[hpc-announce] Special Session on GPU Computing, jointly with PPAM 2022

Roman Wyrzykowski roman at icis.pcz.pl
Tue Apr 19 08:58:33 CDT 2022

****                       CALL FOR PAPERS                       ****
****                                                             ****
****               Special Session on GPU Computing              ****
****                                                             ****
****                        jointly with                         ****
****              14th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on               ****
****                                                             ****
****            GDANSK, POLAND - SEPTEMBER 11-14, 2022           ****


GPU programming now offers a full and mature ecosystem, with programming
languages, numerical libraries, high level interfaces, annotation-based
programming models, support in mathematical software, GPU scripting
languages, and data parallel languages.

In addition, the evolution in the hardware has positioned graphics
accelerators as a fundamental tool in deep learning with application in
autonomous driving, smart cities, healthcare, high performance computing,
virtual reality, etc.

By sharing their experiences on GPU programming, we hope that the
participants of the session will gain a better understanding about which
tools are good for which problem type and gain insights on the trade-offs
between performance, coding comfort, and specialization. This session
invites submissions that deal with practical applications that have
successfully employed GPU libraries or high level programming tools.
The  focus may lie both on the development of the libraries or utilization
  of existing tools.

The session topics include, but are not limited to:
- GPU applications encoded with high level programming tools.
- GPU library development and application.
- Comparison of different programming abstractions on the same/similar
- Comparison of the same/similar programming abstractions on different
- Performance and coding effort of high level tools against hand-coded
   approaches on the GPU.
- Performance and coding effort on multi-core CPUs against GPUs utilizing
   programming abstractions.
- Classification of different programming abstractions with respect to their
   best application area.

The rules of PPAM conference apply. In particular:
- Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific
   merit and relevance to the conference topics.
- Regular papers are not to exceed 12 pages (LNCS style).
- Abstracts of accepted papers will be available during the conference in
   form of a brochure.
- Only papers presented at PPAM 2022 will be included into the proceedings,
   which will be published after the conference by Springer in the
   LNCS series.

Jose R. Herrero Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
josepr at ac.upc.ed
Enrique S. Quintana-Orti Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
quintana at disca.upv.es
Robert Strzodka, Universität Heiderberg
robert.strzodka at ziti.uni-heidelberg.de

Submission of Papers: May 6, 2022
Notification of Acceptance: June 17, 2022
Camera-Ready Papers: November 2, 2022

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