[cgma-dev] r2800 - cgm/trunk/test
kraftche at cae.wisc.edu
kraftche at cae.wisc.edu
Fri Apr 3 16:04:40 CDT 2009
Author: kraftche
Date: 2009-04-03 16:04:38 -0500 (Fri, 03 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 2800
Add test to verify correct topology constuction and querying. Make a
cube and check that everything is connected as expected.
Modified: cgm/trunk/test/Makefile.am
--- cgm/trunk/test/Makefile.am 2009-04-03 20:02:36 UTC (rev 2799)
+++ cgm/trunk/test/Makefile.am 2009-04-03 21:04:38 UTC (rev 2800)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-I$(srcdir) \
-TESTS = sheet
+TESTS = sheet brick
if build_ACIS
TESTS += webcut hollow_acis
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
+brick_SOURCES = brick.cpp
# Files that are used as input to tests, and therefore
# must be included in tarball for tests to run.
Added: cgm/trunk/test/brick.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/test/brick.cpp (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/test/brick.cpp 2009-04-03 21:04:38 UTC (rev 2800)
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+#include "GeometryModifyTool.hpp"
+#include "GeometryQueryTool.hpp"
+#include "ModelQueryEngine.hpp"
+#include "RefVertex.hpp"
+#include "RefEdge.hpp"
+#include "RefFace.hpp"
+#include "Body.hpp"
+#include "AppUtil.hpp"
+#include "Loop.hpp"
+#include "CoEdge.hpp"
+#ifdef HAVE_OCC
+# include "OCCQueryEngine.hpp"
+# include "OCCModifyEngine.hpp"
+#ifdef HAVE_ACIS
+# include "AcisQueryEngine.hpp"
+# include "AcisModifyEngine.hpp"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+/* Check that CGM's presentation of the modeler topology
+ is correct by creating a simple cube and checking that
+ everything is correctly connected.
+ */
+void check_valid_edge( RefEdge* edge );
+void check_valid_face( RefFace* face );
+void check_valid_loop( Loop* loop );
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
+ // Start up CGM
+ AppUtil::instance()->startup(argc, argv);
+ CGMApp::instance()->startup(argc, argv);
+ CubitObserver::init_static_observers();
+#ifdef HAVE_OCC
+ OCCQueryEngine::instance();
+ OCCModifyEngine::instance();
+#ifdef HAVE_ACIS
+ AcisQueryEngine::instance();
+ AcisModifyEngine::instance();
+ // Create a brick
+ Body* brick = GeometryModifyTool::instance()->brick( 2, 2, 2 );
+ assert(brick != 0);
+ // Get all child RefEntities
+ DLIList<ModelEntity*> query_results;
+ DLIList<RefFace*> surfaces;
+ DLIList<RefEdge*> curves;
+ DLIList<RefVertex*> points;
+ ModelQueryEngine::instance()->query_model( *brick, DagType::ref_face_type(), query_results );
+ CAST_LIST( query_results, surfaces, RefFace );
+ query_results.clean_out();
+ ModelQueryEngine::instance()->query_model( *brick, DagType::ref_edge_type(), query_results );
+ CAST_LIST( query_results, curves, RefEdge );
+ query_results.clean_out();
+ ModelQueryEngine::instance()->query_model( *brick, DagType::ref_vertex_type(), query_results );
+ CAST_LIST( query_results, points, RefVertex );
+ query_results.clean_out();
+ // Check expected number of child RefEntities
+ assert( surfaces.size() == 6 );
+ assert( curves.size() == 12 );
+ assert( points.size() == 8 );
+ // Cube should be 2x2x2 and centered at origin, so each vertex
+ // should have the coords (+/-1, +/-1, +/-1). Check that this
+ // is the case and put vertex pointers in an array in the canonical
+ // order for hexahedra.
+ RefVertex* corners[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+ for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) {
+ RefVertex* vtx = points.get_and_step();
+ CubitVector pos = vtx->coordinates();
+ // all coordinate values are plus or minus one
+ assert( fabs(fabs(pos.x()) - 1) < 1e-12 );
+ assert( fabs(fabs(pos.y()) - 1) < 1e-12 );
+ assert( fabs(fabs(pos.z()) - 1) < 1e-12 );
+ int idx;
+ if (pos.x() < 0)
+ idx = pos.y() < 0 ? 0 : 3;
+ else
+ idx = pos.y() < 0 ? 1 : 2;
+ if (pos.z() > 0)
+ idx += 4;
+ // No duplicate vertices allowed
+ assert( corners[idx] == 0 );
+ corners[idx] = vtx;
+ }
+ // Now figure out which of the 12 edges each RefEdge is by
+ // checking the position of each attached vertex in the
+ // above 'corners' array, Put edge pointers in an array in
+ // the canonical edge order for a heaxahedron.
+ RefEdge* edges[12] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ for (int i = 0; i < curves.size(); ++i) {
+ RefEdge* edge = curves.get_and_step();
+ int start_i = std::find( corners, corners + 8, edge->start_vertex() ) - corners;
+ int end_i = std::find( corners, corners + 8, edge->end_vertex() ) - corners;
+ assert( start_i < 8 );
+ assert( end_i < 8 );
+ int idx;
+ // If edge is lateral edge from bottom face to top
+ if (start_i < 4 && end_i >= 4) {
+ idx = start_i + 4;
+ assert( end_i == idx );
+ }
+ // If edge is lateral edge from top face to bottom
+ else if (start_i >= 4 && end_i < 4) {
+ idx = end_i + 4;
+ assert( start_i == idx );
+ }
+ // If edge is part of bottom face
+ else if (start_i < 4) {
+ if ((start_i + 1)%4 == end_i)
+ idx = start_i;
+ else if ((end_i + 1)%4 == start_i)
+ idx = end_i;
+ else
+ assert( false );
+ }
+ // If edge is part of top face
+ else {
+ if ((start_i - 3) % 4 + 4 == end_i)
+ idx = start_i + 4;
+ else if ((end_i - 3) % 4 + 4 == start_i)
+ idx = end_i + 4;
+ else
+ assert( false );
+ }
+ // Check no duplicate edges
+ assert( 0 == edges[idx] );
+ edges[idx] = edge;
+ }
+ // Face connectivity, specified by edge numbers
+ int std_faces[6][4] = { { 0, 5, 8, 4 },
+ { 1, 6, 9, 5 },
+ { 2, 7, 10, 6 },
+ { 3, 4, 11, 7 },
+ { 3, 2, 1, 0 },
+ { 8, 9, 10,11 } };
+ RefFace* faces[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ DLIList< DLIList<RefEdge*>* > loops;
+ for (int i = 0; i < surfaces.size(); ++i) {
+ // get ref edges
+ RefFace* face = surfaces.get_and_step();
+ face->ref_edge_loops( loops );
+ assert( loops.size() == 1 );
+ DLIList<RefEdge*> loop(*loops.get());
+ delete loops.get();
+ loops.clean_out();
+ // match loop of edges to one of the expected faces
+ assert( loop.size() == 4 );
+ int k;
+ for (k = 0; k < 6; ++k) {
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
+ if (!loop.is_in_list(edges[std_faces[k][j]]))
+ break;
+ if (j == 4)
+ break;
+ }
+ assert( k < 6 ); // fail of didn't match any expected face
+ assert(0 == faces[k]); // no duplicates
+ faces[k] = face;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
+ check_valid_edge( edges[i] );
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
+ check_valid_face( faces[i] );
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
+ assert(faces[i]->number_of_Loops() == 1);
+ check_valid_loop( dynamic_cast<Loop*>(faces[i]->get_first_grouping_entity_ptr()) );
+ }
+ return 0;
+void check_valid_edge( RefEdge* edge )
+ // Check that start and end vertices are in the correct order
+ // by comparing vertex coordinates to edge position from start
+ // and end parameters.
+ double start_u, end_u;
+ edge->get_param_range( start_u, end_u );
+ CubitStatus s;
+ CubitVector start_p, end_p;
+ s = edge->position_from_u( start_u, start_p );
+ assert(CUBIT_SUCCESS == s);
+ assert( (start_p - edge->start_vertex()->coordinates()).length() < 1e-6 );
+ s = edge->position_from_u( end_u, end_p );
+ assert(CUBIT_SUCCESS == s);
+ assert( (end_p - edge->end_vertex()->coordinates()).length() < 1e-6 );
+ // Check reverse query from vertex to edge brings us back to the
+ // input edge.
+ DLIList<RefEntity*> ents;
+ edge->start_vertex()->get_parent_ref_entities( ents );
+ assert( ents.is_in_list( edge ) );
+ ents.clean_out();
+ edge->end_vertex()->get_parent_ref_entities( ents );
+ assert( ents.is_in_list( edge ) );
+void check_valid_face( RefFace* face )
+ DLIList<RefEntity*> edges, parents;
+ face->get_child_ref_entities( edges );
+ double u_min, u_max, v_min, v_max, u, v;
+ face->get_param_range_U( u_min, u_max );
+ face->get_param_range_V( v_min, v_max );
+ // Check that each edge is on the face
+ for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i) {
+ RefEdge* edge = dynamic_cast<RefEdge*>(edges.get_and_step());
+ assert(!!edge);
+ // Get three points to sample at
+ CubitVector p[3];
+ p[0] = edge->start_vertex()->coordinates();
+ p[1] = edge->center_point();
+ p[2] = edge->end_vertex()->coordinates();
+ // For each sample point
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
+ // Check that point is on geometric surface
+ CubitVector close(p[j]);
+ face->move_to_surface( close );
+ assert( (close - p[j]).length() < 1e-6 );
+ // Check that point is within UV bounds
+ CubitStatus s = face->u_v_from_position( p[j], u, v );
+ assert( CUBIT_SUCCESS == s );
+ assert( (u - u_min) > -1e-6 );
+ assert( (u_max - u) > -1e-6 );
+ assert( (v - v_min) > -1e-6 );
+ assert( (v_max - v) > -1e-6 );
+ }
+ }
+ // Check reverse query from edge to face brings us back to the
+ // input face.
+ for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i) {
+ parents.clean_out();
+ RefEntity* edge = edges.get_and_step();
+ edge->get_parent_ref_entities( parents );
+ assert( parents.is_in_list( face ) );
+ }
+// Check that coedges in loop chare expected vertices.
+void check_valid_loop( Loop* loop )
+ DLIList<CoEdge*> coedges;
+ loop->ordered_co_edges( coedges );
+ CoEdge* prev = coedges.get_and_step();
+ for (int i = 0; i < coedges.size(); ++i) {
+ CoEdge* curr = coedges.get_and_step();
+ RefVertex* common_1 = prev->get_sense() == CUBIT_REVERSED ?
+ prev->get_ref_edge_ptr()->start_vertex() :
+ prev->get_ref_edge_ptr()->end_vertex() ;
+ RefVertex* common_2 = curr->get_sense() == CUBIT_REVERSED ?
+ curr->get_ref_edge_ptr()->end_vertex() :
+ curr->get_ref_edge_ptr()->start_vertex();
+ assert( common_1 == common_2 );
+ prev = curr;
+ }
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