[cgma-dev] r1613 - cgm/trunk/geom/OCC

janehu at mcs.anl.gov janehu at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Feb 21 13:51:25 CST 2008

Author: janehu
Date: 2008-02-21 13:51:25 -0600 (Thu, 21 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 1613

Added intersection check for curve to make surface, and make_TopoDS_Face for outer loop.

Modified: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.cpp	2008-02-21 19:20:44 UTC (rev 1612)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.cpp	2008-02-21 19:51:25 UTC (rev 1613)
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include "gp_Torus.hxx"
 #include "BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShell.hxx"
 #include "BRepBuilderAPI_MakeSolid.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire.hxx"
 #include "TopoDS_Shape.hxx"
 #include "TColgp_Array1OfPnt.hxx"
 #include "GC_MakeArcOfCircle.hxx"
@@ -632,7 +633,7 @@
 // Function   : make_Surface
 // Member Type: PUBLIC
 // Description: make a surface of type surface_type, given the list of curves.
-//              check edges option is down in GeometryModifyTool level, so 
+//              check edges option is done in GeometryModifyTool level, so 
 //              disregard this option.
 // Author     : Jane Hu
 // Date       : 02/08
@@ -648,8 +649,30 @@
   Curve const* curve_ptr = NULL ;
   OCCCurve* occ_curve = NULL;
   TopoDS_Edge* topo_edge = NULL;
-  for (int i = 0 ; i < curve_list.size() ; i++ )
+  //check no intersections of the TopoDS_Edge's.
+  for ( int i = 0 ; i < curve_list.size()-1 ; i++ )
+     for(int j = i+1; j < curve_list.size(); j ++)
+     {
+        DLIList<CubitVector*> intscts;
+ 	CubitBoolean bounded = CUBIT_TRUE;//dummy arg.
+	CubitBoolean closest = CUBIT_TRUE;//dummy arg.
+        CubitStatus yes_int = 
+              OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve_list[i],
+				curve_list[j], intscts, bounded, closest);
+        if(yes_int)
+        {
+	   PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::make_Surface\n"
+                 "       Cannot make Surface with intersecting curves.\n");
+           return (Surface *)NULL;
+        }
+     }
+  }
+  //sort the curves so they are in order and make closed loop
+  for ( int i = 0 ; i < curve_list.size() ; i++ )
+  {
      curve_ptr = curve_list.get_and_step() ;  
      occ_curve = CAST_TO(const_cast<Curve*>(curve_ptr), OCCCurve);
@@ -665,7 +688,7 @@
   // Use the topo_edges to make a topo_face
-  TopoDS_Face* topo_face = this->make_TopoDS_Face(surface_type,
+  TopoDS_Face* topo_face = make_TopoDS_Face(surface_type,
 					topo_edges, old_surface_ptr) ;
   if(topo_face == NULL)
@@ -682,6 +705,50 @@
+// Function   : make_TopoDS_Face
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a opoDS_Face of type surface_type, given the list of 
+//              TopoDS_Edge. the TopoDS_Edge's should be in order in loops.
+//              The first edge loop is the outer loop.
+//              check edges option is done in GeometryModifyTool level, so
+//              disregard this option.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 02/08
+TopoDS_Face* OCCModifyEngine::make_TopoDS_Face(GeometryType surface_type,
+			       DLIList<DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>*> topo_edges_list,
+			       Surface * old_surface_ptr)const
+  // Make sure a supported type of surface is being requested.
+  if ( surface_type != PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE  &&
+       surface_type != BEST_FIT_SURFACE_TYPE)
+  {
+      PRINT_WARNING("In OCCGeometryEngine::make_TopoDS_Face\n"
+                    "       At this time, cannot make a TopoDS_Face that isn't"
+                    " planar or best fit.\n");
+      return (TopoDS_Face *)NULL;
+  }
+  // Set the TopoDS_Face pointer, if requested.
+  TopoDS_Face *fit_Face = NULL;
+  if ( old_surface_ptr != NULL )
+  {
+      OCCSurface *surf = CAST_TO(old_surface_ptr, OCCSurface );
+      fit_Face = surf->get_TopoDS_Face();
+  }
+  // Make a wire from the topo_edges.
+  // Coincident TopoDS_Vertex will be deleted by OCC.
+  if(topo_edges_list.size() == 0)
+      return (TopoDS_Face*) NULL;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>* topo_edges = topo_edges_list.get();
+  BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire aWire(*(topo_edges->get()));
+  for(int i = 1; i < topo_edges->size(); i++)
+    aWire.Add(*(topo_edges->step_and_get()));
 // Function   : make_Lump
 // Member Type: PUBLIC
 // Description: make a lump

Modified: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.hpp	2008-02-21 19:20:44 UTC (rev 1612)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.hpp	2008-02-21 19:51:25 UTC (rev 1613)
@@ -652,7 +652,9 @@
                                   DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies,
                                   DLIList<TopologyBridge*>* ) const; 
+  TopoDS_Face* make_TopoDS_Face(GeometryType surface_type,
+                                DLIList<DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>*> topo_edges_list, 
+                                Surface * old_surface_ptr)const; 
  TopoDS_Face* make_TopoDS_Face( GeometryType surface_type,

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