[petsc-dev] workflow diagram

Peter Brune prbrune at gmail.com
Wed Apr 30 14:37:59 CDT 2014

On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Jed Brown <jed at jedbrown.org> wrote:

> Peter Brune <prbrune at gmail.com> writes:
> > I might beat 'em over the head with it.  Right now the color scheme is
> > explained in the legend, but color differentiation is still very much
> > branch-by-branch.  Having a big "M" in the middle of merge nodes to
> > differentiate them further is what I might do.  This might be predicated
> on
> > me being lazy with respect to reading the legend, but still I don't think
> > that I was any more lazy than the average reader who might not already
> know
> > our workflow. :)
> I'm having trouble setting alignment to be able to place the M inside
> the circles, but I get what you're saying.

Zoom in to get the grid finer, futz with the placement once on a
prototypical circle, then select both the circle and the "m" and group with
ctrl+G, then duplicate?

> > Other little formatting things I might do is vertically align branch
> > merges that span multiple integration branches (for instance, the
> > three merges from the bugfix branch).
> These actually don't necessarily happen at the same time.  Merging to
> 'master' is still expected to happen after integration in 'next', and
> the merge to 'maint' might not happen until some time is spent in
> 'master'.  Sometimes in "obvious" cases, one would skip steps.
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