[POOL] Fwd: Argonne Pool League PROPOSED CHANGES

Strons, Philip S. pstrons at anl.gov
Wed Sep 5 15:29:46 CDT 2007

I guess I do agree with the others on rules 3, 4, and 5.  They're not so
bad, but 1 and 2 will slow down the games and frustrate players at lower
skill levels.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-mcs-pool at mcs.anl.gov [mailto:owner-mcs-pool at mcs.anl.gov] On
Behalf Of Brian R. Toonen
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 3:23 PM
To: mcs-pool at mcs.anl.gov
Subject: RE: [POOL] Fwd: Argonne Pool League PROPOSED CHANGES

Rules 3, 4, and 5 don't really bother me; however, I am strongly opposed
to rules 1 and 2.  I think rules 1 and 2 might cause players with lower
handicaps to become frustrated, stop enjoying the game, and eventually
leave the league, something the league cannot afford.

I would rather leave the handicap system as it is.  The fact that my
handicap has stayed roughly the same for the past three years says that
the system is reasonably fair.  I would much prefer reducing the number
of games played to four (4) games a night.  It doesn't really matter if
a team wins or losses on any particular evening, only how they do for
the session.

For extreme match ups, the players can decide to change the ratio before
the start of the match.  Also, if a player thinks they don't stand a
chance after playing some of the games, they can decide to throw in the


|-----Original Message-----
|From: owner-mcs-pool at mcs.anl.gov [mailto:owner-mcs-pool at mcs.anl.gov] On

|Behalf Of Craig Stacey
|Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 22:30
|To: mcs-pool at mcs.anl.gov
|Subject: [POOL] Fwd: Argonne Pool League PROPOSED CHANGES
|Send me your thoughts on the rule changes and proposals below.  I'll 
|respond to Kevin tomorrow.  Note that if we reduce to 4 matches, league

|income will fall accordingly unless we raise the per match fee.
|As for the rule changes, I don't like any of them.
|Begin forwarded message:
|> All,
|> There are some issues pertaining to the upcoming season that need to 
|> be considered before we start.  Some rule changes have been proposed.

|> Also, finding a solution to the late, late matches is important.  
|> There are a few ideas that have been put forward.  I would like to 
|> hear what everyone has to say about the matter.  And, I think that 
|> the teams should vote on each item proposed.
|> I would ask that if there is discussion for any issue, please REPLY 
|> ALL to this message.  For actual VOTING people can reply to everyone,

|> or to just me if they wish to keep their vote private.
|> First, the following rule changes have been proposed:
|> 1) Call-shot vs. slop-shot.
|> 2) Because of 1), there are called safeties.
|> 3) The table is always open after the break.
|> 4) 8-ball on the break is *not* a win.
|> 5) Scratching on the 8-ball is *not* a loss if the 8-ball is not 
|> pocketed.
|> These are the rules from the World Pool-Billiard Association.  The 
|> main difference between WPA and what we currently use are as above.  
|> (http://www.wpa-pool.com/index.asp?content=rules_8ball)  It is also 
|> proposed that we put these rules into effect for a period of time 
|> (say, four weeks) to evaluate them before deciding if people like 
|> them, or want to continue on with our current rules.
|> Second, a change in the matchup charge has been proposed:
|> Chart-4  up to 39   [same as before]
|> Chart-6  40-59
|> Chart-8  60-79
|> Chart-10 80-109
|> Chart-12 110-up
|> This will have the effect of reducing the number of games played per 
|> match.  It is thought that if we reduce the number of games per match

|> by approximately 2, this will save as much as 60 - 90 minutes in the 
|> evening.  This will mean that the matches will get over quicker and 
|> we will not have to reduce their number.
|> Third, barring the idea previously proposed, it has been suggested 
|> that we reduce the number of matches played in an evening from 5 to 
|> 4.  This will certainly cut short the evening, but it leaves a 
|> situation where there is no clear cut winner for the evening.
|> Please feel free to comment upon any, or all, of these issues.  We 
|> have two weeks to get things in order.  Please talk with your team 
|> members and find out how they feel about this.
|> Thanks for your time,
|> Kevin

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