[hpc-announce] PATC training: VI-HPS Tuning Workshop, May 23-27, Montpellier, France

Michel Kern michel.kern at inria.fr
Mon Apr 25 11:14:49 CDT 2016

Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement. 
Please share the announcement below with those who may be interested. 

The PATC partners in France are hosting a number of courses in the coming months. As for all PATC events, these courses are in English and are free of charge for all participants. These are just some of many courses offered by the PRACE Advanced Training Centres based in Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. 

There are still seats available for the following course: 

22nd VI- HPS Tuning Workshop, May 23-27, Cines, Montpellier, France 

Détails et inscriptions: https://events.prace-ri.eu/event/478/ 

This workshop is organized by the Virtual Institute - High Productivity Supercomputing (VI- HPS ) for the French PRACE Advanced Training Centre, and will be hosted by CINES : it will give an overview of the VI- HPS programming tools suite, explain the functionality of individual tools and how to use them effectively, as well as offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools. 

See agenda and further details at http://www.vi-hps.org/training/tws/tw22.html 

You can find all the courses offered by the PATC s at http://events.prace-ri.eu/categoryDisplay.py?categId=2 
and further info about Maison de la Simulation at http://www.maisondelasimulation.fr/Phocea/Page/index.php?id=71 
If you have specific inquiries please contact patc at maisondelasimulation.fr 

Best regards 
Michel Kern, coordinator for PATC France 

Michel Kern 
Centre de Recherche Inria de Paris, Maison de la Simulation 
2 rue Simone Iff, bureau A413, Digiteo Labs, bât 565, CEA Saclay 
75012 Paris 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex 
tel. : +33 (0)1 80 49 42 36, tel. : +33 (0)1 69 08 58 32 

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