[hpc-announce] Call for Papers: Springer Cluster Computing - Special Issue on Unconventional Cluster Architectures and Applications

Holger Fröning froening at uni-hd.de
Wed Oct 17 08:36:54 CDT 2012

                                 CALL FOR PAPERS

                           Springer Cluster Computing
             The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications
                          Editor-in-Chief: Salim Hariri
Special Issue on Unconventional Cluster Architectures and Applications
                  Guest Editors: Federico Silla, Holger Fröning

This CLUSTER COMPUTING JOURNAL special issue gears to gather recent
work on unconventional cluster architectures and applications, which
potentially have a big impact on defining future cluster architectures.
This includes any cluster architecture that is not based on the usual
commodity components and therefore makes use of some special hard- or
software elements, or that is used for very special and unconventional
applications. Examples include GPUs, MICs (Many Integrated Core), FLASH
and FPGAs on the hardware side, and run-time management,
virtualization, in-memory storage and device-to-device communication on
the software side. We are in particular encouraging work on disruptive
approaches, which may show inferior performance today but can already
point out their full performance potential. The broad scope of the
special issue facilitates submissions on unconventional uses of
hardware or software, gearing to gather ideas that are coming to life
now and not limiting them except for their context: clusters.

We are seeking new proposals presented from a holistic perspective. In
this regard, one of the aims of the special issue is anticipating the
evolution of clusters, instead of just presenting new work carried out
in the traditional cluster areas usually addressed in other journals
and conferences.

Topics of interest include any unconventional cluster architecture or
application. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- High-performance, data-intensive, and power-aware computing
- Application-specific clusters, datacenters, and high performance
        cloud architectures
- Software cluster-level virtualization for consolidation purposes
- Principles from organic computing applied to cluster architectures
- Hardware techniques for disaggregation of resources
- Management techniques for large-scale systems
- New uses of GPUs, FPGAs, and other specialized hardware
- Dedicated support for novel parallel programming paradigms like PGAS
        or MapReduce
- New industry and technology trends and their potential impact on one
        of the above

- Paper submission: 31st January 2013
- Notification of acceptance: 15th April 2013
- Final Manuscript Due: 31st May 2013
- Publication of Special Issue: 4th Quarter 2013

- Federico Silla, Technical University of Valencia, Spain,
        fsilla at disca.upv.es
- Holger Fröning, University of Heidelberg, Germany,
        froening at uni-hd.de

The special issue CFP will be shortly posted on the Springer website.
In the meantime, for further information, check the journal web site
(http://www.springer.com/journal/10586) or contact the guest editors.

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