[hpc-announce] UCC 2019 and BDCAT 2019 Conferences

Valeria Cardellini cardellini at ing.uniroma2.it
Mon Aug 5 12:38:55 CDT 2019

Call for papers for UCC 2019 and BDCAT 2019 Conferences

* 12th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2019)
* 6th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies (BDCAT 2019)

December 2-5, 2019 - Auckland, New Zealand


Important Dates
* Paper submission due: 29 August, 2019
* Notification of acceptance: 7 October, 2019
* Early and author registration deadline: 15 October, 2019
* Camera-ready papers due: 17 October, 2019
* Conference: 2-5 December 2019

Context and Scope
UCC2019 (http://ucc-conference.org/) is the premier IEEE/ACM conference for areas related to Cloud Computing as a Utility and provides an international forum for leading researchers and practitioners in this important and growing field. UCC2019 is co-located with BDCAT2019 (https://www.bdcat-conference.org/) - an annual conference series aiming to provide a platform for researchers from both academia and industry to present new discoveries in the broad area of big data computing and applications.

Cloud computing has firmly established itself as an indispensable utility for the digital age. Cloud services consumers expect and rely on sufficient computing power, the availability of data and media, and that these will be accessible across a range of devices. The expectation now is that Cloud services providers are capable of maintaining streamed services that are always available. Also, social and technological challenges are met with the development and adoption of new technologies that provide a safer, more secure, and richer digital experience for users and customers.

UCC2019 (http://ucc-conference.org/) and BDCAT2019 (https://www.bdcat-conference.org/) will be hosted at Auckland University of Technology (https://www.aut.ac.nz/) in the heart of New Zealand's city of sails.

Topics of Interest
UCC Conference (https://www.ucc-conference.org/call-for-papers) topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Formal aspects of cloud technology
* Architectural models to achieve Utility in Clouds
* Cloud business and legal implications beyond technology
* Cloud Computing middleware, stacks, tools, delivery networks and services at all layers (XaaS)
* Cloud large-scale foundations for Big Data, IoT, and real-time analytics
* Cloud management: autonomic, adaptive, self-*, SLAs, and monitoring
* Cloud-native application design and engineering
* Cloud, Fog and edge/mobile devices management, hierarchy models, and business models
*  Performance analysis and modelling of cloud systems and applications
* Resource management and scalability: brokering, scheduling, capacity planning, and elasticity
* Security, trust and privacy in Clouds
* Virtualization, containerization, composition, orchestration and other enablers

BDCAT (https://www.bdcat-conference.org/call-for-papers) topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Big Data Science
* Big Data Infrastructures and Platforms
* Big Data Applications
* Big Data Trends and Challenges
* Visualization of Big Data

Call for Papers
Authors are invited to submit original unpublished research manuscripts that demonstrate current research in all areas of Cloud and Utility (https://www.ucc-conference.org/call-for-papers) as well as Big Data (https://www.bdcat-conference.org/call-for-papers) computing.

Manuscripts are submitted in PDF format and may not exceed ten single-spaced double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages, including figures, tables, and references. Please refer to ACM proceedings templates (http://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template) for templates and complete formatting instructions.

Manuscripts are submitted via the Easychair Conference Management System:
* UCC: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ucc2019
* BDCAT: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bdcat2019

All manuscripts will be reviewed and judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, rigour in analysis, quality of results, quality of presentation, and interest and relevance to the conference attendees. The conference proceedings will be published by the ACM and made available online via the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Digital Library.

We invite you to visit the UCC (https://www.ucc-conference.org/call-for-papers) and BDCAT (https://www.bdcat-conference.org/call-for-papers) Call for Papers page for more information.

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