[AG-TECH] CCS Wednesday Seminar (February 13th)

Alexandros A Theodoropoulos aat at csit.fsu.edu
Wed Feb 13 14:54:26 CST 2002

Hi again,

Well, it is most of the time the incoming audio breaking up when this
happens. At those times we did see loss of packets and our first guess is that
the problem was occurring due to network (multicasting mostly) problems. The
strange thing is that we weren't experiencing that many problems with the video
portion. Things seem to have gotten better though since the time the
multicasting problems were addressed.



On Sat, 9 Feb 2002, Robert Olson wrote:

> >- I read in the AG documents that it is recommended that the Control
> >system should use either Win98 or WinME because the Gentner software
> >doesn't operate quite well under Win2K. Why is this so and if possible
> >could anybody elaborate on these issues ? We do have some issues with the
> >audio portion here every now and then when the sound breaks up
> >intermittently and I just want to check on this rat hole. Our equipment is
> >pretty much the recommended one according to the AG documentation.
> The latest gentner software (APWare for AP400/AP800/AP10, GWare for XAP800) 
> works great under Win2k now.
> Incoming audio breaks up, or your outgoing audio breaks up? Check the 
> reception quality matrix on your rat (bottom left of the main rat window, 
> middle button). You may be seeing network loss causing this, if it's 
> incoming audio breaking up.
> --bob

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