set.insert(vertices_on_local_cells[i * maxEdgesPerCell + j]);
-      local_edges_set.insert(edges_on_local_cells[i * maxEdgesPerCell + j]);
-    }
+    // Increment the index for next subrange
+    indexInArray += (endh - starth + 1) * maxEdgesPerCell;
-  std::copy(local_verts_set.rbegin(), local_verts_set.rend(), range_inserter(localGidVerts));
+  // Wait outside the loop
+  success = NCFUNC(wait_all)(_fileId, requests.size(), &requests[0], &statuss[0]);
+  ERRORS(success, "Failed on wait_all.");
+  // To keep unsorted vertices_on_local_cells for cell connectivity, we reuse edges_on_local_cells for sorting
+  std::vector<int>& vertices_on_local_cells_sorted = edges_on_local_cells;
+  std::copy(vertices_on_local_cells.begin(), vertices_on_local_cells.end(), vertices_on_local_cells_sorted.begin());
+  // Collect local vertices
+  std::sort(vertices_on_local_cells_sorted.begin(), vertices_on_local_cells_sorted.end());
+  std::copy(vertices_on_local_cells_sorted.rbegin(), vertices_on_local_cells_sorted.rend(), range_inserter(localGidVerts));
   nLocalVertices = localGidVerts.size();
-  std::copy(local_edges_set.rbegin(), local_edges_set.rend(), range_inserter(localGidEdges));
-  nLocalEdges = localGidEdges.size();
   // Create local vertices
+  // We can temporarily use the memory storage allocated before it will be populated
   EntityHandle start_vertex;
   std::vector<double*> arrays;
   Range tmp_range;
@@ -370,20 +426,7 @@ ErrorCode NCHelperMPAS::create_mesh(Range& faces)
   ERRORR(rval, "Couldn't create local vertices in MPAS mesh.");
   tmp_range.insert(start_vertex, start_vertex + nLocalVertices - 1);
-  // Set coordinates for local vertices
-  double* xptr = arrays[0];
-  double* yptr = arrays[1];
-  double* zptr = arrays[2];
-  Range::const_iterator rit;
-  int vert_idx;
-  for (vert_idx = 0, rit = localGidVerts.begin(); vert_idx < nLocalVertices; vert_idx++, ++rit) {
-    assert(*rit < xVertVals.size() + 1);
-    xptr[vert_idx] = xVertVals[(*rit) - 1];
-    yptr[vert_idx] = yVertVals[(*rit) - 1];
-    zptr[vert_idx] = zVertVals[(*rit) - 1];
-  }
-  // Get ptr to gid memory for local vertices
+  // Get ptr to GID memory for local vertices
   Range local_verts_range(start_vertex, start_vertex + nLocalVertices - 1);
   int count = 0;
   void* data = NULL;
@@ -393,7 +436,7 @@ ErrorCode NCHelperMPAS::create_mesh(Range& faces)
   int* gid_data = (int*) data;
   std::copy(localGidVerts.begin(), localGidVerts.end(), gid_data);
-  // Duplicate global id data, which will be used to resolve sharing
+  // Duplicate GID data, which will be used to resolve sharing
   if (mpFileIdTag) {
     rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate(*mpFileIdTag, local_verts_range.begin(), local_verts_range.end(), count, data);
     ERRORR(rval, "Failed to get file id tag iterator on local vertices.");
@@ -402,14 +445,10 @@ ErrorCode NCHelperMPAS::create_mesh(Range& faces)
     std::copy(localGidVerts.begin(), localGidVerts.end(), gid_data);
-  // Create map from file ids to vertex handles
-  std::map<EntityHandle, EntityHandle> vert_handles;
-  for (rit = localGidVerts.begin(), vert_idx = 0; rit != localGidVerts.end(); ++rit, vert_idx++)
-    vert_handles[*rit] = start_vertex + vert_idx;
   // Create local edges
+  // We can temporarily use the memory storage allocated before it will be populated
   EntityHandle start_edge;
-  EntityHandle* conn_arr_edges;
+  EntityHandle* conn_arr_edges = NULL;
   rval = _readNC->readMeshIface->get_element_connect(nLocalEdges, 2, MBEDGE, 0, start_edge, conn_arr_edges,
                                                     // Might have to create gather mesh later
                                                     (create_gathers ? nLocalEdges + nEdges : nLocalEdges));
@@ -417,17 +456,7 @@ ErrorCode NCHelperMPAS::create_mesh(Range& faces)
   Range local_edges_range(start_edge, start_edge + nLocalEdges - 1);
   tmp_range.insert(start_edge, start_edge + nLocalEdges - 1);
-  // Set vertices for local edges
-  int edge_idx;
-  for (rit = localGidEdges.begin(), edge_idx = 0; rit != localGidEdges.end(); ++rit, edge_idx++) {
-    EntityHandle gloabl_edge_id = *rit;
-    EntityHandle gloabl_vert_id_1 = verticesOnEdge[(gloabl_edge_id - 1) * 2 + 0];
-    EntityHandle gloabl_vert_id_2 = verticesOnEdge[(gloabl_edge_id - 1) * 2 + 1];
-    conn_arr_edges[edge_idx * 2 + 0] = vert_handles[gloabl_vert_id_1];
-    conn_arr_edges[edge_idx * 2 + 1] = vert_handles[gloabl_vert_id_2];
-  }
-  // Get ptr to gid memory for edges
+  // Get ptr to GID memory for edges
   rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate(mGlobalIdTag, local_edges_range.begin(), local_edges_range.end(), count, data);
   ERRORR(rval, "Failed to get global id tag iterator on local edges.");
   assert(count == (int) nLocalEdges);
@@ -435,12 +464,23 @@ ErrorCode NCHelperMPAS::create_mesh(Range& faces)
   std::copy(localGidEdges.begin(), localGidEdges.end(), gid_data);
   EntityHandle start_element = 0;
+  // Used when NO_MIXED_ELEMENTS option is NOT set
+  EntityHandle* conn_arr_local_cells_with_n_edges[DEFAULT_MAX_EDGES_PER_CELL + 1];
+  std::vector<int> local_cells_with_n_edges[DEFAULT_MAX_EDGES_PER_CELL + 1];
+  std::vector<int> num_edges_on_cell_groups;
+  std::vector<EntityHandle> start_element_on_cell_groups;
+  // Used when NO_MIXED_ELEMENTS option is set
+  EntityHandle* conn_arr_local_cells = NULL;
+  // Create local cells
+  // We can temporarily use the memory storage allocated before it will be populated
   if (noMixedElements) {
     // Only one group of cells (each cell is represented by a polygon with maxEdgesPerCell edges)
     numCellGroups = 1;
-    // Create cells and set connectivity array with proper local vertices handles
-    EntityHandle* conn_arr_local_cells = NULL;
+    // Create cells for this cell group
     rval = _readNC->readMeshIface->get_element_connect(nLocalCells, maxEdgesPerCell, MBPOLYGON, 0, start_element, conn_arr_local_cells,
                                                       // Might have to create gather mesh later
                                                       (create_gathers ? nLocalCells + nCells : nLocalCells));
@@ -449,77 +489,271 @@ ErrorCode NCHelperMPAS::create_mesh(Range& faces)
     tmp_range.insert(start_element, start_element + nLocalCells - 1);
     faces.insert(start_element, start_element + nLocalCells - 1);
-    // Get ptr to gid memory for local cells
+    // Get ptr to GID memory for local cells
     rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate(mGlobalIdTag, local_cell_range.begin(), local_cell_range.end(), count, data);
     ERRORR(rval, "Failed to get global id tag iterator on local cells.");
     assert(count == nLocalCells);
     gid_data = (int*) data;
     std::copy(localGidCells.begin(), localGidCells.end(), gid_data);
-    // Set connectivity array with proper local vertices handles
-    for (int cell_idx = 0; cell_idx < nLocalCells; cell_idx++) {
-      int num_edges = num_edges_on_local_cells[cell_idx];
-      for (int i = 0; i < num_edges; i++) {
-        EntityHandle global_vert_id = vertices_on_local_cells[cell_idx * maxEdgesPerCell + i];
-        conn_arr_local_cells[cell_idx * maxEdgesPerCell + i] = vert_handles[global_vert_id];
-      }
-      // Padding: fill connectivity array with last vertex handle
-      if (num_edges < maxEdgesPerCell) {
-        EntityHandle last_vert_id = conn_arr_local_cells[cell_idx * maxEdgesPerCell + num_edges - 1];
-        for (int i = num_edges; i < maxEdgesPerCell; i++)
-          conn_arr_local_cells[cell_idx * maxEdgesPerCell + i] = last_vert_id;
-      }
-    }
-  } // if (noMixedElements)
+  }
   else {
     // Divide local cells into groups based on the number of edges
-    std::vector<int> local_cells_with_n_edges[DEFAULT_MAX_EDGES_PER_CELL + 1];
     for (int i = 0; i < nLocalCells; i++) {
       int num_edges = num_edges_on_local_cells[i];
-      local_cells_with_n_edges[num_edges].push_back(start_cell_idx + i); // Global cell index
+      local_cells_with_n_edges[num_edges].push_back(localGidCells[i]); // Global cell index
-    std::vector<int> num_edges_on_cell_groups;
     for (int i = 3; i <= maxEdgesPerCell; i++) {
       if (local_cells_with_n_edges[i].size() > 0)
     numCellGroups = num_edges_on_cell_groups.size();
-    // For each non-empty cell group, create cells and set connectivity array with proper local vertices handles
-    EntityHandle* conn_arr_local_cells_with_n_edges[DEFAULT_MAX_EDGES_PER_CELL + 1];
+    // Create cells for each non-empty cell group
     for (int i = 0; i < numCellGroups; i++) {
       int num_edges_per_cell = num_edges_on_cell_groups[i];
-      int num_cells = local_cells_with_n_edges[num_edges_per_cell].size();
+      int num_group_cells = local_cells_with_n_edges[num_edges_per_cell].size();
-      rval = _readNC->readMeshIface->get_element_connect(num_cells, num_edges_per_cell, MBPOLYGON, 0, start_element,
-                                                         conn_arr_local_cells_with_n_edges[num_edges_per_cell], num_cells);
+      rval = _readNC->readMeshIface->get_element_connect(num_group_cells, num_edges_per_cell, MBPOLYGON, 0, start_element,
+                                                         conn_arr_local_cells_with_n_edges[num_edges_per_cell], num_group_cells);
       ERRORR(rval, "Couldn't create local cells in MPAS mesh.");
-      Range local_cell_range(start_element, start_element + num_cells - 1);
-      tmp_range.insert(start_element, start_element + num_cells - 1);
-      faces.insert(start_element, start_element + num_cells - 1);
+      start_element_on_cell_groups.push_back(start_element);
+      Range local_cell_range(start_element, start_element + num_group_cells - 1);
+      tmp_range.insert(start_element, start_element + num_group_cells - 1);
+      faces.insert(start_element, start_element + num_group_cells - 1);
       // Get ptr to gid memory for local cells
       rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate(mGlobalIdTag, local_cell_range.begin(), local_cell_range.end(), count, data);
       ERRORR(rval, "Failed to get global id tag iterator on local cells.");
-      assert(count == num_cells);
+      assert(count == num_group_cells);
       gid_data = (int*) data;
       std::copy(local_cells_with_n_edges[num_edges_per_cell].begin(), local_cells_with_n_edges[num_edges_per_cell].end(), gid_data);
+    }
+  }
+  // Create a temporary map from vertex GIDs to local handles
+  // Utilize the memory storage pointed by arrays[0]
+  EntityHandle* vert_gid_to_local_handle_tmp_map = (EntityHandle*) arrays[0];
+  Range::const_iterator rit;
+  int vert_idx;
+  for (rit = localGidVerts.begin(), vert_idx = 0; rit != localGidVerts.end(); ++rit, vert_idx++)
+    vert_gid_to_local_handle_tmp_map[*rit - 1] = start_vertex + vert_idx;
+  // Read vertices on each local edge, to get edge connectivity
+  // Utilize the memory storage pointed by conn_arr_edges
+  int verticesOnEdgeVarId;
+  success = NCFUNC(inq_varid)(_fileId, "verticesOnEdge", &verticesOnEdgeVarId);
+  ERRORS(success, "Failed to get variable id of verticesOnEdge.");
+  int* vertices_on_local_edges = (int*) conn_arr_edges;
+  nb_reads = localGidEdges.psize();
+  requests.resize(nb_reads);
+  statuss.resize(nb_reads);
+  idxReq = 0;
+  indexInArray = 0;
+  for (Range::pair_iterator pair_iter = localGidEdges.pair_begin();
+       pair_iter != localGidEdges.pair_end();
+       pair_iter++) {
+    EntityHandle starth = pair_iter->first;
+    EntityHandle endh = pair_iter->second;
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_starts[2] = {static_cast<NCDF_SIZE>(starth - 1), 0};
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_counts[2] = {static_cast<NCDF_SIZE>(endh - starth + 1), 2};
+    // Do a partial read in each subrange
+    success = NCFUNCREQG(_vara_int)(_fileId, verticesOnEdgeVarId, tmp_starts, tmp_counts,
+                                      &(vertices_on_local_edges[indexInArray]), &requests[idxReq++]);
+    success = NCFUNCAG(_vara_int)(_fileId, verticesOnEdgeVarId, tmp_starts, tmp_counts,
+                                      &(vertices_on_local_edges[indexInArray]));
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read verticesOnEdge data in a loop");
+    // Increment the index for next subrange
+    indexInArray += (endh - starth + 1) * 2;
+  }
+  // Wait outside the loop
+  success = NCFUNC(wait_all)(_fileId, requests.size(), &requests[0], &statuss[0]);
+  ERRORS(success, "Failed on wait_all.");
+  // Populate connectivity for local edges
+  // Convert in-place from int to EntityHandle type (backward)
+  for (int edge_vert = nLocalEdges * 2 - 1; edge_vert >= 0; edge_vert--) {
+    EntityHandle global_vert_id = vertices_on_local_edges[edge_vert];
+    conn_arr_edges[edge_vert] = vert_gid_to_local_handle_tmp_map[global_vert_id - 1];
+  }
+  // Populate connectivity for local cells
+  int cell_idx;
+  if (noMixedElements) {
+    // Set connectivity array with proper local vertices handles
+    for (cell_idx = 0; cell_idx < nLocalCells; cell_idx++) {
+      int num_edges = num_edges_on_local_cells[cell_idx];
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_edges; i++) {
+        EntityHandle global_vert_id = vertices_on_local_cells[cell_idx * maxEdgesPerCell + i];
+        conn_arr_local_cells[cell_idx * maxEdgesPerCell + i] = vert_gid_to_local_handle_tmp_map[global_vert_id - 1];
+      }
+      // Padding: fill connectivity array with last vertex handle
+      if (num_edges < maxEdgesPerCell) {
+        EntityHandle last_vert_id = conn_arr_local_cells[cell_idx * maxEdgesPerCell + num_edges - 1];
+        for (int i = num_edges; i < maxEdgesPerCell; i++)
+          conn_arr_local_cells[cell_idx * maxEdgesPerCell + i] = last_vert_id;
+      }
+    }
+  } // if (noMixedElements)
+  else {
+    // Create a temporary map from cell GID to local index
+    // Utilize the memory storage pointed by arrays[1]
+    EntityHandle* cell_gid_to_local_index_tmp_map = (EntityHandle*) arrays[1];
+    for (rit = localGidCells.begin(), cell_idx = 0; rit != localGidCells.end(); ++rit, cell_idx++)
+      cell_gid_to_local_index_tmp_map[*rit - 1] = cell_idx;
+    // For each non-empty cell group, set connectivity array with proper local vertices handles
+    for (int i = 0; i < numCellGroups; i++) {
+      int num_edges_per_cell = num_edges_on_cell_groups[i];
+      int num_cells = local_cells_with_n_edges[num_edges_per_cell].size();
+      start_element = start_element_on_cell_groups[i];
       for (int j = 0; j < num_cells; j++) {
-        int cell_idx = local_cells_with_n_edges[num_edges_per_cell][j]; // Global cell index
+        cell_idx = local_cells_with_n_edges[num_edges_per_cell][j]; // Global cell index
         if (numCellGroups > 1)
           cellHandleToGlobalID[start_element + j] = cell_idx;
-        cell_idx -= start_cell_idx; // Local cell index
+        cell_idx = cell_gid_to_local_index_tmp_map[cell_idx - 1]; // Local cell index
         for (int k = 0; k < num_edges_per_cell; k++) {
           EntityHandle global_vert_id = vertices_on_local_cells[cell_idx * maxEdgesPerCell + k];
-          conn_arr_local_cells_with_n_edges[num_edges_per_cell][j * num_edges_per_cell + k] = vert_handles[global_vert_id];
+          conn_arr_local_cells_with_n_edges[num_edges_per_cell][j * num_edges_per_cell + k] =
+              vert_gid_to_local_handle_tmp_map[global_vert_id - 1];
-    } // for (int i = 0; i < numCellGroups; i++)
+    }
+  }
+  nb_reads = localGidVerts.psize();
+  requests.resize(nb_reads);
+  statuss.resize(nb_reads);
+  // Read x coordinates for local vertices
+  // Note: vert_gid_to_local_handle_tmp_map is no longer used
+  double* xptr = arrays[0];
+  int xVertexVarId;
+  success = NCFUNC(inq_varid)(_fileId, "xVertex", &xVertexVarId);
+  ERRORS(success, "Failed to get variable id of xVertex.");
+  idxReq = 0;
+  indexInArray = 0;
+  for (Range::pair_iterator pair_iter = localGidVerts.pair_begin();
+       pair_iter != localGidVerts.pair_end();
+       pair_iter++) {
+    EntityHandle starth = pair_iter->first;
+    EntityHandle endh = pair_iter->second;
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_start = (NCDF_SIZE) (starth - 1);
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_count = (NCDF_SIZE) (endh - starth + 1);
+    // Do a partial read in each subrange
+    success = NCFUNCREQG(_vara_double)(_fileId, xVertexVarId, &tmp_start, &tmp_count,
+                                      &(xptr[indexInArray]), &requests[idxReq++]);
+    success = NCFUNCAG(_vara_double)(_fileId, xVertexVarId, &tmp_start, &tmp_count,
+                                      &(xptr[indexInArray]));
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read xVertex data in a loop");
+    // Increment the index for next subrange
+    indexInArray += (endh - starth + 1);
+  }
+  // Wait outside the loop
+  success = NCFUNC(wait_all)(_fileId, requests.size(), &requests[0], &statuss[0]);
+  ERRORS(success, "Failed on wait_all.");
+  // Read y coordinates for local vertices
+  // Note: cell_gid_to_local_index_tmp_ma is no longer used
+  double* yptr = arrays[1];
+  int yVertexVarId;
+  success = NCFUNC(inq_varid)(_fileId, "yVertex", &yVertexVarId);
+  ERRORS(success, "Failed to get variable id of yVertex.");
+  idxReq = 0;
+  indexInArray = 0;
+  for (Range::pair_iterator pair_iter = localGidVerts.pair_begin();
+       pair_iter != localGidVerts.pair_end();
+       pair_iter++) {
+    EntityHandle starth = pair_iter->first;
+    EntityHandle endh = pair_iter->second;
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_start = (NCDF_SIZE) (starth - 1);
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_count = (NCDF_SIZE) (endh - starth + 1);
+    // Do a partial read in each subrange
+    success = NCFUNCREQG(_vara_double)(_fileId, yVertexVarId, &tmp_start, &tmp_count,
+                                      &(yptr[indexInArray]), &requests[idxReq++]);
+    success = NCFUNCAG(_vara_double)(_fileId, yVertexVarId, &tmp_start, &tmp_count,
+                                      &(yptr[indexInArray]));
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read yVertex data in a loop");
+    // Increment the index for next subrange
+    indexInArray += (endh - starth + 1);
+  }
+  // Wait outside the loop
+  success = NCFUNC(wait_all)(_fileId, requests.size(), &requests[0], &statuss[0]);
+  ERRORS(success, "Failed on wait_all.");
+  // Read z coordinates for local vertices
+  double* zptr = arrays[2];
+  int zVertexVarId;
+  success = NCFUNC(inq_varid)(_fileId, "zVertex", &zVertexVarId);
+  ERRORS(success, "Failed to get variable id of zVertex.");
+  idxReq = 0;
+  indexInArray = 0;
+  for (Range::pair_iterator pair_iter = localGidVerts.pair_begin();
+       pair_iter != localGidVerts.pair_end();
+       pair_iter++) {
+    EntityHandle starth = pair_iter->first;
+    EntityHandle endh = pair_iter->second;
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_start = (NCDF_SIZE) (starth - 1);
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_count = (NCDF_SIZE) (endh - starth + 1);
+    // Do a partial read in each subrange
+    success = NCFUNCREQG(_vara_double)(_fileId, zVertexVarId, &tmp_start, &tmp_count,
+                                      &(zptr[indexInArray]), &requests[idxReq++]);
+    success = NCFUNCAG(_vara_double)(_fileId, zVertexVarId, &tmp_start, &tmp_count,
+                                      &(zptr[indexInArray]));
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read zVertex data in a loop");
+    // Increment the index for next subrange
+    indexInArray += (endh - starth + 1);
+  // Wait outside the loop
+  success = NCFUNC(wait_all)(_fileId, requests.size(), &requests[0], &statuss[0]);
+  ERRORS(success, "Failed on wait_all.");
   // Set tag for numCellGroups
   Tag numCellGroupsTag = 0;
   rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("__NUM_CELL_GROUPS", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, numCellGroupsTag, MB_TAG_SPARSE | MB_TAG_CREAT);
@@ -546,19 +780,59 @@ ErrorCode NCHelperMPAS::create_mesh(Range& faces)
     xptr = arrays[0];
     yptr = arrays[1];
     zptr = arrays[2];
-    for (vert_idx = 0; vert_idx < nVertices; vert_idx++) {
-      xptr[vert_idx] = xVertVals[vert_idx];
-      yptr[vert_idx] = yVertVals[vert_idx];
-      zptr[vert_idx] = zVertVals[vert_idx];
-    }
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_start = 0;
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_count = static_cast<NCDF_SIZE>(nVertices);
-    // Get ptr to gid memory for gather vertices
+    // Read x coordinates for gather vertices
+    // Enter independent I/O mode, since this read is only for the gather processor
+    success = NCFUNC(begin_indep_data)(_fileId);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to begin independent I/O mode.");
+    success = NCFUNCG(_vara_double)(_fileId, xVertexVarId, &tmp_start, &tmp_count, xptr);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read xVertex data.");
+    success = NCFUNC(end_indep_data)(_fileId);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to end independent I/O mode.");
+    success = NCFUNCG(_vara_double)(_fileId, xVertexVarId, &tmp_start, &tmp_count, xptr);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read xVertex data.");
+    // Read y coordinates for gather vertices
+    // Enter independent I/O mode, since this read is only for the gather processor
+    success = NCFUNC(begin_indep_data)(_fileId);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to begin independent I/O mode.");
+    success = NCFUNCG(_vara_double)(_fileId, yVertexVarId, &tmp_start, &tmp_count, yptr);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read yVertex data.");
+    success = NCFUNC(end_indep_data)(_fileId);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to end independent I/O mode.");
+    success = NCFUNCG(_vara_double)(_fileId, yVertexVarId, &tmp_start, &tmp_count, yptr);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read yVertex data.");
+    // Read z coordinates for gather vertices
+    // Enter independent I/O mode, since this read is only for the gather processor
+    success = NCFUNC(begin_indep_data)(_fileId);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to begin independent I/O mode.");
+    success = NCFUNCG(_vara_double)(_fileId, zVertexVarId, &tmp_start, &tmp_count, zptr);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read zVertex data.");
+    success = NCFUNC(end_indep_data)(_fileId);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to end independent I/O mode.");
+    success = NCFUNCG(_vara_double)(_fileId, zVertexVarId, &tmp_start, &tmp_count, zptr);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read zVertex data.");
+    // Get ptr to GID memory for gather vertices
     rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate(mGlobalIdTag, gather_verts_range.begin(), gather_verts_range.end(), count, data);
     ERRORR(rval, "Failed to get global id tag iterator on gather vertices.");
     assert(count == nVertices);
     gid_data = (int*) data;
     for (int j = 1; j <= nVertices; j++)
       gid_data[j - 1] = j;
     // Set the file id tag too, it should be bigger something not interfering with global id
     if (mpFileIdTag) {
       rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate(*mpFileIdTag, gather_verts_range.begin(), gather_verts_range.end(), count, data);
@@ -574,19 +848,19 @@ ErrorCode NCHelperMPAS::create_mesh(Range& faces)
     // Read number of edges on each gather cell
     std::vector<int> num_edges_on_gather_cells(nCells);
-    tmp_starts_1[0] = 0;
-    tmp_counts_1[0] = static_cast<NCDF_SIZE>(nCells);
+    tmp_start = 0;
+    tmp_count = static_cast<NCDF_SIZE>(nCells);
     // Enter independent I/O mode, since this read is only for the gather processor
     success = NCFUNC(begin_indep_data)(_fileId);
     ERRORS(success, "Failed to begin independent I/O mode.");
-    success = NCFUNCG(_vara_int)(_fileId, nEdgesOnCellVarId, tmp_starts_1, tmp_counts_1, &num_edges_on_gather_cells[0]);
-    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read variable values of nEdgesOnCell.");
+    success = NCFUNCG(_vara_int)(_fileId, nEdgesOnCellVarId, &tmp_start, &tmp_count, &num_edges_on_gather_cells[0]);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read nEdgesOnCell data.");
     success = NCFUNC(end_indep_data)(_fileId);
     ERRORS(success, "Failed to end independent I/O mode.");
-    success = NCFUNCG(_vara_int)(_fileId, nEdgesOnCellVarId, tmp_starts_1, tmp_counts_1, &num_edges_on_gather_cells[0]);
-    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read variable values of nEdgesOnCell.");
+    success = NCFUNCG(_vara_int)(_fileId, nEdgesOnCellVarId, &tmp_start, &tmp_count, &num_edges_on_gather_cells[0]);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read nEdgesOnCell data.");
     // Create gather edges
@@ -596,7 +870,23 @@ ErrorCode NCHelperMPAS::create_mesh(Range& faces)
     ERRORR(rval, "Couldn't create edges in MPAS mesh for gather set.");
     Range gather_edges_range(start_edge, start_edge + nEdges - 1);
-    std::copy(verticesOnEdge.begin(), verticesOnEdge.end(), conn_arr_gather_edges);
+    // Read vertices on each edge
+    std::vector<int> vertices_on_gather_edges(nEdges * 2);
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_starts[2] = {0, 0};
+    NCDF_SIZE tmp_counts[2] = {static_cast<NCDF_SIZE>(nEdges), 2};
+    // Enter independent I/O mode, since this read is only for the gather processor
+    success = NCFUNC(begin_indep_data)(_fileId);
+    success = NCFUNCG(_vara_int)(_fileId, verticesOnEdgeVarId, tmp_starts, tmp_counts, &vertices_on_gather_edges[0]);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read verticesOnEdge data.");
+    success = NCFUNC(end_indep_data)(_fileId);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to end independent I/O mode.");
+    success = NCFUNCG(_vara_int)(_fileId, verticesOnEdgeVarId, tmp_starts, tmp_counts, &vertices_on_gather_edges[0]);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read verticesOnEdge data.");
+    std::copy(vertices_on_gather_edges.begin(), vertices_on_gather_edges.end(), conn_arr_gather_edges);
     for (int i = 0; i < 2 * nEdges; i++)
       // Connectivity array is shifted by where the gather verts start
       conn_arr_gather_edges[i] += start_vertex - 1;
@@ -606,21 +896,21 @@ ErrorCode NCHelperMPAS::create_mesh(Range& faces)
     // Read vertices on each gather cell (connectivity)
     std::vector<int> vertices_on_gather_cells(nCells * maxEdgesPerCell);
-    tmp_starts_2[0] = 0;
-    tmp_starts_2[1] = 0;
-    tmp_counts_2[0] = nCells;
-    tmp_counts_2[1] = maxEdgesPerCell;
+    tmp_starts[0] = 0;
+    tmp_starts[1] = 0;
+    tmp_counts[0] = nCells;
+    tmp_counts[1] = maxEdgesPerCell;
     // Enter independent I/O mode, since this read is only for the gather processor
     success = NCFUNC(begin_indep_data)(_fileId);
     ERRORS(success, "Failed to begin independent I/O mode.");
-    success = NCFUNCG(_vara_int)(_fileId, verticesOnCellVarId, tmp_starts_2, tmp_counts_2, &vertices_on_gather_cells[0]);
-    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read variable values of verticesOnCell.");
+    success = NCFUNCG(_vara_int)(_fileId, verticesOnCellVarId, tmp_starts, tmp_counts, &vertices_on_gather_cells[0]);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read verticesOnCell data.");
     success = NCFUNC(end_indep_data)(_fileId);
     ERRORS(success, "Failed to end independent I/O mode.");
-    success = NCFUNCG(_vara_int)(_fileId, verticesOnCellVarId, tmp_starts_2, tmp_counts_2, &vertices_on_gather_cells[0]);
-    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read variable values of verticesOnCell.");
+    success = NCFUNCG(_vara_int)(_fileId, verticesOnCellVarId, tmp_starts, tmp_counts, &vertices_on_gather_cells[0]);
+    ERRORS(success, "Failed to read verticesOnCell data.");
     Range gather_cells_range;
@@ -632,7 +922,7 @@ ErrorCode NCHelperMPAS::create_mesh(Range& faces)
       ERRORR(rval, "Couldn't create cells in MPAS mesh for gather set.");
       gather_cells_range.insert(start_element, start_element + nCells - 1);
-      for (int cell_idx = 0; cell_idx < nCells; cell_idx++) {
+      for (cell_idx = 0; cell_idx < nCells; cell_idx++) {
         int num_edges = num_edges_on_gather_cells[cell_idx];
         for (int i = 0; i < num_edges; i++)
           // Connectivity array is shifted by where the gather verts start
@@ -662,7 +952,7 @@ ErrorCode NCHelperMPAS::create_mesh(Range& faces)
           ERRORR(rval, "Couldn't create cells in MPAS mesh for gather set.");
           gather_cells_range.insert(start_element, start_element + num_cells - 1);
           for (int j = 0; j < num_cells; j++) {
-            int cell_idx = gather_cells_with_n_edges[num_edges_per_cell][j];
+            cell_idx = gather_cells_with_n_edges[num_edges_per_cell][j];
             cell_idx--; // 1 based -> 0 based
             for (int k = 0; k < num_edges_per_cell; k++)
               // Connectivity array is shifted by where the gather verts start

diff --git a/src/io/NCHelperMPAS.hpp b/src/io/NCHelperMPAS.hpp
index 2c97566..ba440b8 100644
--- a/src/io/NCHelperMPAS.hpp
+++ b/src/io/NCHelperMPAS.hpp
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ private:
   int maxEdgesPerCell;
   int numCellGroups;
-  std::vector<int> verticesOnEdge;
   std::map<EntityHandle, int> cellHandleToGlobalID;
   Range facesOwned;

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