[AG-TECH] Add Shared Whiteboard

Christoph Willing willing at itee.uq.edu.au
Wed Sep 14 00:38:43 CDT 2005

On 13/09/2005, at 8:18 PM, Channa Tang wrote:

> Hi Chris
> Thank you for your reply.
> I have unzipped the mlb-1.1.zip file into my home directory:
>      D:\Documents and Settings\localadmin
> MLB works OK if I use mlb.exe, but it still doesn't work when I invoke
> it from the MLB Controller's Start button.


The shared app uses a technique to find the mlb directory and mlb.exe  
which may not work very well on Windows. Could you create a plain  
text file with the following lines in it?


import os

print os.path.expanduser("~")
##### end of file #########

Save it as something like atest.py, then run it from a command shell  
and tell me what it prints out (whatever location it prints out is  
where the shared app is expecting to find the mlb directory).


> On 13/09/05, Christoph Willing <willing at itee.uq.edu.au> wrote:
>> On 13/09/2005, at 11:47 AM, Christoph Willing wrote:
>>> On 13/09/2005, at 2:23 AM, Channa Tang wrote:
>>>> Thank you for your replys.
>>>> I have installed AGTK 2.4 in Windows XP and downloaded MLB for
>>>> Windows
>>>> and SharedMLB.agpkg, but when I click on "Start MLB" button in MLB
>>>> Controller, the mlb application will not start itself. Does anyone
>>>> know why?
>>> Channa,
>>> There are 2 ways of running MLB within the AG; either as a Node
>>> Service or as a Shared Application. It looks like you're using the
>>> second method and the Windows version of this was never completed,
>>> meaning that the mlb executable isn't actually run. I'll try to
>>> find some time to fix it in the next few days.
>> Channa,
>> You need to unzip the mlb-1.1.zip file (which you downloaded from the
>> "MLB for Windows" link) into your home directory. If your account
>> name is "channa", then your home directory will be:
>>     C:\Documents and Settings\channa
>> After unzipping, you should end up with an "mlb" directory in your
>> home directory. In turn, the "mlb" directory will contain some more
>> directories and some files, including mlb.exe, which you could test
>> as a standalone application first. If that works OK, then it will
>> work when you invoke it from the MLB Controller's Start button.

Christoph Willing                           +61 7 3365 8350
QPSF Access Grid Manager
University of Queensland

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