[petsc-users] How can PETSc configure with MSMPI

Jed Brown jed at jedbrown.org
Sun Feb 2 13:50:16 CST 2014

Satish Balay <balay at mcs.anl.gov> writes:
> We are not bundling it. We are using it for our nightly tests.

But are we recommending that people use it?

> Also the comparision to using petsc doesn't apply here. PETSc changes
> API with every release. As long as we say we support MPI-2 - such
> things shold work. In that sense - its good to have some testsuites
> with such old stuff.

Yes, testing in private is different from recommending that people use

> Supporting windows is a mess. There is no single 'easily' supported
> thingy here.
> Sure we should probably also have a different test infracture with
> latest compilers, latest supported mpi etc.. But that doesn't mean
> testing with alternatives does not have value..
> 'gcc is now at 4.8 - so we shoud not support older versions of gcc...'

It would be different if we got a bug report with the latest compiler
and we told people to use an old compiler.  (Some DOE people have gotten
mileage out of that tactic, but we find it abhorrent.)
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