Status on 2.0

Susanne Lefvert lefvert at
Fri May 9 15:41:24 CDT 2003

> Susanne
> - Sequence Diagrams (for enter/exit)
> - Venue Client Reliability
> 	- Exception Handling
> - Venue Client Usability
> 	- UI Improvements

My status is:

- Enter sequence diagram is done, working on exit
- I am catching exceptions as they get added to the code, a small comment 
in method's doc string would be very helpful to clearify which methods 
raises what exception and why. 
- Current status on UI improvments from last meeting:

* Merge node and participant heading, just participants 
* Merge "Edit" and "My Node" menu items into one called "Preferences" 
* Removed CTRL short cuts
* Make twist buttons show up in the tree on Windows 
* Make the text field not editable, focus on message field instead 
(If user tries to type in text output field the focus is moved to 
text input field)
* Separate menus for headings and actual items
* Be able to double click items
* About dialog should have editable fields not just an image

Working on:
1 Clearer text to show where you are, venue name under menu over address
2 Add menu bar to Venue Management
3 Status messages
4 Services and Applications should be combined to one named services (?)
5 Personal data should be shown in a dock as well as under participants
6 The contents tree should be split up into tabs that you can tear off
7 Should be able to tear off text chat  

* Audio and video buttons instead of My Node Window (audio-start-stop etc)
Tom, let me know what you think we should do about this (?)

* Exits take up too much space. 
Need to figure out a solution to this and I would like more feedback from users before I change to 
something else. One thought is to add exits to the menu instead of having them in the actual window. 

* Improve navigation, be able to "look ahead"
Will probably not be added to AG2.0, we need to figure out how to do this in a good way.

* Administrators for venues in VenueManagement.
Is methods for this present in

It would be very nice to get more feedback on the UI so I know what to 
focus on and to get as many changes as possible done before the release.


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