particle tracking on a DA

Richard Katz rfk22 at
Wed Sep 26 09:25:54 CDT 2007

Hi All,

Is anyone aware of PETSc particle tracking code?  I'm looking for  
something that will do Lagrangian particle tracking in parallel for  
2D fluid flow on a regular cartesian mesh.

If this doesn't exist, I may try to create it---quick and dirty  
style.  My thinking was to a master-slaves parallelism: keep a  
complete directory of the particle locations on node 0 then send the  
entire directory to each node after each timestep to do an update.   
Each node updates any points that fall into it's subdomain, flags  
those particle entries, then returns the entire directory to node 0.   
Node 0 merges the updates into the master directory.

This isn't scalable but it is simpler to program.  Does anyone have  
any suggestions about strategy, implementation, PETSc tools that  
would facilitate this, etc?


Richard Foa Katz     NSF IRFP Postdoc

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