[AG-TECH] AG as general teleconferencing tool?

Roberts, Ian E ian.roberts at pnl.gov
Wed Feb 13 15:24:55 CST 2002

We are running our room as primarily science, but "open to all" room. We are
also having to answer the same questions as you. If people choose to use our
lower cost (to them) system instead of the company's video conferencing system,
will they expect that it will be as reliable as the video conferencing, or will
they accept that sometimes we will be at the mercy of the Internet?

We are still working on a pricing system to be able to afford upgrades, etc. For
now, our staff pay for an operator's time to get the meeting scheduled and
started. For most meetings, I charge one hour of time to their project; enough
to get it going and then be on call if they need me.

I see it as a natural desire to want to hold business meetings on the Access
Grid. Compared to a big screen TV video conference, being able to see so many
other participants plus the medium of discussion (e.g. PPT) at the same time
makes it a no-brainer. The key for us is to let people know that because
everything runs on the Internet, most of the time it works great, but sometimes
it fails.

I hope that this thing gets so popular that we have to impose priority rules for
the DOE Science projects, but so far we've had no conflicts of time.

Hope this helps...

Ian Roberts
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

-----Original Message-----
From: David E. Bernholdt [mailto:bernhold at trunk.csm.ornl.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 12:46 PM
To: ag-tech at mcs.anl.gov
Cc: bernholdtde at ornl.gov
Subject: [AG-TECH] AG as general teleconferencing tool?

We're starting to get a fair number of inquiries about AG from people
here who are more in the administrative or support side of the lab
(and DOE Oak Ridge Operations) rather than the "research" side of the
house.  A lot of this stems from DOE HQ in Germantown using AG for a
budget meeting next week.

So I'm curious if other people have dealt with this kind of interest,
and how? 

I tend to think of "business teleconferencing" as wanting a
plug-it-in-and-it-works appliance, and while AG is good, its not quite
that yet.  I'm not sure how cautious to be with these folks -- I think
its great that they're interested in the new technology, but I suspect
they can be scared off pretty easily too.

David E. Bernholdt                   |   Email: bernholdtde at ornl.gov 
Oak Ridge National Laboratory        |   Phone: +1 (865) 574 3147    
http://www.csm.ornl.gov/~bernhold/   |   Fax:   +1 (865) 574 0680    

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