[AG-TECH] How to start VideoProducerService and AudioService in AG 2.1.1

Thomas D. Uram turam at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jan 26 11:40:21 CST 2004

Hello Vu Quang:

The steps you are following look like they should work.  You say you are 
running version 2.1.1 of the AG software.  The latest version, 2.1.2, 
contains significant bug fixes; I recommend you update to 2.1.2 and try 
the procedure again.

If you continue to have problems, you can look at the logfiles written 
by the software to try to determine the problem.  The files you'll want 
to look at are AGService.log on Linux (in ~/.AccessGrid); and agns.log 
and VenueClient.log on Windows (in C:\Documents and 
Settings\<you>\Application Data\AccessGrid).  If the problem isn't 
evident in the logs, you can send them to me, and I will try to 
understand the problem.

Sorry you ran into problems with the software.  Let me know how things go.


Vu Quang Minh wrote:

>Hi all,
>I am trying to start VideoProducerService and AudioService
>for my node at The University of Tokyo. I have followed the
>instructions here:
>Step 1:
>Run AGServiceManager.py on each machine
>	Double click AGServiceManager.py in the Windows machine
>	Run AGServiceManager.py -d for the audio machine and 
>	video capture machine (Redhat 9.0 machines)
>Run AGNodeService.py on the display Windows machine 
>(double click the file)
>Step 2:
>Run the NodeManagement.py on the display Windows machine
>(double click the file)
>Step 3:
>At the NodeManagement.py GUI on the display machine I select
>"ServiceManager -> Add" 3 times and set the hostnames and ports
>as follow:
>Hostname: <Display machine's IP>; Port: 12000
>Hostname: <Audio   machine's IP>; Port: 12000
>Hostname: <Capture machine's IP>; Port: 12000
>Step 4:
>At the NodeManagement.py GUI on the display machine I select
>"Service -> Add" for 3 ServiceManagers and set the services
>VideoConsumerService, Audio service, VideoProducerService
>for them respectively.
>Step 5:
>Configure the Video Producer Service at the NodeManagement.py GUI
>Step 6:
>Store the Node configuration, but I can not get the status "started"
>for any Service as stated in the instruction page.
>Step 7:
>Run the VenueClient.py and go to the default Venue at
>Then I can get video stream from other nodes but all of my services
>(VideoConsumerService, VideoProducerService and AudioConsumerService)
>still did not change to "Started" status.
>Are there any wrong with the above setting?

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