[POOL] Results

John Valdes valdes at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Mar 13 01:08:08 CDT 2013

We played Retarded Monkeys.  I arrived at the end of the 3rd match, so
I'll only report the scores of the first 3.

Craig played Mike in a 1:7 but went down 0:7.

Paul H played Ray in a 2:4, winning 2:1, securing his 1st place

Rob played Zihan in a 2:3, losing 1:3.

Adam played Tim in a 4:1.  Tim was having a hard time making shots,
which was bad for Adam as he kept getting trapped by Tim's balls.
Nevertheless, Adam was able to take the first 2 games and was shooting
midway through the 3rd, when the cue ball errantly caromed into the 8,
sending it to a corner pocket, giving Tim the win, 2:1.

I played Rich in a 2:4.  The first two games were close, but Rich sank
the 8 first in both.  Early on in the 3rd, he attempted a sharp cut to
a side pocket on one of his balls, but somehow ended up sinking the 8
in a corner, giving me a win.  The 4th game was another close one,
with both of us taking shots on the 8.  I got to it first and missed,
Rich then missed his shot, and finally I made it on my next attempt
for the game and match, 2:2.

We weren't able to play the makeup game against Dean's team, so that's
still to be played.

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