[AG-TECH] AG as general teleconferencing tool?

David E. Bernholdt bernhold at trunk.csm.ornl.gov
Wed Feb 13 17:42:38 CST 2002

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 17:06:46 -0600  "Barbara A. Kucera" wrote:
> I haven't heard of any problems caused by sharing thus far.

A couple people have mentioned sharing.  I'm not particularly
concerned about sharing with non-research users -- we can work that
out.  I'd love to have enough demand for AG time here that we _have_
to install more nodes, and for the time being, they can only help with

But these guys are thinking about new installations of their own (not
sure how seriously, and they haven't yet seen or used an AG node).  I
don't want to steer them away too hard from something that DOE HQ may
seriously want to use in non-research events, but at the same time I
think we have to be realistic about what they expect out of their
David E. Bernholdt                   |   Email: bernholdtde at ornl.gov 
Oak Ridge National Laboratory        |   Phone: +1 (865) 574 3147    
http://www.csm.ornl.gov/~bernhold/   |   Fax:   +1 (865) 574 0680    

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