[AG-TECH] AGTk on DMX (Re: Best single machine *Linux* hardware setup)

shudo at ni.aist.go.jp shudo at ni.aist.go.jp
Mon Sep 27 10:05:16 CDT 2004

Hi all,

From: "Ivan R. Judson" <judson at mcs.anl.gov>

> there *still* aren't many (if any) 4 headed AGP cards that are known to work
> with linux...or windows...

The words "4 headed" reminded me of DMX.

Have anyone ever tried AGTk on DMX ?

  Distributed Multihead X Project

  Xdmx is proxy X server that provides multi-head support for multiple
  displays attached to different machines

One of anxieties is video performance.
Is Xdmx able to perform well enough for VIC?

Note that today I've noticed that the newest development version of
Fedora Core now has the Xdmx:

% rpm -qi xorg-x11-Xdmx
Name        : xorg-x11-Xdmx                Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 6.8.1                             Vendor: Red Hat, Inc.
Release     : 3                             Build Date: Tue Sep 21 10:23:16 2004Install Date: Mon Sep 27 20:11:46 2004      Build Host: tweety.build.redhat.com
Group       : User Interface/X              Source RPM: xorg-x11-6.8.1-3.src.rpmSize        : 2015581                          License: MIT/X11, and others
Signature   : (none)
Packager    : Red Hat, Inc. <http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla>
URL         : http://xorg.freedesktop.org
Summary     : Distributed Multihead X Server and utilities
Description :
Xdmx is proxy X server that provides multi-head support for multiple displays
attached to different machines (each of which is running a typical X server).
When Xinerama is used with Xdmx, the multiple displays on multiple machines
are presented to the user as a single unified screen.  A simple application
for Xdmx would be to provide multi-head support using two desktop machines,
each of which has a single display device attached to it.  A complex
application for Xdmx would be to unify a 4 by 4 grid of 1280x1024 displays
(each attached to one of 16 computers) into a unified 5120x4096 display.

  Kazuyuki Shudo
  Grid Technology Research Center
  National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

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