[hpc-announce] Call for Papers: Journal of Grid Computing, Special issue on Storage for the Big Data Era

Radu Prodan radu at dps.uibk.ac.at
Thu Mar 30 07:23:03 CDT 2017

The Journal of Grid Computing
Guest Editors: Radu Prodan, Vlado Stankovski


Submission online at: https://www.editorialmanager.com/grid/

One of the main conceptual breakthroughs in computer science, invented 
in theory by the baroness Ada Lovelace and then implemented in the 
Charles Babbage’s Analytic Machine design and the von Neumann computer 
architecture has been the ability to use "memory" to store both data and 
instructions. Following decades of progress in computer science, we are 
on the fringe of a new Big Data Era that poses significant requirements 
for the storage of both data and instructions. Undoubtedly, there exist 
problems for which even exascale computing approaches will not be 
enough. Immense storage capacity cannot be used without thoughtful 
storage designs that take care of many important aspects, such as 
availability versus cost. Storage can and still be used for both 
programs, that nowadays come in the form of functional Virtual Machine, 
container or other disk images and for storing raw data, such as file 
systems, object stores and other more structured forms of storage for 
data and metadata. Nowadays, in distributed computing environments such 
as cloud federations, the functional and nonfunctional requirements for 
storage play an increasingly important role. Therefore, new methods, 
approaches and technologies are necessary to address these requirements. 
Innovative approaches may include innovative forms of cloud storage 
federations, distribution and content-delivery networks, provenance 
tracking and replica management strategies, multi-objective optimization 
of storage etc.

New and innovative storage paradigms have not been sufficiently 
addressed in the literature. The objectives of this Special Issue of the 
Grid Computing Journal are therefore to provide focused dissemination of 
new approaches, methods, and technologies for storage in the Big Data Era.

Topics of interest may include:
- Hierarchical approaches for storing data for the Internet of Things
- Edge/Fog computing concepts for storage
- Data fusion technologies
- Software defined storage
- Storage-related Quality of Service models
- Service Level Agreements for storage
- Measurement methods for storage properties
- Storage approaches focusing on Virtual Machine, container and other 
disk images
- Federation forms for storage
- Security, privacy and other non-functional aspects of storage
- Storage for Open Data

When submitting your manuscript please indicate the Special Issue 
"Storage for the Big Data Era".

All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least three independent 
reviewers, and decision will be provided to the authors.

Following is a timeframe for the Special Issue:
- June 30, 2017. Submission of original manuscripts. Early submissions 
are encouraged.
- August 31, 2017. Preliminary decision or acceptance notice sent to the 
- November 15, 2017. Submission of manuscripts for which revisions were 
- December 1, 2017. Publication of the Special Issue.

Please send any requests for information to one or both Guest Editors at:
- Associate Professor Radu Prodan, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 
Email: radu at dps.uibk.ac.at
- Associate Professor Vlado Stankovski, University of Ljubljana, 
Slovenia, Email: vlado.stankovski at fgg.uni-lj.si

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