[Swift-user] readData is treating line as a single field

Ketan Maheshwari ketan at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jan 13 11:01:39 CST 2014


I am trying to use readData() function in Swift to read fields into a Swift
structure but seems it is reading the whole line as a single field.

Here is my text file for the data:

$ cat data.txt
Survey_data Strategy_data Field_data quadui_outdir

I have 4 fields and 2 rows.

Here is the structure definition:

type Data{
    string Survey_data;
    string Field_data;
    string Strategy_data;
    string quadui_outdir;

Here is the Swift loop that I am using to process this data:

Data d[] = readData(@arg("data"));
/* run quadui */
foreach ditem in d{
tracef("Survey data is: %s", ditem.Survey_data);

In the output, I get the whole first row of the file instead of the
expected first field.

Any clues?

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