[MOAB-dev] commit/MOAB: 2 new changesets

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Fri Apr 19 15:05:53 CDT 2013

2 new commits in MOAB:

Changeset:   14600ee8d241
Branch:      master
User:        tautges
Date:        2013-04-19 22:05:23
Summary:     Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:fathomteam/moab

Affected #:  4 files

diff --git a/itaps/iBase.h b/itaps/iBase.h
index 5172bb8..933b9d6 100644
--- a/itaps/iBase.h
+++ b/itaps/iBase.h
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ enum iBase_TagValueType {
- * \mainpage The ITAPS Interfaces
+ * \page The ITAPS Interfaces
  * \subpage ibase
@@ -281,6 +281,8 @@ enum iBase_TagValueType {
  * \subpage numhops
+ * \subpage resilient
+ *
  * \page error Error Handling
  * With few exceptions, every iMesh function includes an output argument,

diff --git a/itaps/imesh/iMeshP.h b/itaps/imesh/iMeshP.h
index 958c827..28da490 100644
--- a/itaps/imesh/iMeshP.h
+++ b/itaps/imesh/iMeshP.h
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ enum iMeshP_EntStatus
 #define iMeshP_ALL_PARTS -1
-/** \mainpage
+/** \page imeshp  iMeshP: ITAPS Parallel Mesh Interface
 iMeshP.h -- ITAPS Parallel Mesh Interface
 Release 0.1; October 2008
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Release 0.1; October 2008
    subsets; like a "mesh," it does not imply a serial or parallel 
 -  An application may use one or more meshes.  
--  Parititions can create subsets of entities from one or more meshes.
+-  Partitions can create subsets of entities from one or more meshes.
 -  Meshes can be subdivided by one or more partitions.
 -  Partitions contain parts.  Parts contain the subsets of entities in the

diff --git a/src/AEntityFactory.cpp b/src/AEntityFactory.cpp
index cbc56dd..3d04244 100644
--- a/src/AEntityFactory.cpp
+++ b/src/AEntityFactory.cpp
@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ ErrorCode AEntityFactory::get_down_adjacency_elements_poly(EntityHandle source_e
   EntityType source_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(source_entity);
   if (!(source_type == MBPOLYHEDRON && target_dimension > 0 && target_dimension < 3) &&
-      (!source_type == MBPOLYGON && target_dimension == 1)) 
+      !(source_type == MBPOLYGON && target_dimension == 1))
     return MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
     // make this a fixed size to avoid cost of working with STL vectors

diff --git a/src/io/mhdf/include/mhdf.h b/src/io/mhdf/include/mhdf.h
index e8aaa90..9a7a478 100644
--- a/src/io/mhdf/include/mhdf.h
+++ b/src/io/mhdf/include/mhdf.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 extern "C" {
-/** \mainpage H5M File Format API 
+/** \page h5mmain H5M File Format API
  *\section Intro   Introduction
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ extern "C" {
  * hexahedral topology) and the number of nodes in the element.  
- *\section Root   The \c tstt Group
+ *\section Root   The tstt Group
  * All file data is stored in the \c tstt group in the HDF5 root group.
  * The \c tstt group may have an optional scalar integer attribute 
@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ extern "C" {
  * - \c Polyhedron
- *\section History   The \c history DataSet
+ *\section History   The history DataSet
  * The \c history DataSet is a list of variable-length strings with
- * appliation-defined meaning.  
+ * application-defined meaning.  
- *\section Nodes   The \c nodes Group
+ *\section Nodes   The nodes Group
  * The \c nodes group contains a single DataSet and an optional
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ extern "C" {
  * \c coordinates table.
- *\section Elements   The \c elements Group 
+ *\section Elements   The elements Group
  * The \c elements group contains an application-defined number of 
  * subgroups.  Each subgroup defines one or more mesh elements that
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ extern "C" {
  * sequentially in the order that they are defined in the table.
- *\section Sets   The \c sets Group
+ *\section Sets   The sets Group
  * The \c sets group contains the definitions of any entity sets stored
  * in the file.  It contains 1 to 4 DataSets and the optional \c tags 
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ extern "C" {
  * subgroup is described in the \ref Dense "section on dense tag storage". 
- * \section Tags   The \c tags Group
+ * \section Tags   The tags Group
  * The \c tags group contains a sub-group for each tag defined
  * in the file.  These sub-groups contain the definition of the
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ extern "C" {
  * dataset.  
- * \section Dense   The \c tags Sub-Groups
+ * \section Dense   The tags Sub-Groups
  * Data for fixed-length tags may also be stored in the \c tags sub-group
  * of the \c nodes, \c sets, and subgroups of the \c elements group.  

Changeset:   9ceab324ef4a
Branch:      None
User:        tautges
Date:        2013-04-19 22:05:09
Summary:     Adding example for direct access with holes in the handle space

Affected #:  2 files

diff --git a/examples/DirectAccessWithHoles.cpp b/examples/DirectAccessWithHoles.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..524c30f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/DirectAccessWithHoles.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+/** @example DirectAccess.cpp \n
+ * \brief Use direct access to MOAB data to avoid calling through API \n
+ *
+ * This example creates a 1d row of quad elements, with a user-specified number of "holes" (missing quads) in the row:
+ *
+ *  ----------------------      ----------------------      --------
+ *  |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       
+ *  |      |      |      |(hole)|      |      |      |(hole)|      | ...
+ *  |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
+ *  ----------------------      ----------------------      --------
+ *
+ * This makes (nholes+1) contiguous runs of quad handles in the handle space
+ * This example shows how to use the xxx_iterate functions in MOAB (xxx = coords, connect, tag, adjacencies) to get 
+ * direct pointer access to MOAB internal storage, which can be used without calling through the MOAB API.
+ *
+ *    -#  Initialize MOAB \n
+ *    -#  Create a quad mesh with holes, as depicted above
+ *    -#  Create 2 dense tags (tag1, tag2) for avg position to assign to quads, and # verts per quad (tag3)
+ *    -#  Get connectivity, coordinate, tag1 iterators
+ *    -#  Iterate through quads, computing midpoint based on vertex positions, set on quad-based tag1
+ *    -#  Set up map from starting quad handle for a chunk to struct of (tag1_ptr, tag2_ptr, tag3_ptr), pointers to
+ *        the dense tag storage for those tags for the chunk
+ *    -#  Iterate through vertices, summing positions into tag2 on connected quads and incrementing vertex count
+ *    -#  Iterate through quads, normalizing tag2 by vertex count and comparing values of tag1 and tag2
+ *
+ * <b>To compile</b>: \n
+ *    make DirectAccessWithHoles MOAB_DIR=<installdir>  \n
+ * <b>To run</b>: ./DirectAccess [-nquads <# quads>] [-holes <# holes>]\n
+ *
+ */
+#include "moab/Core.hpp"
+#include "moab/ProgOptions.hpp"
+#include "moab/ReadUtilIface.hpp"
+#include <map>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <assert.h>
+// Error routines for use with MOAB API
+#define CHKERR(CODE, MSG) do {if (MB_SUCCESS != (CODE)) {std::string errstr;  mbImpl->get_last_error(errstr);   \
+        std::cerr << errstr << std::endl; std::cerr << MSG << std::endl; return CODE;}} while(false)
+using namespace moab;
+ErrorCode create_mesh_with_holes(Interface *mbImpl, int nquads, int nholes);
+struct tag_struct {double *avg_ptr; int *nv_ptr;};
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    // get MOAB instance
+  Interface *mbImpl = new Core;
+  if (NULL == mbImpl) return 1;
+  int nquads = 1000, nholes = 1;
+    // parse options
+  ProgOptions opts;
+  opts.addOpt<int>(std::string("nquads,n"), std::string("Number of quads in the mesh (default = 1000"), &nquads);
+  opts.addOpt<int>(std::string("holes,H"), std::string("Number of holes in the element handle space (default = 1"), &nholes);
+  opts.parseCommandLine(argc, argv);
+  if (nholes >= nquads) {
+    std::cerr << "Number of holes needs to be < number of elements." << std::endl;
+    return 1;
+  }
+    // create simple structured mesh with hole, but using unstructured representation
+  ErrorCode rval = create_mesh_with_holes(mbImpl, nquads, nholes); CHKERR(rval, "Trouble creating mesh.");
+    // get all vertices and non-vertex entities
+  Range verts, elems;
+  rval = mbImpl->get_entities_by_handle(0, elems); CHKERR(rval, "Getting all entities.");
+  verts = elems.subset_by_dimension(0);
+  elems -= verts;
+    // create tag1 (element-based avg), tag2 (vertex-based avg), tag3 (# connected verts)
+  Tag tag1, tag2, tag3;
+  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("tag1", 3, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, tag1, MB_TAG_DENSE | MB_TAG_CREAT); CHKERR(rval, "Creating tag1.");
+  double def_val[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; // need a default value for tag2 because we sum into it
+  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("tag2", 3, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, tag2, MB_TAG_DENSE | MB_TAG_CREAT, def_val); CHKERR(rval, "Creating tag2.");
+  int def_val_int = 0;  // need a default value for tag3 because we increment it
+  rval = mbImpl->tag_get_handle("tag3", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tag3, MB_TAG_DENSE | MB_TAG_CREAT, &def_val_int); CHKERR(rval, "Creating tag3.");
+    // Get connectivity, coordinate, tag, and adjacency iterators
+  EntityHandle *conn_ptr;
+  double *x_ptr, *y_ptr, *z_ptr, *tag1_ptr, *tag2_ptr;
+  int *tag3_ptr;
+    // First vertex is at start of range (ranges are sorted), and is offset for vertex index calculation
+  EntityHandle first_vert = *verts.begin();
+    // When iterating over elements, each chunk can have a different # vertices; also, count tells you how many
+    // elements are in the current chunk
+  int vpere, count;
+    // Get coordinates iterator, just need this once because we know verts handle space doesn't have holes
+  rval = mbImpl->coords_iterate(verts.begin(), verts.end(), x_ptr, y_ptr, z_ptr, count); CHKERR(rval, "coords_iterate.");
+  assert(count == (int) verts.size()); // should end up with just one contiguous chunk of vertices
+    // Iterate through elements, computing midpoint based on vertex positions, set on element-based tag1
+    // Control loop by iterator over elem range
+  Range::iterator e_it = elems.begin();
+  while (e_it != elems.end()) {
+      // get conn_ptr, tag1_ptr for next contiguous chunk of element handles, and coords pointers for all verts
+    rval = mbImpl->connect_iterate(e_it, elems.end(), conn_ptr, vpere, count); CHKERR(rval, "connect_iterate.");
+    rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate(tag1, e_it, elems.end(), count, (void*&)tag1_ptr); CHKERR(rval, "tag1_iterate.");
+      // iterate over elements in this chunk 
+    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+      tag1_ptr[0] = tag1_ptr[1] = tag1_ptr[2] = 0.0; // initialize position for this element
+      for (int j = 0; j < vpere; j++) { // loop over vertices in this element
+        int v_index = conn_ptr[j] - first_vert; // vert index is just the offset from first vertex
+        tag1_ptr[0] += x_ptr[v_index];
+        tag1_ptr[1] += y_ptr[v_index]; // sum vertex positions into tag1...
+        tag1_ptr[2] += z_ptr[v_index];
+      }
+      tag1_ptr[0] /= vpere;
+      tag1_ptr[1] /= vpere; // then normalize
+      tag1_ptr[2] /= vpere;
+        // done with this element; advance connect_ptr and tag1_ptr to next element
+      conn_ptr += vpere;
+      tag1_ptr += 3;
+    } // loop over elements in chunk
+      // done with chunk; advance range iterator by count; will skip over gaps in range
+    e_it += count;
+  } // while loop over all elements
+    // Iterate through vertices, summing positions into tag2 on connected elements and incrementing vertex count
+    // Iterate over chunks the same as elements, even though we know we have only one chunk here, just to show
+    // how it's done
+    // Create a std::map from EntityHandle (first entity handle in chunk) to 
+    // tag_struct (ptrs to start of avg/#verts tags for that chunk); then for a given entity handle, we can quickly
+    // find the chunk it's in using map::lower_bound; could have set up this map in earlier loop over elements, but do
+    // it here for clarity
+  std::map< EntityHandle, tag_struct> elem_map;
+  e_it = elems.begin();
+  while (e_it != elems.end()) {
+    tag_struct ts = {NULL, NULL};
+    rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate(tag2, e_it, elems.end(), count, (void*&)ts.avg_ptr); CHKERR(rval, "tag2_iterate.");
+    rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate(tag3, e_it, elems.end(), count, (void*&)ts.nv_ptr); CHKERR(rval, "tag3_iterate.");
+    elem_map[*e_it] = ts;
+    e_it += count;
+  }
+    // call a vertex-quad adjacencies function to generate vertex-element adjacencies in MOAB
+  Range::iterator v_it = verts.begin();
+  Range dum_range;
+  rval = mbImpl->get_adjacencies(&(*v_it), 1, 2, false, dum_range); CHKERR(rval, "get_adjacencies");
+  const std::vector<EntityHandle> **adjs_ptr;
+  while (v_it != verts.end()) {
+      // get coords ptrs, adjs_ptr; can't set tag2_ptr by direct access, because of hole in element handle space
+    rval = mbImpl->coords_iterate(v_it, verts.end(), x_ptr, y_ptr, z_ptr, count); CHKERR(rval, "coords_iterate.");
+    rval = mbImpl->adjacencies_iterate(v_it, verts.end(), adjs_ptr, count); CHKERR(rval, "adjacencies_iterate.");
+    for (int v = 0; v < count; v++) {
+      const std::vector<EntityHandle> *avec = *(adjs_ptr+v);
+      for (std::vector<EntityHandle>::const_iterator ait = avec->begin(); ait != avec->end(); ait++) {
+          // get chunk that this element resides in; upper_bound points to the first element strictly > key, so get that and decrement
+          // (would work the same as lower_bound with an if-test and decrement)
+        std::map<EntityHandle, tag_struct>::iterator mit = elem_map.upper_bound(*ait); mit--;
+          // index of *ait in that chunk
+        int a_ind = *ait - (*mit).first;
+        tag_struct ts = (*mit).second;
+        ts.avg_ptr[3*a_ind]   += x_ptr[v];   // tag on each element is 3 doubles, x/y/z
+        ts.avg_ptr[3*a_ind+1] += y_ptr[v];
+        ts.avg_ptr[3*a_ind+2] += z_ptr[v];
+        ts.nv_ptr[a_ind]++;  // increment the vertex count
+      }
+    }
+    v_it += count;
+  }
+    // Normalize tag2 by vertex count; loop over elements using same approach as before
+    // At the same time, compare values of tag1 and tag2
+  e_it = elems.begin();
+  while (e_it != elems.end()) {
+      // get conn_ptr, tag1_ptr for next contiguous chunk of element handles, and coords pointers for all verts
+    rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate(tag1, e_it, elems.end(), count, (void*&)tag1_ptr); CHKERR(rval, "tag1_iterate.");
+    rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate(tag2, e_it, elems.end(), count, (void*&)tag2_ptr); CHKERR(rval, "tag2_iterate.");
+    rval = mbImpl->tag_iterate(tag3, e_it, elems.end(), count, (void*&)tag3_ptr); CHKERR(rval, "tag3_iterate.");
+      // iterate over elements in this chunk 
+    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+      for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) tag2_ptr[3*i+j] /= (double)tag3_ptr[i];  // normalize by # verts
+      if (tag1_ptr[3*i] != tag2_ptr[3*i] || tag1_ptr[3*i+1] != tag2_ptr[3*i+1] || tag1_ptr[3*i+2] != tag2_ptr[3*i+2]) 
+        std::cout << "Tag1, tag2 disagree for element " << *e_it + i << std::endl;
+    }
+    e_it += count;
+  }
+    // Ok, we're done, shut down MOAB
+  delete mbImpl;
+  return 0;
+ErrorCode create_mesh_with_holes(Interface *mbImpl, int nquads, int nholes) 
+    // first make the mesh, a 1d array of quads with left hand side x = elem_num; vertices are numbered in layers
+  ReadUtilIface *read_iface;
+  ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->query_interface(read_iface); CHKERR(rval, "query_interface");
+  std::vector<double *> coords;
+  EntityHandle start_vert, start_elem, *connect;
+    // create verts, num is 4(nquads+1) because they're in a 1d row; will initialize coords in loop over elems later
+  rval = read_iface->get_node_coords (3, 2*(nquads+1), 0, start_vert, coords); CHKERR(rval, "get_node_arrays");
+    // create elems
+  rval = read_iface->get_element_connect(nquads, 4, MBQUAD, 0, start_elem, connect); CHKERR(rval, "get_element_connect");
+  for (int i = 0; i < nquads; i++) {
+    coords[0][2*i] = coords[0][2*i+1] = (double) i; // x values are all i
+    coords[1][2*i] = 0.0; coords[1][2*i+1] = 1.0; // y coords
+    coords[2][2*i] = coords[2][2*i+1] = (double) 0.0; // z values, all zero (2d mesh)
+    EntityHandle quad_v = start_vert + 2*i;
+    for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) connect[4*i+j] = quad_v+j; // connectivity of each quad is a sequence starting from quad_v
+  }
+    // last two vertices
+  coords[0][2*nquads] = coords[0][2*nquads+1] = (double) nquads;
+  coords[1][2*nquads] = 0.0; coords[1][2*nquads+1] = 1.0; // y coords
+  coords[2][2*nquads] = coords[2][2*nquads+1] = (double) 0.0; // z values, all zero (2d mesh)
+    // now delete nholes elements, spaced approximately equally through mesh, so contiguous size is about nquads/(nholes+1)
+    // reinterpret start_elem as the next element to be deleted
+  int de = nquads / (nholes + 1);
+  for (int i = 0; i < nholes; i++) {
+    start_elem += de;
+    rval = mbImpl->delete_entities(&start_elem, 1); CHKERR(rval, "delete_entities");
+  }
+  return MB_SUCCESS;

diff --git a/examples/makefile b/examples/makefile
index 4ec6154..fd6585e 100644
--- a/examples/makefile
+++ b/examples/makefile
@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ HelloMoabPar: HelloMoabPar.o
 TestExodusII: TestExodusII.o
 	${MOAB_CXX} -o $@ $< ${MOAB_LIBS_LINK}
+DirectAccessWithHoles: DirectAccessWithHoles.o
+	${MOAB_CXX} -o $@ $< ${MOAB_LIBS_LINK}
+DirectAccessNoHoles: DirectAccessNoHoles.o
+	${MOAB_CXX} -o $@ $< ${MOAB_LIBS_LINK}
 .cpp.o :

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