[AG-TECH] VIC problem, not remembering which device

Benedikt Bjarni Bogason benedib at hi.is
Thu Aug 12 11:18:34 CDT 2004


I'm trying to configure VIC. This is a room node, that has been running
AG2.1 handling 3 cameras (actually only 2 successfully, but that is
another matter).

I've set up AG2.2 along side it, and it has worked "ok". Main problem is
that I can't make VIC understand that I have two cameras (actually 3, but
I will settle for two, as that is what the older version managed to

I add 3 instances of VideoProducer and one VideoConsumer. Save the
settings as default. No problem. Then I hit Menu on those VICs to assign
each one their own camera, which is no problem. But when I exit the venue,
and go to a new venue, the vics have forgotten those instructions and all
broadcast from the same camera.

How can I configure it so they don't act so foolishly?


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