[MOAB-dev] No tag value for entity set xx

Jason Kraftcheck kraftche at cae.wisc.edu
Tue May 24 10:03:48 CDT 2011

On 05/23/2011 09:52 PM, Rajeev Jain wrote:
> The error message:  'No tag value for entity set 83' is displayed when
> writing (parallel writer) a mesh file after rgg operations. 
> I'm using parallel cgm/moab/lasso and meshkit.

That error message comes from within the tag handling code.  It is difficult
to say what higher-level code might have encountered that error.  (Someday
maybe we'll finally implement a better error tracking mechanism in MOAB).
Try setting a break point at WriteHDF5.cpp:145.

> It shows up when using serial-hdf5 (from ubuntu this version of hdf5
> supports parallel I/O, Is it okay to use such combination ?) and there is no
> error when using parallel hdf5.

This isn't technically a problem.  It is certainly possible to use an HDF5
library with parallel support for serial IO.  It is not possible to do
parallel IO with a serial HDF5 library.  If you request parallel IO
("PARALLEL=WRITE_PART" option to the reader) it will fail.  If you are not
requesting parallel IO but multiple processes are writing to the same file
then you'll end up with a corrupt file and possibly a crash or other
problems in the writer.

> Also, there is a function to assign "GLOBAL_ID" (renumber) on entities in
> ParallelComm, is there something for assigning global id's for sets in parallel?

I don't think so.  If you need this, then it is because you are creating
what the writer considers "shared" sets: sets for which multiple processes
know about different subsets of the entities contained in a single set.  Are
you creating additional geometry, material, or boundary condition sets?

- jason

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