[AG-TECH] Consuming webservice from Venue.py within C++

Michael Braitmaier braitmaier at hlrs.de
Tue Sep 21 06:59:19 CDT 2004

Hello Thomas!

First of all thanks for your reply. So in case of wanting to determine a 
list of users of a Venue out of a SharedApp this would mean I have to 
instanciate a VenueIW wrapper in the shared application python script and 
then exchange the retrieved information with my application behind the 
SharedApplication script. Is that correct?

Best regards

> Hallo Michael:
> We are using the SOAPpy python module from the pywebsvcs sourceforge
> project, with Globus TCP underneath.  It would be difficult for you
> to construct an interoperable Globus SOAP client environment in a
> language other than python, at the moment.  Interoperability is one of
> our big goals for the near future, when we will be using WSDL to
> describe our interfaces.
> At present, I'd suggest you use the AG toolkit to develop a web services
> client to the toolkit components.  Each web service component we have is
> described by an interface (for example, the Venue is exposed through a
> venue interface VenueI), and has an associated interface wrapper (
> VenueIW ).  You can construct a simple application that instantiates a
> VenueIW and makes calls to a venue.
> I hope this helps.
> Tom
> Thomas D. Uram wrote:
>> Michael Braitmaier wrote:
>>> I want to consume a webservice from Venue.py. How would I have to 
>>> proceed.
>>> As far as I can see you don't provide WSDL files describing the 
>>> webservices.
>>> Is there any way to consume the AGT webservice from within a C++ 
>>> program,
>>> with reasonable effort. Sorry, for these kind of low level questions, 
>>> but I
>>> am a bit confused on how you implemented webservices, especially the way 
>>> you
>>> use SOAP. I am not quite sure wether you wrote your own SOAP library or 
>>> set
>>> on top another basic library providing SOAP-functionality. Therefore I 
>>> don't
>>> know wether I have to create all the soap messages "by hand" or wether I 
>>> can
>>> rely upon a library myself.
>>> Best Regards
>>> Michael
>>> ------------------
>>> Michael Braitmaier
>>> HLRS - Visualization / Video Conferencing
>>> University of Stuttgart
>>> Germany
>>> Website: http://www.hlrs.de/organization/vis/people/braitmaier/

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