[AG-TECH] AG3 CVS - Files Missing? (solved)

Thomas D. Uram turam at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Feb 8 19:31:29 CST 2006

You should update your ZSI CVS checkout.  In CVS, the names of those files have 
hence our use of the different names.


On 2/8/06 5:19 PM, Ashnil Kumar wrote:
> Tom
> Thanks for that. I ran it and it helped me find the problem.
> In /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin/:
>  'wsdl2py.py' and 'wsdl2dispatch.py' were known as 'wsdl2py' and 
> 'wsdl2dispatch', causing GenerateInterfaces.py to fail because it could 
> not find the files.
> Creating symbolic links for 'wsdl2py.py' and 'wsdl2dispatch.py' in the 
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin/ 
> directory fixed the issue.
> Cheers,
> Ash
> On 08/02/2006, at 4:41 PM, Thomas D. Uram wrote:
>> Ashnil:
>> Try running AccessGrid/tools/GenerateInterfaces.py.  That will generate
>> Python code in AccessGrid/interfaces from the files in AccessGrid/wsdl.
>> This should be getting called automatically by CvsSetup.py.  Is it for 
>> some
>> reason not being called in your case?
>> Tom
>> On 2/7/06 11:18 PM, Ashnil Kumar wrote:
>>> I have recently set up AG3 on Mac OS X 10.3 (using CvsSetup, as I 
>>> want to look at development in the future rather than just using it 
>>> now), and when attempting to run from the command line, I have come 
>>> across a couple of ImportErrors. In both cases, AGTK_LOCATION and 
>>> PYTHONPATH were correctly set up.
>>> AccessGrid/interfaces contains only __init__.py. Are the modules that 
>>> are not found intentionally not there? The traces are given below.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ashnil
>>> When running "python VenueClient.py --personalNode"
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "VenueClient.py", line 15, in ?
>>>     from AccessGrid.hosting import Client
>>>   File 
>>> "/Volumes/Data/mnt/scratch/ag3b/AccessGrid/AccessGrid/hosting/__init__.py", 
>>> line 134, in ?
>>>     SetHostingImpl(__hostingImpl)
>>>   File 
>>> "/Volumes/Data/mnt/scratch/ag3b/AccessGrid/AccessGrid/hosting/__init__.py", 
>>> line 70, in SetHostingImpl
>>>     s = __import__(nis, globals(), locals(), ["SecureServer",
>>>   File 
>>> "/Volumes/Data/mnt/scratch/ag3b/AccessGrid/AccessGrid/hosting/ZSI/__init__.py", 
>>> line 24, in ?
>>>     from AccessGrid.interfaces.AccessGrid_Types import 
>>> www_accessgrid_org_v3_0 as AGTypes
>>> ImportError: No module named AccessGrid_Types
>>> and when running "python VenueServer.py":
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "VenueServer.py", line 25, in ?
>>>     from AccessGrid.Toolkit import Service
>>>   File 
>>> "/Volumes/Data/mnt/scratch/ag3b/AccessGrid/AccessGrid/Toolkit.py", 
>>> line 21, in ?
>>>     from AccessGrid.Preferences import Preferences
>>>   File 
>>> "/Volumes/Data/mnt/scratch/ag3b/AccessGrid/AccessGrid/Preferences.py", 
>>> line 12, in ?
>>>     from AccessGrid.interfaces.AGNodeService_client import 
>>> AGNodeServiceIW
>>> ImportError: No module named AGNodeService_client

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