[AG-DEV] Continual of AG services

Gabriel Noronha Gabriel.Noronha at newcastle.edu.au
Thu Mar 15 16:41:54 CDT 2012

Hi  everyone 

It some respects it would look good if we got started on migrating some of the services of AG. mainly if the project looks dead it's harder to get things happening. 

I can't do much development but i can set up a source forge account. and do svn task 

so ideally we can import the full svn repository complete with comments and old revisions 

if someone with shell access to the current svn repo could they do the following : 

    Discuss your proposed changes with your Project Team.
    Use svnadmin dump /PATH/TO/REPO > svndump to create a dump file named "svndump".
    It is a good idea to compress the resulting dump file, to save space. We support zip, bzip2, and gzip compression (do not tar it). 

instructions from source forge. http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/SVN%20adminrepo#ImportingfromotherreposincludingotherSCMs

sourceforge also supports mailing lists mailman same as what anl use not sure if they support a history import of that through will investigate. 


Gabriel Noronha 
Access Grid Support Officer 
University of Newcastle 
NSW, Australia 

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