[Nek5000-users] Nekmerge question

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Thu Apr 22 10:13:52 CDT 2010

Now that I can use pretex, I still have a few questions.
Everything is going as it should (according to your answer Paul) until I 
reach the boundary conditions stage. Instead of getting:

        1 ACCEPT B.C.'s

I get the following:

         *** MIDWAY BREAK MENU ***
        ABORT to write build data to file and exit
        SET B.C'S to continue
               1 SET BCs                 
               2 ABORT

As I wanna join the two meshes, I assume that the correct boundary 
conditions should be E (element) in the .box files. Nevertheless, such 
BC does not appear when choosing SET BCs. Here is what I get:

Begin Inputting Fluid Boundary Conditions
 B.C.>        74         1

       1 PERIODIC-AUTO           
       2 PERIODIC                
       3 WALL                    
       4 VELOCITY                
       5 OUTFLOW                 
       6 OUTFLOW/N               
       7 VELOCITY (LOCAL)        
       8 SYMMETRY                
       9 MOVING WALL             
      10 MELTING FRONT           
      11 SET ENTIRE LEVEL        
      12 ZOOM          

I suppose that this problem might perhaps come from the fact that I do 
not have the same number of faces on the joining borders of each mesh, 
or something more or less the same. Is there anything more-or-less easy 
I could do, or do I have to built the square mesh so that each edge/face 
for the two joining borders are the same ?



PS: Attached are the .rea and .box files I have used again.
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