[MOAB-dev] some errors I met I build moab

魏华祎 huayiwei1984 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 22:36:30 CDT 2013

Hi there,

    I checked out  moab from
When I build, I meet some error, I think maybe they are bugs.

First ,  when I run the following command and meet an error like:

$  autoreconf -fi
test/parallel/Makefile.am:30: `:='-style assignments are not portable

After I change ":=" to "=", it work well.

Then I configure it by:

./configure --prefix=/home/why/software/moab/20130914 --enable-static
--enable-igeom --enable-debug --enable-tools --enable-docs
 --disable-mbzoltan --disable-qvdual \
--with-netcdf \
--with-mpi \
--with-hdf5 \
--with-zoltan=/usr/local \
--with-parmetis=/usr \
--with-cgm=/home/why/software/cgma/6070 \

and when I make it,  I find I can't compile three tools and a test:


The problem is that they can't link with cgm. I find that the problem come
from the Makefile in these directories. So I just change the line
"LIBS = -lm"  to  "LIBS =  -lm ${CGM_LIBS}", then make can pass, and make
check also work well.

I still can't compile the tools/mbzoltan and tools/qvdual, and I havn't
figure out the reason why.

Hope these informatin can improve the build process of  Moad.


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