[AG-DEV] AGExternService and unicast services

Michael Braitmaier braitmaier at hlrs.de
Thu Nov 10 09:26:18 CST 2005

Hello everyone!

I am currently looking into creating a service which is based on a 
unicast IP-address.
I found out that there is a class AGExternService which allows to 
specify a unicast flag.

Would the correct derivation hierarchy for such a service then be the 

MyService --> AGExternService --> AGService

where --> stands for inherits from.

I am also interested of specifying a default IP address which should be 
used by the UnicastNetworkLocation object in the AGExternService 
Therefore I guess I would have to extend the AGExternService constructor 
signature for the possibility for such an IP address,
Or is this the wrong place to start at?

Thanks in advance

Dipl.-Inf. Michael Braitmaier
HLRS - Visualization / Video Conferencing
University of Stuttgart
Phone: ++49 711 685 5996
Fax  : ++49 711 682 357
Website: http://www.hlrs.de/people/braitmaier/

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