Status on 2.0

Ivan R. Judson judson at
Fri May 9 18:18:58 CDT 2003

> > Susanne
> > - Sequence Diagrams (for enter/exit)
> > - Venue Client Reliability
> > 	- Exception Handling
> > - Venue Client Usability
> > 	- UI Improvements
> My status is:
> - Enter sequence diagram is done, working on exit
> - I am catching exceptions as they get added to the code, a 
> small comment 
> in method's doc string would be very helpful to clearify 
> which methods 
> raises what exception and why. 
> - Current status on UI improvments from last meeting:

I see these in my mail, I'll look at them this weekend. Good Job doing them
> Finished:
> --------
> * Merge node and participant heading, just participants 
> * Merge "Edit" and "My Node" menu items into one called "Preferences" 
> * Removed CTRL short cuts
> * Make twist buttons show up in the tree on Windows 
> * Make the text field not editable, focus on message field instead 
> (If user tries to type in text output field the focus is moved to 
> text input field)
> * Separate menus for headings and actual items
> * Be able to double click items
> * About dialog should have editable fields not just an image
> Working on:
> ----------
> 1 Clearer text to show where you are, venue name under menu 
> over address 2 Add menu bar to Venue Management 3 Status 
> messages 4 Services and Applications should be combined to 
> one named services (?) 5 Personal data should be shown in a 
> dock as well as under participants 6 The contents tree should 
> be split up into tabs that you can tear off 7 Should be able 
> to tear off text chat  

I'd make these second class priorities, fwiw, the UI issues can be (or
should able to be) modified with little effort later.  The deep issues of
exceptions and data handling are critical.
> Issues:
> -------
> * Audio and video buttons instead of My Node Window 
> (audio-start-stop etc) Tom, let me know what you think we 
> should do about this (?)
> * Exits take up too much space. 
> Need to figure out a solution to this and I would like more 
> feedback from users before I change to 
> something else. One thought is to add exits to the menu 
> instead of having them in the actual window. 
> * Improve navigation, be able to "look ahead"
> Will probably not be added to AG2.0, we need to figure out 
> how to do this in a good way.

These are not a priority in the next week, but:
> * Administrators for venues in VenueManagement.
> Is methods for this present in

Is something we should add if we get time.
> It would be very nice to get more feedback on the UI so I 
> know what to 
> focus on and to get as many changes as possible done before 
> the release.

I think the UI presentation is great, I'd like to put effort into the design
so we get a better understanding of the integration of the parts. This would
contribute to better behavior in a lot of cases (I'm thinking of the Text,
Event, Data, Venue Client interactions and correct data movement).
Good job.


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