[AG-TECH] AG2.1.1 Venue Server Problems

Michael Daw mike.daw at man.ac.uk
Mon Sep 1 11:18:58 CDT 2003

I'm having difficulty getting the AG2.1.1 Venue Server to work.

I install it (seemingly OK), I run the VenueServer.py (seemingly OK).
However, when I run the VenueManagement.py, it either hangs, or nothing

Here's the output from the Venue Server:

[zzcgumd at monica zzcgumd]$ VenueServer.py -p 9090
Found id certs  [<AccessGrid.CertificateRepository.CertificateDescriptor
instance at 0x8350d34>]
Default ident  [<AccessGrid.CertificateRepository.CertificateDescriptor
instance at 0x83548bc>]
done, success= 1
Data Service running at  https://monica.mvc.mcc.ac.uk:8600/DataService
Port used for data transfer:  8006
Storage path:  Data
Server URL: https://monica.mvc.mcc.ac.uk:9090/VenueServer
Event Port: 8002 Text Port: 8004

Any help would be (much) appreciated.



Michael Daw, e-Science Consultant
SVE Group (Supercomputing, Visualization and e-Science)

Manchester Computing, Kilburn Building,
University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK

Tel: +44 (0)161 275 7026
Fax: +44 (0)161 275 6800
Email: michael.daw at man.ac.uk


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