[hpc-announce] EuroMPI 2012, Vienna September 23rd-26th, Call for Participation

Jesper Larsson Träff traff at par.tuwien.ac.at
Tue Jul 3 09:30:56 CDT 2012


EuroMPI 2012 - the prime meeting for researchers, developers, and
students in message-passing parallel computing with MPI (and related
paradigms) - calls for *active participation* in the conference which
will take place from September 23rd to September 26th in Vienna,
Austria, at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
The conference will feature
- 22 strong technical papers on aspects of MPI library implementation, 
  applications using MPI, extensions to MPI, implementation on novel 
  architectures, performance analysis etc.
- 4 invited talks by leading experts, e.g. on MPI implementation on novel (HPC)
- 2 tutorials on performance analysis and advanced MPI
- The IMUDI special session dedicated to improving MPI user and developer 
  interaction with technical papers and an invited talk
- An MPI Forum session on MPI 3.0
- A technically oriented vendor session
- A selection of posters

More details, including conference and hotel registration links, can
be found at www.eurompi2012.org

The (early) registration fee of 500 Euro covers the full program,
printed proceedings in the Springer LNCS series, all lunches and
coffee breaks, and the social program in Vienna. The early
registration fee will be valid until July 20th. Tutorial participation
is in addition, but tutorials can be attended independently of the

General Chair:
Jack Dongarra

Program chairs and local organizers:
Siegfried Benkner, University of Vienna
Jesper Larsson Träff, Vienna University of Technology

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