[petsc-users] Error of petsc builde or the conflic between Petsc and intel-window Microsoft Visual Stud compiler

Nguyen Hung Thanh hung.thanh.nguyen at uit.no
Tue May 10 06:57:32 CDT 2011

Dear Petsc developers/users,
It took a while for me to install Petsc, configure and used this library on Intel –Microsoft Visual platform. And, unfortunately I have not reached the goal yet. I am sorry for that I have again ask you some questions about Petsc configure/ running:

1)      I used the configure-options is

 Hung at TRD-K-ST-008-PC<mailto:Hung at TRD-K-ST-008-PC> ~/petsc-3.1-p7

$ ./config/configure.py --with-cc='win32fe icl' --with-cxx='win32fe icl' --with

-clanguage=cxx --with-fc=0   --with-mpi-include=/home/Hung/IntelMPI/MPI/

07/ia32/include   --with-mpi-lib=/home/Hung/IntelMPI/MPI/

i.lib  --with-blas-lapack-dir=/home/Hung/IntelMKL/ia32/lib

NB: impi

The configure is seem ok.

2) And, check the Petcs libraries working :$ make  PETSC_DIR=/home/Hung/petsc-3.1-p7 PETSC_ARCH=cygwin-cxx-debug test

Hung at TRD-K-ST-008-PC<mailto:Hung at TRD-K-ST-008-PC> ~/petsc-3.1-p7
$ make  PETSC_DIR=/home/Hung/petsc-3.1-p7 PETSC_ARCH=cygwin-cxx-debug test
Running test examples to verify correct installation
Possible error running C/C++ src/snes/examples/tutorials/ex19 with 1 MPI process

See http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-as/documentation/troubleshooting.html
[0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ----------------------------
[0]PETSC ERROR: Arguments are incompatible!
[0]PETSC ERROR: Memory regions overlap: either use PetscMemmov()
              or make sure your copy regions and lengths are correct.
              Length (bytes) 64 first address 0 second address 0!
[0]PETSC ERROR: ----------------------------------------------------------------
[0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.1.0, Patch 7, Mon Dec 20 14:26:37 CST 20
[0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/changes/index.html for recent updates.
[0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/faq.html for hints about trouble shooting.
[0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/index.html for manual pages.
[0]PETSC ERROR: ----------------------------------------------------------------
[0]PETSC ERROR: C:\cygwin\home\Hung\petsc-3.1-p7\src\snes\examples\tutorials\ex1
9.exe on a cygwin-cx named TRD-K-ST-008-PC by Hung Tue May 10 13:35:26 2011
[0]PETSC ERROR: Libraries linked from /home/Hung/petsc-3.1-p7/cygwin-cxx-debug/l
[0]PETSC ERROR: Configure run at Tue May 10 11:28:56 2011
[0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --with-cc="win32fe icl" --with-cxx="win32fe ic
l" --with-clanguage=cxx --with-fc=0 --with-mpi-include=/home/Hung/IntelMPI/MPI/4
.0.1.007/ia32/include --with-mpi-lib=/home/Hung/IntelMPI/MPI/
impi.lib --with-blas-lapack-dir=/home/Hung/IntelMKL/ia32/lib --useThreads=0
[0]PETSC ERROR: ----------------------------------------------------------------
[0]PETSC ERROR: User provided function() line 1755 in src/vec/is/impls/block/C:\
[0]PETSC ERROR: ISCreateBlock() line 296 in src/vec/is/impls/block/C:\cygwin\hom
[0]PETSC ERROR: DACreate_2D() line 1463 in src/dm/da/src/C:\cygwin\home\Hung\PET
[0]PETSC ERROR: DASetType() line 48 in src/dm/da/src/C:\cygwin\home\Hung\PETSC-~
[0]PETSC ERROR: DASetTypeFromOptions_Private() line 65 in src/dm/da/src/C:\cygwi
[0]PETSC ERROR: DASetFromOptions() line 131 in src/dm/da/src/C:\cygwin\home\Hung
[0]PETSC ERROR: DACreate2d() line 1847 in src/dm/da/src/C:\cygwin\home\Hung\PETS
[0]PETSC ERROR: main() line 107 in src/snes/examples/tutorials/C:\cygwin\home\Hu
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 75) - process 0

job aborted:
rank: node: exit code[: error message]
0: TRD-K-ST-008-PC.petrell.local: 75: process 0 exited without calling finalize
Possible error running C/C++ src/snes/examples/tutorials/ex19 with 2 MPI process
See http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-as/documentation/troubleshooting.html
Completed test examples

Please, tell me  how  I can  solve the problem,


Hung T Nguyen

Numerical analys

Physis Derpart.

UiTø, Tromsø Norway

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