[AG-TECH] Problems with Slackware 9.1 version of AG

Jeremy Mann jeremy at biochem.uthscsa.edu
Tue Feb 10 08:54:51 CST 2004

I had to reinstall our Venue Server due to a hard drive replacement so I
thought I'd try the 9.1 packages of AG from APAG. Well, so far I can't
connect to the server. Before installation, I backed up all certificates,
the ag directory, and globus certificates. The VenueServer starts, but
when I use my laptop (which worked on the previous installation) says it
can't connect. In the VenueServer logs, I see where it knows how I am and
says I am allowed to connect:

02/10/04 08:47:55 32771 AG     VenueServer.py:72 DEBUG Server gets
identity /O=Access
Grid/OU=agdev-ca.mcs.anl.gov/OU=biochemistry.uthscsa.edu/CN=Jeremy Mann
02/10/04 08:47:56 32771 AG     VenueServer.py:72 DEBUG Server gets
identity /O=Access
Grid/OU=agdev-ca.mcs.anl.gov/OU=biochemistry.uthscsa.edu/CN=Jeremy Mann
02/10/04 08:47:56 196621 AG.hosting.AccessControl     AccessControl.py:492
DEBUG User ('x509', '/O=Access
Grid/OU=agdev-ca.mcs.anl.gov/OU=biochemistry.uthscsa.edu/CN=Jeremy Mann',
None) not authorized for role: Venue.DisallowedEntry
02/10/04 08:47:56 196621 AG.hosting.AccessControl     AccessControl.py:473
DEBUG User ('x509', '/O=Access
Grid/OU=agdev-ca.mcs.anl.gov/OU=biochemistry.uthscsa.edu/CN=Jeremy Mann',
None) authorized for role Venue.AllowedEntry
02/10/04 08:47:56 196621 AG.VenueServer     Venue.py:1444 INFO  User
('x509', '/O=Access
Grid/OU=agdev-ca.mcs.anl.gov/OU=biochemistry.uthscsa.edu/CN=Jeremy Mann',
None) Approved entry to Venue: name=UT Health Science Center Lobby

02/10/04 08:47:56 196621 AG.VenueServer     Venue.py:1132 DEBUG Current
02/10/04 08:47:56 196621 AG.VenueServer     Venue.py:1134 DEBUG   
VenueClientState(name=Jeremy Mann
privateID=000000fa9fe6081a007f00000000000163e lastHeartbeat=1076424476.7)
02/10/04 08:47:56 196621 AG.VenueServer     Venue.py:1135 DEBUG Enter:
Distribute enter event
02/10/04 08:47:56 196621 AG.VenueServer     Venue.py:1139 DEBUG state:
{'name': 'UT Health Science Center Lobby', 'eventLocation': ('localhost',
8002), 'clients': [<AccessGrid.ClientProfile.ClientProfile instance at
0x40a7340c>], 'textLocation': ('localhost', 8004), 'uri':
'connections': [ConnectionDescription: {'description': 'Bioinformatics
venue', 'uri':
'https://localhost:8000/Venues/000000f9294f2899007f00000000000122f', 'id':
'000000fa9fd697e3007f00000000000195b', 'name': 'Bioinformatics'},
ConnectionDescription: {'description': 'Biochemistry virtual venue',
'https://localhost:8000/Venues/000000f92948c9b6007f0000000000010b8', 'id':
'000000fa9fd697e3007f000000000001a0f', 'name': 'Biochemistry'}],
'applications': [], 'uniqueId': '000000f929424cb7007f0000000000012d7',
'services': [], 'backupServer': '', 'data': [], 'description': 'This is
the lobby of the University of Texas Health Science Center.'}

I thought maybe its something with Python2.3, so I reverted back to the
9.0 install of AG and I get the same connection problems.

Thanks for any help I can get.

Jeremy Mann
jeremy at biochem.uthscsa.edu

University of Texas Health Science Center
Bioinformatics Core Facility
Phone: (210) 567-2672

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