[hpc-announce] Call for papers: 10th Workshop on Education for High-Performance Computing (EduHPC 2022)

Alan Sussman asussman at umd.edu
Tue May 17 21:12:58 CDT 2022

CALL FOR PAPERS: The 10th Workshop on Education for High-Performance 
Computing <https://tcpp.cs.gsu.edu/curriculum/?q=eduhpc21>(*EduHPC 2022)*

The 10th Workshop on Education for High-Performance Computing 
<https://tcpp.cs.gsu.edu/curriculum/?q=eduhpc22>(EduHPC-22) will be held 
in conjunction with SC22: The International Conference for High 
Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis 
<https://sc22.supercomputing.org/>, in Dallas, Texas, USA, *November 14, 
2022*. The workshop is currently scheduled to be held *in person*. If 
you have never attended an SC conference, EduHPC offers an excellent 
opportunity to do so!

We invite the submission of unpublished manuscripts from academia, 
industry, and government laboratories on topics related to undergraduate 
and graduate HPC/PDC education in computer science, computer 
engineering, computational science, data science, and related courses in 
other disciplines (e.g., STEM, business). We are especially interested 
in novel pedagogical tools/approaches, educational resources, 
infrastructures, and other special projects related to HPC/PDC 
education. We especially welcome manuscripts that assess their 
approaches through the systematic collection and analysis of data to 
evaluate their performance and impact.

SC Reproducibility Initiative 
<https://sc22.supercomputing.org/submit/reproducibility-initiative/>: In 
light of SC’s focus on reproducibility, we also welcome manuscripts in 
which authors and/or students describe their attempts (or failures) to 
reproduce previously published HPC/PDC educational research results.

In support of this initiative, we encourage paper authors to provide an 
artifact description appendix (up to two pages) with their manuscript, 
describing the details of their environments and experiments so that an 
independent study can replicate their results. In the context of 
educational research, the artifact description appendix may contain the 
detailed description of the tools or techniques, classroom evaluation 
settings, metrics, evaluation results, etc. More information on SC’s 
reproducibility initiative can be found here 


EduHPC accepts submissions for three categories: Full papers (6-8 
pages), Lightning Talks (2-page abstract) and Peachy Parallel 
Assignments (1–2-page abstract).

Please see the descriptions below andthe workshop site 
<https://tcpp.cs.gsu.edu/curriculum/?q=eduhpc22>for additional details.

*1. Full Papers:*Authors should submit 6-8 page papers in PDF format 
throughSC’s Linklings submission site 
Submissions should be formatted as single-spaced, double-column pages 
(IEEE format 
<https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html>), including 
figures, tables, and references. All submitted papers will be 
peer-reviewed and will be considered for a Best Paper award.

*2. Lightning Talks:*A Lightning Talk is a short (5-10 minute) 
presentation of a new or innovative idea, preliminary or ongoing 
research, prospects for partnership and collaboration, and/or 
preliminary HPC/PDC teaching experiences. Lightning Talk submissions are 
limited to a 2-page PDF document (IEEE format 
<https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html>) including 
the following elements: an abstract of 250 words, a description of the 
challenge/problem/educational need that your submission is addressing, a 
detailed description of the significance and novelty of the work, and 
lessons learned or potential insights to be drawn from your talk. The 
accepted Lightning Talks will be further curated to create a summary 
paper coauthored by the Lightning Talk chair and the talk authors.

*3. Peachy Parallel Assignments:*Peachy Parallel Assignments are HPC/PDC 
educational assignments that cover any topics related to HPC or PDC 
education, and are:

a) /Tested/- Assignments should have been used successfully in a class.

b) /Adoptable/- Preference will be given to assignments that are widely 
applicable and easy to adopt. Traits of such assignments include 
coverage of widely taught concepts, use of common parallel languages and 
widely-available hardware, having few prerequisites, and (with 
variations) being appropriate for different levels of students.

c) /Engaging and Inspirational/- Peachy Assignments should be fun and 
inspiring for students, encouraging students to spend time with the 
relevant concepts. Ideal assignments are those that students want to 
demonstrate to their roommate.

Peachy assignments should be submitted through SC’s Linklings submission 
a 1-2 page PDF (IEEE format 
<https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html>) that 
includes a 250-word abstract describing the assignment and the context 
in which it was used, plus a link to a public web page containing the 
complete set of files actually given to students (assignment 
description, scaffolding code, etc.). The rest of the document should 
include the following: What is the main idea of the assignment? What 
concepts are covered? Who are its targeted students? In what context was 
it used? What prerequisites does it assume of the students? What are its 
strengths and weaknesses? Are there variations that may be of interest? 
Between the submission and the online materials, it should be clear what 
an instructor needs to do in order to use the assignment.

The accepted Peachy Assignments will be further curated to create a 
summary paper co-authored by the Peachy Assignments chair and the 
assignments’ authors.


We anticipate that accepted full papers, the Lightning Talks summary 
paper, and the Peachy Assignments summary paper will be published in the 
IEEE Computer Society Proceedings and will be included in the IEEE 
Xplore digital library. The accepted peachy assignment abstracts and 
course materials will also be published on the CDER website 


Limited travel support will be available forTCPP Early Adopters and 
attend EduHPC and SC22.


Paper submission deadline: *August 22*

Paper author notification: September 9

Paper camera-ready deadline: September 30

Lightning Talk submission deadline: *August 22*

Lightning Talk author notification: September 9

Lightning Talk camera-ready deadline: September 26

Peachy Assignment submission deadline: *August 22*

Peachy Assignment author notification: September 9

Peachy Assignment camera-ready deadline: September 26


Workshop Chair: Sushil K. Prasad <sushil.prasad at gmail.com 
<mailto:sushil.prasad at gmail.com>>

Program Chair: Henry Gabb <henry.a.gabb at intel.com 
<mailto:henry.a.gabb at intel.com>>

Program Vice Chair: Apan Qasem <apan at txstate.edu <mailto:apan at txstate.edu>>

Peachy Assignments Coordinator: David Bunde <dbunde at knox.edu 
<mailto:dbunde at knox.edu>>

Proceedings Chair: Satish Puri <satish.puri at marquette.edu 
<mailto:satish.puri at marquette.edu>>

Web Master: Michael McDermott <mmcdermott2 at student.gsu.edu 
<mailto:mmcdermott2 at student.gsu.edu>>

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