[Nek5000-users] Grid 2 Grid Interpolation

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Thu Sep 23 11:41:04 CDT 2010

>I am having some difficulty using this routine and would like to check that I am setting things ?>up correctly.  Do I set PPList = " MPIIO " in makenek ? 
Yes, g2gi() will only work with enabled MPI-IO support.

>Also, I have set lpart to 100000.  The issue I am having is that when I run nek to generate the >newgfld it is not outputting any data into 'newg0.f00001'.
You need to adjust lpart such that the data fits on the given number of processors. Make sure your lpart is not too large otherwise the memory footprint will go through the roof.

>It creates it, but nothing is written and then nek quits. 
Can you send me the logfile of this run.

>Also, can I use existing fld files from each case, old and new, or does the new case need to be a >"blank slate"? Thanks for help with this, and if you would like I can create a case file to send. 
Any fld-file containing the new geometry will work.


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