[AG-TECH] enter venue error

Thomas Uram turam at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Jun 4 16:57:07 CDT 2003

The venue server has been restarted again, after hanging on the same issue.


Lloyd W. Belknap wrote:

> Thomas, could you check the server again? It appears to be hung.
> At 10:03 PM -0500 6/3/03, Thomas Uram wrote:
>> The venue server was hung on a known, but yet unresolved issue.  I 
>> have restarted it, so your clients should work fine now. Tom
>> Mike Elmore wrote:
>>> I am experiencing the same problem Lisa is experiencing in her 
>>> email.  I
>>> was able to get into the lobby the first time.  I then went to the
>>> additional room lobby, then I couldn't go into any more rooms.  I got
>>> the same error.
>>> Mike
>>> Title: Enter Venue Error
>>> I am trying to connect to the default venue using AG 2.0, but I keep
>>> receiving a message that an error occurred.  The message says: "You 
>>> have
>>> not entered the venue located at
>>> https://vv2.mcs.anl.gov:9000/Venues/default.  An error occurred. 
>>> Please, try again.  Note: Read VenueClient.log for more detailed
>>> information"
>>> The text from VenueClient.log from the error on is shown below.  Does
>>> anyone know what is wrong/how to fix this?  Thanks!
>>> VenueClient.log:
>>> 06/03/03 14:43:55 1236 AG.Types venueclient.py:775 ERROR
>>> bin.VenueClient::EnterVenue failed
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>  File "C:\agapps\AGTk 2.0\VenueClient.py", line 676, in EnterVenue
>>>    warningString = VenueClient.EnterVenue( self, URL )
>>>  File "C:\agapps\Python22\Lib\site-packages\AccessGrid\VenueClient.py",
>>> line 264, in EnterVenue
>>>    (venueState, self.privateId, streamDescList ) = Client.Handle( URL
>>> ).get_proxy().Enter( self.profile )
>>>  File
>>> "C:\agapps\Python22\Lib\site-packages\AccessGrid\hosting\pyGlobus\AG 
>>> GSISOAP.py",
>>> line 3650, in __call__
>>>    return self.__r_call(*args, **kw)
>>>  File
>>> "C:\agapps\Python22\Lib\site-packages\AccessGrid\hosting\pyGlobus\AG 
>>> GSISOAP.py",
>>> line 3670, in __r_call
>>>    self.__hd, self.__ma)
>>>  File
>>> "C:\agapps\Python22\Lib\site-packages\AccessGrid\hosting\pyGlobus\AG 
>>> GSISOAP.py",
>>> line 3570, in __call
>>>    config = self.config)
>>>  File
>>> "C:\agapps\Python22\Lib\site-packages\AccessGrid\hosting\pyGlobus\Client.py", 
>>> line 184, in call
>>>    r.endheaders()
>>>  File "C:\agapps\Python22\lib\httplib.py", line 695, in endheaders
>>>    self._send_output()
>>>  File "C:\agapps\Python22\lib\httplib.py", line 581, in _send_output
>>>    self.send(msg)
>>>  File "C:\agapps\Python22\lib\httplib.py", line 548, in send
>>>    self.connect()
>>>  File "C:\agapps\Python22\Lib\site-packages\pyGlobus\io.py", line 1079,
>>> in connect
>>>    self.sock.connect(self.host, self.port, self.io_attr)
>>>  File "C:\agapps\Python22\Lib\site-packages\pyGlobus\io.py", line 663,
>>> in connect
>>>    raise ex
>>> GSITCPSocketException: a system call failed (Invalid argument)

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