proposal for common configuration elements for ITAPS services

Mark Miller miller86 at
Tue Sep 21 11:10:09 CDT 2010

On Mon, 2010-09-20 at 21:18 -0700, seol at wrote:

> Instead of individual option for each implementation (imesh, igeom, irel, etc), how about --enable-itaps for all.
> In case of imeshp, having both --enable-itaps and --with-mpi (or CC=mpicc) would be interpreted as imeshp enabled.

You know, this sure would be a lot simpler than having to remember
several different switches. So, to paraphrase your proposal, given a
product like FOOBAR which implements SOME of the ITAPS interfaces,
--enable-itaps means to enable all the interfaces FOOBAR implements.
Optionally, a product could also offer --enable-<some specific ITAPS
interface> but that would NOT be required by 'ITAPS-compliant' software.
ITAPS-compliance means only that --enable-itaps is an available
configuration switch.

I kinda like this idea.


Mark C. Miller, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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