[AG-TECH] How to start VideoProducerService and AudioService in AG 2.1.1

Vu Quang Minh vuminh at mlab.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Thu Jan 22 02:01:35 CST 2004

Hi all,
I am trying to start VideoProducerService and AudioService
for my node at The University of Tokyo. I have followed the
instructions here:

Step 1:
Run AGServiceManager.py on each machine
	Double click AGServiceManager.py in the Windows machine
	Run AGServiceManager.py -d for the audio machine and 
	video capture machine (Redhat 9.0 machines)

Run AGNodeService.py on the display Windows machine 
(double click the file)

Step 2:
Run the NodeManagement.py on the display Windows machine
(double click the file)

Step 3:
At the NodeManagement.py GUI on the display machine I select
"ServiceManager -> Add" 3 times and set the hostnames and ports
as follow:
Hostname: <Display machine's IP>; Port: 12000
Hostname: <Audio   machine's IP>; Port: 12000
Hostname: <Capture machine's IP>; Port: 12000

Step 4:
At the NodeManagement.py GUI on the display machine I select
"Service -> Add" for 3 ServiceManagers and set the services
VideoConsumerService, Audio service, VideoProducerService
for them respectively.

Step 5:
Configure the Video Producer Service at the NodeManagement.py GUI

Step 6:
Store the Node configuration, but I can not get the status "started"
for any Service as stated in the instruction page.

Step 7:
Run the VenueClient.py and go to the default Venue at
Then I can get video stream from other nodes but all of my services
(VideoConsumerService, VideoProducerService and AudioConsumerService)
still did not change to "Started" status.

Are there any wrong with the above setting?

Vu Quang Minh <vuminh at mlab.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp>

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