[hpc-announce] [Call for Minisymposium Proposals (Deadline: 8/24)] SIAM Parallel Processing 2022 at Seattle, USA

Teranishi, Keita knteran at sandia.gov
Tue Jul 27 17:40:59 CDT 2021

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The Twentieth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing - Call for Minisymposium Proposals and Contributed Presentations/Posters


About the Conference

The Twentieth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing is co-located with the 2022 International Meshing Roundtable (IMR).

The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics is proud to present the Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing. This series of conferences has played a key role in promoting parallel scientific computing, algorithms for parallel systems, and parallel numerical algorithms. The conference is unique in its emphasis on the intersection between high performance scientific computing and scalable algorithms, architectures, and software. The conference provides a forum for communication among the applied mathematics, computer science, and computational science and engineering communities.

Included Themes

• Compilers and programming systems

• Data analysis and visualization

• Education in HPC

• Fault-tolerance

• Large-scale parallel applications

• Parallel computer systems

• Performance analysis, tuning, and debugging

• Reproducibility

• Scalable parallel algorithms

• Scientific workflows


A minisymposium generally consists of four 25-minute presentations, with an additional five minutes for discussion after each presentation. To ensure balance, SIAM prefers a single individual not be the organizer or co-organizer of more than one minisymposium, however, organizers can submit up to three (3) parts per minisymposium, allowing up to twelve (12) speakers. In addition, SIAM discourages minisymposia in which most of the speakers or co-authors come from the same institution.

A minisymposium comprised of multiple parts (up to 3) will be counted as a SINGLE minisymposium.

SIAM also requests speakers submit only one oral presentation, either a minisymposium presentation or contributed lecture. Minisymposium session organizers and individual speakers are equally responsible for ensuring participants adhere to the one talk per person rule.

It is recommended the first speaker provide an overview of the topic area. Each minisymposium speaker should submit an abstract no longer than 1,500 characters, including spaces. The organizing committee will referee minisymposium proposals. The number of minisymposia may be limited to retain an acceptable level of parallelism in sessions.

Please visit the Guidelines for Preparing a Minisymposium Proposal.

SIAM requires minisymposium organizers propose sessions with a minimum of three (3) confirmed speakers by the minisymposium submission deadline. Sessions submitted with a majority of speakers listed as “TBD/TBA,” or using placeholders, risk immediate rejection.

Prospective minisymposium organizers must submit a proposal consisting of a title, a description (not to exceed 1,500 characters, including spaces), a list of speakers, and presentation titles using the Conference Management System.

Deadline for submission of minisymposium proposals: August 24, 2021 (11:59 p.m. AoE)

Deadline for submission of minisymposium speaker abstracts: September 14, 2021 (11:59 p.m. AoE)

Contributed Presentations in Lecture or Poster Format

Contributed presentations in lecture or poster format are invited in all areas consistent with the conference themes. A lecture format is generally a 15-minute oral presentation with an additional five (5) minutes for discussion. Talk lengths will be determined by the co-chairs at the close of submissions.

SIAM also requests speakers submit only one oral presentation, either a minisymposium presentation or contributed lecture.

A poster format involves the use of non-electronic visual aids for mounting on a 4’ x 8’ poster board. A poster session is two hours long. Each contributor, either for a lecture or a poster, must submit a title and a brief abstract not to exceed 1,500 characters, including spaces.

A poster may be presented in addition to a talk, provided the talk and the poster are on different topics.

Please submit contributed presentations in lecture or poster format using the Conference Management System.

Deadline for submission of contributed abstracts: September 14, 2021 (11:59 p.m. AoE)

Organizing Committee Co-Chairs

Sherry Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S.

Keita Teranishi, Sandia National Laboratories, U.S.

Organizing Committee

Costas Bekas, Citadel Securities, Switzerland

Rob Bisseling, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

Matthias Bolten, Universität Wuppertal, Germany

Sunita Chandrasekaran, University of Delaware, U.S.

Anne C. Elster, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Katsuki Fujisawa, Kyushu University, Japan

Lois Curfman McInnes, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.

Olaf Schenk, Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland

Adrian Tate, NAG, United Kingdom

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