[AG-TECH] Consuming webservice from Venue.py within C++

Thomas D. Uram turam at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Sep 21 00:32:01 CDT 2004

Hallo Michael:

We are using the SOAPpy python module from the pywebsvcs sourceforge
project, with Globus TCP underneath.  It would be difficult for you
to construct an interoperable Globus SOAP client environment in a
language other than python, at the moment.  Interoperability is one of
our big goals for the near future, when we will be using WSDL to
describe our interfaces.

At present, I'd suggest you use the AG toolkit to develop a web services
client to the toolkit components.  Each web service component we have is
described by an interface (for example, the Venue is exposed through a
venue interface VenueI), and has an associated interface wrapper (
VenueIW ).  You can construct a simple application that instantiates a
VenueIW and makes calls to a venue.

I hope this helps.


Thomas D. Uram wrote:
> Michael Braitmaier wrote:
>> I want to consume a webservice from Venue.py. How would I have to 
>> proceed.
>> As far as I can see you don't provide WSDL files describing the 
>> webservices.
>> Is there any way to consume the AGT webservice from within a C++ program,
>> with reasonable effort. Sorry, for these kind of low level questions, 
>> but I
>> am a bit confused on how you implemented webservices, especially the 
>> way you
>> use SOAP. I am not quite sure wether you wrote your own SOAP library 
>> or set
>> on top another basic library providing SOAP-functionality. Therefore I 
>> don't
>> know wether I have to create all the soap messages "by hand" or wether 
>> I can
>> rely upon a library myself.
>> Best Regards
>> Michael
>> ------------------
>> Michael Braitmaier
>> HLRS - Visualization / Video Conferencing
>> University of Stuttgart
>> Germany
>> Website: http://www.hlrs.de/organization/vis/people/braitmaier/

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