[hpc-announce] Special issue: "Emerging Hardware Technologies for Databases (EHTD-2015)": Call for Papers

OJDB Editorial Office ojdb at ronpub.com
Mon Nov 10 02:44:49 CST 2014

Open Journal of Databases (OJDB)  (www.ronpub.com/journals/ojbd)

=========================== Call for Papers 
Special issue: "Emerging Hardware Technologies for Databases (EHTD-2015)"

This special issue will be published in the Open Journal of Databases 
(OJDB) (http://www.ronpub.com/journals/ojdb). OJDB, an open access and 
peer-reviewed online journal, publishes original and creative research 
results on database technologies. OJDB distributes its articles under 
the open access model. All articles of OJDB are fully open access and 
online available to readers free of charge. There is no restriction on 
the length of the papers. Accepted manuscripts are published online 

In recent years, the number of hardware implementation alternatives for 
database systems has significantly increased. Field Programmable Gate 
Arrays (FPGAs), General Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Unit 
(GPGPUs), Smart SSDs and servers with huge main memories became 
available and offer new possibilities for speeding up processing. Yet, 
traditional processing techniques in database systems have to be 
rethink  as the computational models and processing capabilities of 
these new hardware alternatives differ significantly from existing 
CPU-centric approaches. FPGAs allow for massively parallel processing at 
low clock frequency, and in addition permit runtime adaption of 
processing units to the current processing requirements by mean of 
partial reconfiguration. GPGPUs can be seen as stream processors that 
can operate massively in parallel by running one kernel on many records 
in a stream at once. Smart SSDs can already process data inside the SSD 
before transferred to CPUs on slower network connections. Server with 
terabytes of main memory can now access and hold data in main memory, 
which had to be stored and administrated on slow discs or SSDs in the 
past. To make best use of these capabilities, new algorithms, new 
structures for data representation as well as new techniques for data 
management have to be developed. The goal of this special issue is to 
present the latest results and new ideas in the broad area of emerging 
hardware technologies for database systems.

The special issue expects original and high-quality papers, including 
but NOT limited to the following topics:

- New hardware architectures for databases
- Algorithms for databases on emerging hardware technologies
- Programming models for emerging hardware
- New storage devices and new approaches to data management utilizing them
- Benchmarks for database technologies on new hardware
- In-memory data management
- Reconfigurable challenges for FPGA processing
- Query processing for hybrid architectures
- Optimized index construction on emerging hardware
- Green computing
- Data management and query processing in the Internet of Things

- Dr. rer. nat. habil. Sven Groppe, IFIS, University of Lübeck, Germany 
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thilo Pionteck, ITI, University of Lübeck, Germany 

- Submission Deadline: 15.01.2015
- Author Notification: 27.02.2015

For detailed information on the preparation and submission of 
manuscripts, please visit Author Guidelines 

This special issue will be published in the Open Journal of Databases 
(OJDB) (http://www.ronpub.com/journal/ojdb). All articles of OJDB are 
fully open access and online available to readers free of charge. In 
order to support open access, OJDB has to charge an one-time publication 
fee for each accepted article. Please visit the journal webpage 
(http://www.ronpub.com/index.php/journals/ojdb/publication-fees) for 
more information.

OJDB Editorial Office
RonPub UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Lübeck, Germany
Web: www.ronpub.com/journals/ojdb
Email: ojdb at ronpub.com

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