[Nek5000-users] uniform interpolation

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Sat Jan 24 20:05:13 CST 2015

Hi Ilias,

For the file.list, you could modify the script below, in order to
circumvent, writing too mainy files in the "file.list"

 program lst1
 implicit none

 integer, parameter :: N = 140
 character*80,dimension(N) :: filename
 integer :: i,j,k

   open(unit = 10,file='file.list',action='write')
   write(10,"(I3)") N
   do i = 1,N

   if(i .lt. 100)then
   write(filename(i),'(A,I5.5)') 'turbChannel0.f',i
   write(filename(i),'(A,I5.5)') 'turbChannel0.f',i

   do i = 1,N
     write(10,*) trim(filename(i))

   end program lst1

For various post-processing format I use this script to write multiple
files in file-list.

 I was previously using ifreguo = .true. in post-processing format of nek
for uniform interpolation. But, how are you performing FFT after
interpolating to uniform mesh. Are you using a library, could you
elucidate/ describe a little more on the process, on how you do that? I was
trying to do that as well.


Best Regards,

On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 11:08 AM, <nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> For time-space Fourier analysis I need data on a uniform mesh.
> So I have used int_tp.
> When I applied int_tp to binary *0.f*  files (param(66) = 6) I have got a
> strange pictures which reflect the solution, but as if some elements were
> switched before interpolation.
> So I tried to make uniform interpolation to the most simple tutorial
> examples, namely Rayleigh-Bendard ray_nn case.
> Again if I apply int_tp to binary *0.f* of *fld*, then the result is as if
> the some space patches where switched,
> but if int_tp is applied ot ASCII fld files  (param(66) = 6) then int_tp
> works and saves the result correctly to both text and binary format.
> Is it a common problem, or I miss something? (input files in text format
> work for me but occupie too much space.)
> Also, for each file in file.list int_tp asks for input file format.
> But to make time-space analysis I need more that 1000 files in file.list,
> and
> it is tiresome to type an answer that number of times.
> It could be better to choose input file format just once at the beginning?
> Thank you in advance, Ilias
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